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Author Topic: 2018 Chilliwack River fall salmon fishery information & water condition updates  (Read 160213 times)


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after watching jig twitchers catch coho at 1pm on a bright day I tied some similar looking stuff suitable for a  rod using a 1/4" brass bead as the jig head. If I had jig blanks I would have tied those on a spinning rod. Next trip out the bite which wasn't that great went off around noon. I rigged up the fly rod with a type 3 tip. put on a blue and white marabou fly jig. Tossed it at some sunken logs stripped it back fast then hooked and landed a wild coho of 8lbs or so. I soon took a wild smaller one around 3lbs and lost one later. A successive experiment I'd say.
"Two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity... though I am not completely sure about the Universe" ...Einstein as related to F.S. Perls.


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Fished above the train bridge this AM and visibility was about a foot and a half. Short floated some jigs and landed a couple of fresh-ish chums. Felt something whack into my shin when I was looking downstream. Thought it was a branch but it was just an old chum giving me a headbutt :P Not many people out today despite the gorgeous weather!

chris gadsden

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Only had 15 minutes to fish but wanted to check out the hot spot no bites and visibility around 2 feet, maybe a bit less.


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Well, this is definitely the end of my season.  Brought home 2 nice female coho to cap off my best season in my 25 years fishing the C/V.  But after hiking back to my car and remarking at what a beautiful November day it was, I came back to see my windows smashed in - both the passenger and driver side.  The blue Honda Civic below is mine.  Seats covered in broken glass.  Garage door remote gone (the only time I have even had it with me all season).  I noticed 2 other cars were also hit, so I made the 15 minute hike back down to the river to find the other drivers.  What a day.  I don't know if I'll be back there next season.  I really don't like being limited to the spots where you are right next to your car.  This was bench rd - the far side of the cement slab.  Yes, I've seen all the previous suggestions, leave your car unlocked with nothing in it, etc.  Maybe I'll try that from now on, but these vandals aren't too bright.  I'm pretty sure they aren't going to cross the border and drive down to Bellingham to burgle a house. 

Well, on the upside, my wife and daughter were eager to have fresh salmon for dinner even though we just had salmon for dinner on Friday.  I love my family.  Now I just have the garage door opener unplugged until I can replace it on the off chance that Chilliwack crackheads would come across the border to break in to my house.  Fun.


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We must do something to stop these crap. Could we raise fund to have some vigilante groups for help. I know the cops won't do anything in these cases.


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considering the amount of cars being broken into I'm surprised that ICBC isn't doing more about it.  There must be 100 cars per year broken into on the river.  Between ICBC's premiums and the safety of your car for the RCMP something should change.  Sad when your day on the river begins with where its safe to park your vehicle.


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The deductible is just as much as a side window smashed. Whats the point of the claim? Leave no valuable items. Take out registration paper. Leave unlocked. Put a club onnwheel if parking in a high risk area. I have even heard people write signs stating go ahead waste your time. Door unlocked with no valuables inside. U leave even a nickle in sight smashy smashy especially on roads and hidden areas on the river. Cops dont care but reporting it to the non emergency line may draw some attention.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 09:46:21 AM by mikeyman »


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The deductible is just as much as a side window smashed. Whats the point of the claim? Leave no valuable items. Take out registration paper. Leave unlocked. Put a club onnwheel if parking in a high risk area. I have even heard people write signs stating go ahead waste your time. Door unlocked with no valuables inside. U leave even a nickle in sight smashy smashy especially on roads and hidden areas on the river. Cops dont care but reporting it to the non emergency line may draw some attention.

Yep.......a cop friend told me that years ago and that's what I have been doing. I know that someone was in my vehicle a couple of times but it saved my windows and deductable
There is more Bull S**T in fly fishing than in a Texas cattle yard
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Too bad about the break-in to end the season CohoJake. That's one of the reasons I don't fish in the upper portion of the river.

Coho salmon seem to be done from what I've seen or heard, but lots of fresh chum salmon are pushing in.


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I noticed a big push of tiny coho jacks this weekend.  I landed 3 on Saturday, only 1 of which was close to legal size.  I've seen some others landed and seen a few swimming by as well.  One angler at the slab was landing them one after another yesterday.  I remember a few years in the past that had lots of coho jacks, but i don't remember such a late push of them.

chris gadsden

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Sorry to hear this Jake, it has been going on for too many years and there really is no solution to it. Chilliwack has so many what some call homeless. Saying that I doubt it was one of them to get to where you were would take a vehicle to access it. Although there is camp everywhere in the Chilliwack River Valley.

I just park in heavy foot traffic areas or subdivisions and do a bit more walking. I have even thought of buying a bike and travel that way but that could see the bike stolen as they did to the Leaf Mobile when I was at church no less.

Since then I have an immobilizer in the truck and of course as everyone knows there is so much junk in the cab and back they would think I am homeless too and
am one of them with nothing worth stealing. ::) ;D

All we can do is watch out for each other as much as possible.

Once again don't give up the hobby you enjoy so much.

I was out for 30 minutes this AM at Gwyn's run but nothing heard of three taken elsewhere, water lovely.

I think I will try Aarons hotspot this afternoon but most likely too low but rain is on the way, maybe should try for cutt's.

John Revolver

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Just brutal to hear about the break-ins.  I mentioned this on another break-in thread but I'll also share it here for others to read. If it helps just 1 angler avoid a busted window thats a win.

I Typed up a couple of signs that read :    "NO VALUABLES IN VEHICLE"  which I cut to size and then Laminated to place in my windows/dash. At first this was to be used in summer times when I am running my topless Jeep but now I use them in my daily driver truck.

Knock on wood and say a prayer but I have never had any break-in issues at the rivers when the signs are up.  The 1 time I didn't use them sure enough I had a break in which occured in my neighborhood.

I used the laminator at my office but it costs pennies to do it at a fed/ex or staples. 

3 years ago during a Steelhead trip up north I was chatting with a local way up on the copper and he commented on the signs which I had in my camper van windows. He seemed offended that I had them up and said something along the lines of  "people up here wont mess with your vehicle like that"  I told him I was from the lower mainland and I'm used to fishing the C/V.  He chuckled with some sympathy as  it all became clear and made perfect sense to him.



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Sorry to read about the window. the jacks still trickled through today...
If you don't like the fish you're catching... change the bait!!


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Another beauty day on the Chilliwack/Vedder River. It started out a bit cold but things were good once the sun poked through. Lots of nice looking chum salmon were caught in the lower river once again, with the odd coho mixed in between. Water clarity was better than the weekend. This rain in the forecast for tomorrow may change things.


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This is my first season fishing this river. Been there six or seven times now, not a single bite. Watched every video and read every bit of info I could find (thanks for the videos Rod!). Roe, yarn, spinners, flies, I've tried everything I've been told would work and have been skunked every time.

Is it common to struggle this much when first starting out here? It's incredibly frustrating, especially when I'm bringing my son and trying to keep him interested in fishing here.