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Author Topic: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)  (Read 84917 times)


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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2012, 09:17:33 PM »

Yeah, I've given up all right ;D  It will be me and     installing periphyton plates tomorrow in the upper Chilliwack River and Foley Creek for the Chilliwack River nutrient enrichment project, a program that enhances wild salmonid populations.

Perhaps af, we can meet Saturday at the CVRCS July 14 cleanup?  I'll be the guy with the name tag Dave Barnes on his shirt.

I hope this isn't getting personal Dave.  ???

I'm just reading what you are posting and taking it at face value....  After all you are the one that said that "wild salmon will soon be a memory". Your work with the nutrient enrichment program is commendable, but your comments contradict your actions. I on the other hand, don't eat farmed salmon, I want the pens out of the ocean, and I support Morton's efforts. No inconsistency there....
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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2012, 09:18:51 PM »

Ouch...thats gotta hurt AF.

what part? the inconsistency?.....
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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2012, 09:44:39 PM »

what part? the inconsistency?.....

Nope, the fact some one is actually doing something for wild salmon.
Take the T out of Morton.


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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2012, 09:50:46 PM »

How old is too old for a link to be posted?  Maybe now, in this case, when it's irrelevant because sea lice are a non issue in BC; irrelevant because Pacific and Atlantic salmon cannot interbreed; irrelevant because the declines to wild salmon mentioned have been happening worldwide for decades, not just near fish farms; irrelevant because disease resistance and immunities between onchorhyncus and salar are unique and not yet fully understood and was not addressed in this report and; irrelevant because numbers of BC sea trout, one of the most impacted species in this study, can probably be counted on 2 hands, all from the Cowichan River.
None of the above is new, all has been said before on this site.

Burbot, do some research on Norway's salmon industry and specifically an introduced parasite named Gyrodactylus salaris.
Chile?  Greedy husbandry and worse environmental controls.  Phfft
I would like to add to this....

Irrelevant because Pink salmon populations are increasing in the North Pacific - that includes those here in BC.  Irrelevant because the “local extinction” of Pink salmon in the Broughton archipelago in the time frame predicted by the mathematical models created by Krosek et al 2007 proved to be a flop.  If we go back 10 years or so we will recall that Pink salmon were the poster child for the anti-salmon farming activists cries that sea lice were bring salmon populations to extinction.  Irrelevant because Morton’s own study in 2011 showed that the survival of Pink salmon was not statistically different from a reference area without salmon farms.  In addition, the same study showed how the use of a parasiticide and fallowing can reduce louse transmission, but the BC industry has already been doing fallowing since 2004 in the Broughton and SLICE is used in such small quantities to begin with.  If anything, industry vets are forced to use SLICE to appease political agendas even when lice levels are below what is considered bad for salmonids.  Irrelevant because the regulatory environment that the BC industry is subjected to cannot be compared to a place like Chile.  Chilean industry went too big too fast.  That is not the case here in BC where fish husbandry is far superior.

I also question the relevance of Ms Ford’s study since the release of these studies recently:

It is not a coincidence that anti-fish farm activists do not talk much about sea lice anymore.  The flavours of the month or year are viruses and diseases now.  Round and around we go....
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 09:58:33 PM by shuswapsteve »


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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2012, 10:21:11 PM »

I hope this isn't getting personal Dave.  ???

I'm just reading what you are posting and taking it at face value....  After all you are the one that said that "wild salmon will soon be a memory". Your work with the nutrient enrichment program is commendable, but your comments contradict your actions. I on the other hand, don't eat farmed salmon, I want the pens out of the ocean, and I support Morton's efforts. No inconsistency there....

Dave's frustrations probably stems from the fact that the real issues as he sees it are either not being addressed by the powers that be and/or the efforts of others are being misdirected in other areas.  However, he is unlikely going to sit around and wait for someone else to get off their butt to do something about it.  While many environmentalists and fish farm activists preach about loving wild salmon and do little about it other than whine, Dave actually puts his time, energy and money where his mouth is to do what he can.  I suspect many of those fish farm activists do not put in half the energy Dave puts into helping wild salmon.  Now that he is retired, he can transfer those years of work experience to his passion.  We as anglers benefit from people like Dave because of this transfer of knowledge and skill.  We actually need more people like Dave doing this sort of stuff and less people hitting the keyboard peaching Ms Morton's gosphel.


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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2012, 11:00:00 PM »

Easywater; If someone has given up on wild salmon as Dave has, any argument for saving wild salmon is going to be irrelevant!   ::)

The article you posted is relevant, and is not only a reminder of what can happen to our wild salmon, but it should also be the warning bells indicating that we've got to get these pens out of the ocean.

However the relevance of that article is off topic, as this thread is about a petition that was started by the salmon farmers. However it appears that even the farmers  believe that saving the wild salmon is more important than supporting their company, as less than 2.5% of them have signed their petition. 
Okay princess, you want to talk about the petition............LOL! you are:

Here's an update posted by the woman who started it: helpdesk

To the handful of Morton supporters who demonstrated their total lack of intelligence by simply signing this petition because they saw the name Alexandra Morton and immediately signed it believing they were supporting her without even reading what they were signing you are welcome to remove your names by going to the help desk and requesting removal. I am unable to remove your names so please stop the threatening messages and nasty names and demonstrate you can actually read something first. Thank you You have demonstrated admirably how blindly you follow Morton.
Posted By Annie Paddle Petition Organizer
June 09, 2012

Seem to be a clever lot.....LOL!


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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2012, 07:07:03 AM »

Okay princess, you want to talk about the petition............LOL! you are:

Here's an update posted by the woman who started it: helpdesk

To the handful of Morton supporters who demonstrated their total lack of intelligence by simply signing this petition because they saw the name Alexandra Morton and immediately signed it believing they were supporting her without even reading what they were signing you are welcome to remove your names by going to the help desk and requesting removal. I am unable to remove your names so please stop the threatening messages and nasty names and demonstrate you can actually read something first. Thank you You have demonstrated admirably how blindly you follow Morton.
Posted By Annie Paddle Petition Organizer
June 09, 2012

Seem to be a clever lot.....LOL!

Only 121 signatures and many of them signed it in error???

Wow that's got to be embarrassing!
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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2012, 07:09:21 AM »

Dave's frustrations probably stems from the fact that the real issues as he sees it are either not being addressed by the powers that be and/or the efforts of others are being misdirected in other areas.  However, he is unlikely going to sit around and wait for someone else to get off their butt to do something about it.  While many environmentalists and fish farm activists preach about loving wild salmon and do little about it other than whine, Dave actually puts his time, energy and money where his mouth is to do what he can.  I suspect many of those fish farm activists do not put in half the energy Dave puts into helping wild salmon.  Now that he is retired, he can transfer those years of work experience to his passion.  We as anglers benefit from people like Dave because of this transfer of knowledge and skill.  We actually need more people like Dave doing this sort of stuff and less people hitting the keyboard peaching Ms Morton's gosphel.

Other than the last half of your last sentence........  I totally agree with you!
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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2012, 08:29:06 AM »

Only 121 signatures and many of them signed it in error???

Wow that's got to be embarrassing!

Indeed. If I was so stupid as to sign a petition without reading it simply because I saw Morton's name associated with it, I certainly wouldn't announce it publicly. I wouldn't send threatening messages or call anyone nasty names just because of my own stupidity either.


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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2012, 08:48:35 AM »

I hope this isn't getting personal Dave.  ???
No, it's not personal but after re reading a few my recent comments to you I understand how you got that impression.  Steve was right, just frustration on my part.
I do have a pessimistic outlook when it comes to the future of wild salmon but believe me, I have not given up on them.


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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2012, 09:02:32 AM »

No, it's not personal but after re reading a few my recent comments to you I understand how you got that impression.  Steve was right, just frustration on my part.
I do have a pessimistic outlook when it comes to the future of wild salmon but believe me, I have not given up on them.

Good to hear Dave.   

And as far as my comments......   If all of us just patted each other on the back and agreed with each other, it would make for a pretty boring discussion forum.   ;)
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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #41 on: July 17, 2012, 01:21:56 PM »

I am Annie Paddle /Heather Olney the poster of the petition to "restrain " Morton from trespassing against security and quarantine measures put in place by CFIA. First of all the petition was started by me and me alone as a sarcastic response through my Twitter account to Morton's petition against Costco and Safeway. Much to my amazement within five minutes 5 people had actually signed it. So I reconsidered and out of curiosity decided to let it take it's course. For those thinking 121 signatures isn't much my response is the total population of North America is some 340 million people. Morton's 12,000 signatures are equally as irrelevant as are my 121. Two people signed the petition that are Morton supporters. One she claimed by mistake and then sent me threatening emails telling me to remove it or quote " I would be sorry " unquote. The other was a rather nasty man from Smithers who by his own admission signed it so he could leave nasty comments and call me profane names including the use of the c word in a public forum. He harassed me for days then demanded I remove his name . Hence my reference to those signing it to contact help-desk if they wanted their names removed.  It was never my expectation that I would receive any signatures nor my intent. I was simply being sarcastic. However for some reason those 121 signatures hit a nerve and the Morton crazies leaped to the fore especially on the Salmon are Sacred website where I was accused of starting a petition under a false name and called stupid for thinking by posting my picture on the petition I could hide my identity. Laughable as the fact that Heather Olney and Annie Paddle are one and the same has never been a secret. My disquis user name was my real name Heather Olney as is my Twitter name Annie Paddle my real  name. I am called Annie by my husband and closest friends and relatives. Paddle is the name I was born with and Olney my married name. Quite simple . As for the profane names I have been called on the petition now removed by the site administrator well guess that's the mentality of Morton supporters. They didn' t hurt me in the least but certainly raise the question of the mentality of Morton supporters. For example as brought to light by June Sharkey's Protesting the Protesters article " mean little girls and boys " Salmon are Sacred's Facebook page suddenly was awash with silly comments about me. Gee a handful of signatures but the Morton bunch felt that threatened ? Tells me they are better at doling it out than they are at taking it. One individual initials LH went so far as to claim she worked with my husband, he was making back room deals with fish farms and the DFO while on the Mifflin plan, he and I have several sons who own jointly with friends   the MHI transport fleet etc. Truth is she doesn't even know my husband, she worked with my father-in-law who shares the same name  who never worked on a FF a day in his working life and yes he sits on the board of the native owned lodge on Quadra which she also stated and which I see no relevance as it isn't even a position that has any re-numeration nor does it have anything to do with my petition or salmon wild or farmed. As for sons my father-in-law has one my husband who yes he runs the Orca Chief and he is senior master over MHI transport vessels but own them No. Easily found out by making vessel queries on the Transport Canada website. My husband and I have NO children but my husband raised two daughters of mine from a previous marriage also irrelevant but I state it for the record. As for working with my husband on the Mifflin plan sorry no she didn't . We in fact lived in Yellowpoint at the time of the Mifflin plan and worked on the Holland Creek Trail in Ladysmith where we resided up until 2005.  Petty lies told by a supporter to make me appear to have a financial vested interest in Salmon farming. Those comments have since apparently been removed since I told her to remove them or she would hear from my lawyer. She has since made further comments about my husband owning a gill netter. He doesn't . We sold our last gillnetter sixteen years ago and have had no interest in Commercial salmon fishing since. I can only assume that telling falsehoods in public forums is what Morton and her supporters are all about and seem to do best. Further to that they only allow their "friends" to comment on their web blogs so I cannot even refute the lies told about me. Convenient way of making it look like their posts are factual because the person or company they are commenting about appears to have not had a response. Stacking the deck is all it amounts to . Morton's recent antics indicate to me she is loosing support rapidly and becoming more desperate as weeks pass. She claims to want to protect wild salmon but has now smeared wild salmon as being full of assorted diseases. Thanks Alex way to protect one of BC's most valued resources. Perhaps if she really cared about wild salmon and if her supporters really cared about it they would be the ones out doing stream clean ups and repair of salmon habitat instead of trolling the internet with their silly sea lice stuck to their faces dressing as trees, dumping muck at FF offices, leaving their garbage up and down the island on their racist get out migration and assorted other wilful acts of public mischief and vandalism. As to the party posting about Slapp suits considering the multitude of garbage Morton has spewed and posted all over the internet including falsifying the picture from Wikepedia etc she's more in a position to be slapped than anyone signing my petition is. And yes she was slapped at the Cohen enquiry . As for the people who signed my petition I thank you from the bottom of my heart for standing up for what you believe in and putting your names to it. The woman needs to be stopped before she does irreputable harm to ALL salmon farmed or wild.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 02:15:56 PM by AnnieP »


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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #42 on: July 17, 2012, 01:42:35 PM »

By the way the petition was not a gag order request. It was for a restraint order to stop Morton from trespassing against bio security measures in place by CIFA to prevent spread or transfer of disease. Let's get that straight.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 01:45:20 PM by AnnieP »


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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #43 on: July 17, 2012, 02:06:12 PM »

Welcome Annie.  

As for those that signed on your petition and were very angry about it,...well, perhaps this  is the underlying issue.  I feel for them.

Chicken farm, pig farm, cow farm, fish farm.


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Re: Petition to restrain Alexandra Morton (gag order request)
« Reply #44 on: July 17, 2012, 02:18:13 PM »

Your probably right . LOL ;)