i hit the vedder twice in the last week. i can say that after explaining to a guy who cut in 10 feet below us!

it was not cool, all he said was "aaa sorry dude" and did it again 3 minuets later! so i talked to his buddy who seemed , to be a little more experienced. i was wrong he was more retarded than the first guy. i have to say that with all my experiences on that river i m sick of it! fishing water with a$$&^%!@s is not how i want to spend my time off. no common sense, no brains period!

if a guy has got roots i will always ask him if i can go below him, if not i hit the next run.if a guy is working a run i give him room and fish behind him.unless invited to do otherwise. it is that simple!
the part that i really hate is 9 times out of 10 i m picking up their coffee cups and crap as i fish behind them! ignorant and rude would be how i would describe at least 80% of the guys out on that system.
i guess the only people with manners are the ones from this site?
if i do go back this season i will bring the spey rod and won't be shy to swing close to anyone who tries to "snake" me on a run.