Mystery Fish Contest #5 Result

Answer: Coastal Cutthroat Trout

Mystery BC fish species

The mystery fish species in our fifth mystery fish species contest is a coastal cutthroat trout, but we also accept Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii, cutthroat, cutthroat trout, cuttie as correct answers.

The main feature of a coastal cutthroat trout is the orange slash just below its jaw line, which all cutthroat trout species possess.

Out of 345 entries, 69.5% (240 entries) were correct. The most common incorrect answer was westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi). While a westslope cutthroat trout looks very similar to a coastal cutthroat trout, this is definitely not one. This particular specimen came from a small tributary of the Lower Fraser River, where coastal cutthroat trout are found.

The winner of this contest is Gord Peterson, who won ten salmon and steelhead jigs from Bent Rods Fishing and Guiding Co., which is operated by Rod and Danena Toth in Chilliwack. Beside operating their successful guiding and lodging business, Rod and Danena also sell jigs and spinners that have been proven to be excellent for salmon and steelhead fishing. You can either order your jigs and spinners directly from Bent Rods or find them at your local retail stores.

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