Since last year, we have committed to bring one young angler along with us to at least one of our filming projects every year. Last year, we took Wyatt who managed to land a huge white sturgeon with Lang’s Fishing Adventures.
This year, we’ve picked young Jacob, who helped out at “Chilliwack’s All About Fishing” back in March by teaching people how to tie knots. Last week, Jacob came along with me on a brook trout fishing trip in the Thompson-Nicola Region. We picked a lake near Merritt so a day trip was possible.
The method of choice was suspending a chironomid fly pattern under an indicator as these fish are busy feeding on the larvae which emerge from the bottom of the lake.
At first, we managed to miss most of the bites and caught the odd small ones.

After some adjustments to the fly patterns and depth they were suspended at, we quickly connected with multiple fish.

Jacob managed to catch several beauties which weighed between 1 and 2lb. Not only did he catch fish, he also learned how to adjust the float depth properly, and pick the right fly by observing the chironomids he pumped.

June 17th to 19th is BC Family Fishing Weekend. During this weekend, fishing licences are free for anyone who wants to try out fishing for the first time. This is a great opportunity to introduce this fantastic recreation to your family and friends.