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 on: May 10, 2024, 09:26:15 AM 
Started by RalphH - Last post by SuperBobby
Thanks. I wasn't trolling. I asked because I did not want to make an assumption. If you look at my previous posts over the years you'll find I take all sides to arguments. Your posts create dialogue and I believe that is how people move forward.

Apologies. I don't remember the last time someone asked me whether I was in favor of the Covid shot without trying to troll me.

Everybody knows it? You need a chin strap for your tinfoil hat so it doesn’t fall off.

This shows you aren't paying attention. It's been about 80 years since the last tinfoil wrap product was produced.

 on: May 10, 2024, 06:16:53 AM 
Started by RalphH - Last post by dennisK
Yes, I know you are trolling me, but whatever....
It was poison then and it is poison now. The difference is now that everyone knows it. Sucks for those who who got their 14 boosters.

Thanks. I wasn't trolling. I asked because I did not want to make an assumption. If you look at my previous posts over the years you'll find I take all sides to arguments. Your posts create dialogue and I believe that is how people move forward.

 on: May 09, 2024, 10:56:00 PM 
Started by RalphH - Last post by RalphH
"Montana's Madison River has long been one of the most famous and revered rivers in the world. The river often is listed as the number one trout river in North American and appears in books with titles like "50 places to fish before you die". In the mid 90s everything changed for the river when a microscopic invader had a devastating impact on the river. Whirling disease is a small microbe that affects rainbow trout. The parasite causes deformation in the spinal cord of young trout that causes them to swim in circles, usually resulting in death. In some reaches of the river, mortality of rainbow trout reached levels over 90%. News of the outbreak quickly spread throughout the angling community and the number of fisherman visiting the river drastically decreased. The Madison river became the poster child for whirling disease and the microbe quickly hitchhiked to other rivers around the West producing similar results. Some states, like Colorado, tackled the problem by stocking rainbow trout fingerlings. In Montana, where there all trout in rivers are wild and there is not a hatchery program, fisheries biologists decided to let nature run its course. The gamble paid off, and the trout that did survive the initial massive die offs began showing some resistance to the disease.

Today the Madison River has returned to greatness, and although whirling disease is still present in the river, rainbow trout levels have rebounded to pre whirling disease levels. The Madison is once again one of the favorites of Montana fly fishing guides and outfitters. Many guides also feel that the brown trout fishing in the river is better than it has ever been with numerous fish over 20" frequently being caught. Each of the last few years a few lucky fisherman have managed to hook and land monster browns the taped at over 30" and weighed over 10lbs.",circles%2C%20usually%20resulting%20in%20death.

 on: May 09, 2024, 08:08:58 PM 
Started by DragonSpeed - Last post by DragonSpeed
great footage Brian; what drone? And was it a long drive to oceans shore? seems like a nice weekend jaunt...
That's the DJI mini 3 pro - they had a bundle at Costco - extra battery and some spare prop blades.

The drive to Ocean Shores is surprisingly long.  About 4.5 hours or driving, significantly longer if your partner wants to stop and eat, stop and shop etc.... :D

It was nice to get down in the off-season. It's REALLY busy there through the summer months.

 on: May 09, 2024, 06:08:15 PM 
Started by RalphH - Last post by Wiseguy
Yes, I know you are trolling me, but whatever....
It was poison then and it is poison now. The difference is now that everyone knows it. Sucks for those who who got their 14 boosters.
Everybody knows it? You need a chin strap for your tinfoil hat so it doesn’t fall off.

 on: May 09, 2024, 05:14:38 PM 
Started by RalphH - Last post by SuperBobby

I’ve always admired your boldness to make black and white claims with not a stitch of evidence to back it up.  :)

Well....people like myself who solve problems systematically, logically, with common sense, and good math skills, tend to show evidence though those skills which is what I did.
And there is much evidence to back up what I said....

 on: May 09, 2024, 04:56:01 PM 
Started by RalphH - Last post by clarki
My youthful, bright-eyed, naiveté notwithstanding, I have confidence in the province’s response to this threat in its home waters.

Comparing it to DFO’s management of Pacific salmon is a non sequitur.

There is no response plan
I’ve always admired your boldness to make black and white claims with not a stitch of evidence to back it up.  :)

 on: May 09, 2024, 04:40:18 PM 
Started by RalphH - Last post by SuperBobby
So would you have been in favour of the covid vaccine or not in favour it?

Yes, I know you are trolling me, but whatever....
It was poison then and it is poison now. The difference is now that everyone knows it. Sucks for those who who got their 14 boosters.

 on: May 09, 2024, 03:43:40 PM 
Started by RalphH - Last post by dennisK
Very unfortunate, but like everything else, the ones making the decisions will handle this the wrong way. They always do.
The only answer is to let it run its course. Just like the pine beetle, or course fish infesting waters (that are joined together somehow) can't stop this.

So would you have been in favour of the covid vaccine or not in favour it?

 on: May 09, 2024, 08:18:29 AM 
Started by RalphH - Last post by SuperBobby
It must be unpleasant to live in a world that has such a pessimistic outlook as yours.

Whirling disease was first discovered in North America in the eastern US in 1956 and in western states in the late 60’s. There’s decades of research that provincial biologists can draw on to formulate a response and mitigation plan. I’m hopeful, even confident, that the biologists will make the appropriate recommendations and the policy/regulation/legislation makers will listen.

Whirling disease is currently in hundreds of watersheds across Canada and the U.S. It is logistically impossible for this to be fixed by human means. There is no response plan other than the obvious ones like trying to keep people from transporting live fish. Unfortunately, that means nothing when waterways are connected to each other.

I’m hopeful, even confident, that the biologists will make the appropriate recommendations and the policy/regulation/legislation makers will listen.

You mean like how DFO listened to them over the last 30+ years??? keep believing in

It must be unpleasant to live in a world that has such a pessimistic outlook as yours.

I'd rather be pessimistic than gullible and naïve any day of the week. Living life with your head buried in the sand does not make life more pleasant.....just sayin.....

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