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Author Topic: Sharkfin Soup  (Read 83156 times)


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #150 on: December 05, 2012, 09:17:24 PM »

It's not until the western medicine took hold in most of the world that the life expectancy increased dramatically.
Even in europe during the dark ages they practiced cranial bleeding to cure diseases. Voodoo!
All these "voodoo" techniques have been practiced in many places in the world, China, Papua New Guinea, Borneo, Amazon, Africa for thousands of years.
A lot of superstition and "feel good" marketing. All ganja man!
There is value in natural cures, but a lot of it is overblown.

"China has a history of around 5000 years."
That doesn't mean anything. People have lived in most of continental Euroasia for 40,000 years.
Africa has history of over 100,000 years and it's still all voodoo.
I will give China credit for perfecting combat techniques, but medicine no.
Voodoo!  ;)

It's time to leave the voodoo behind and get with the science of the times.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 09:19:36 PM by adriaticum »


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #151 on: December 05, 2012, 10:02:59 PM »

It's not until the western medicine took hold in most of the world that the life expectancy increased dramatically.
Even in europe during the dark ages they practiced cranial bleeding to cure diseases. Voodoo!
All these "voodoo" techniques have been practiced in many places in the world, China, Papua New Guinea, Borneo, Amazon, Africa for thousands of years.
A lot of superstition and "feel good" marketing. All ganja man!
There is value in natural cures, but a lot of it is overblown.

"China has a history of around 5000 years."
That doesn't mean anything. People have lived in most of continental Euroasia for 40,000 years.
Africa has history of over 100,000 years and it's still all voodoo.
I will give China credit for perfecting combat techniques, but medicine no.
Voodoo!  ;)

It's time to leave the voodoo behind and get with the science of the times.

When I said 5000 years, i meant 5000 years of civilization. Which means medicine was around. Also if chinese medicine was voodoo then i guess people kept buying something that didn't work. Western medicine is based on chemicals and Chinese medicine uses herbs therefore like most drugs, chemicals tend to be a lot stronger.

I believe that Shark Fin has no medical benefits but to say that all of chinese medicine is voodoo, is a joke. Even today in modern China people are still using chinese medicine even though western medicine is available. I dont think you are qualified to discredit a type of medicine that is still be using by good portion of the total population. There is a reason it was called the Dark Ages when cracking your head to cure disease was an option. I dont think people do that anymore because it didn't work?  

Western medicine is controlled by corporations therefore strongly influenced by capitalism. It works well but your body creates immunities to these medication which means eventually the benefits will decline. I try not to take any medicine since most of the time exercising and a healthy diet has kept the bugs away. But a the end of the day i'm glad i have the option to use western or eastern medicine. THEY both WORK! I felt better or else why would i buy more ??? lol

Getting back to the topic, Shark Fin soup was available thousands of years ago, and it always will be available in China.....also in Canada!  People honestly dont drink it for medical reason, its more of a way of show off your wealth. paying 50-100 bucks for a bowl gets expensive when your treating a group of people. Since most of the better areas of Vancouver/Richmond are predominately owned by Chinese immigrants, it will be hard to pass a ban in Vancouver or Richmond. It's been the same in the past that whoever has $$ will make the choices and in this case, Shark Fin stays on the MENU!

Only three Sharks are considered endangered by international trade and none were found from those shark fin samples! making it legal to sell!
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 10:11:29 PM by Ed »


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #152 on: December 05, 2012, 10:58:54 PM »

I don't think shark fin soup has a future.

I have a new business idea for those who enjoy showing their wealth.
Rare bonobo chimp pubic hair soup.



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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #153 on: December 06, 2012, 12:02:27 AM »

I don't think shark fin soup has a future.

I have a new business idea for those who enjoy showing their wealth.
Rare bonobo chimp pubic hair soup.

Good thing what you say doesn't matter! Shark Fin soup is still on the menu and will be in the future too! We all know Richmond loves Shark Fin!



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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #154 on: December 06, 2012, 07:35:07 AM »

Why would you post a picture of that bigoted cow? Only Asian media invited to her slopfest? I thought Canada was a nation of inclusion for ALL IT'S CITIZENS, not some racist buffoon, trying to curry favour.. That makes me wretch with disgust. Basing an event and it's invitations on ethnicity is pure, unadulterated bigotry, no matter how anyone would choose to spin it, it's utterly reprehensible.

Before I get dogpiled, think about it.  
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 08:27:18 AM by Novabonker »


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #155 on: December 06, 2012, 10:51:12 AM »

Why would you post a picture of that bigoted cow? Only Asian media invited to her slopfest? I thought Canada was a nation of inclusion for ALL IT'S CITIZENS, not some racist buffoon, trying to curry favour.. That makes me wretch with disgust. Basing an event and it's invitations on ethnicity is pure, unadulterated bigotry, no matter how anyone would choose to spin it, it's utterly reprehensible.

Before I get dogpiled, think about it.  

Well it was an asian event, I dont see what the big deal is about hosting an asian event other than the Shark Fin portion of it. Lets say if they were serving blue fin tuna then it would be ok right ? Since it seem that there is a lot more concern over Sharks than Tuna. I think YOU should think about it and CALM down! There are tons of ethnicities that have their own events. There are even gatherings like Jewish Gatherings in Sinagogs where other religions aren't openly invited either!

The fact is, Richmond is an area that has a good portion of its populatoin being Chinese therefore it would be more surprising if they held an event like this in Chilliwack where there aren't that many Chinese people!  Next time if you ever go to an event and find that there is only white people around then I hope you call yourself a racist!


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #156 on: December 06, 2012, 02:33:49 PM »

Bull biscuits - this is an event, a public event, held by an MP that represents EVERYONE in that riding, not just a particular race.She knew damn well not to invite any other media. Racism is an ugly facet of humanity and this debacle clearly represented that to a t. You can spin it as an "Asian Event" , but reach down deep and use your thinking cap. Nope that was racist, discriminatory, bigoted or whatever term you choose.

"Next time if you ever go to an event and find that there is only white people around then I hope you call yourself a racist! "
First off, I'm not an MP and secondly, my friends and family come in all flavors, sizes and shapes. That was a lame attempt at reverse psychology. And why do you assume I'm white? And what difference does that make, unless you're looking down at me?

"But history tells us that White people love exploiting other races and some "rednecks" still do." Gee Ed, you own that quote - your own bias is a shining example.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 03:20:18 PM by Novabonker »


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #157 on: December 06, 2012, 08:20:14 PM »

Bull biscuits - this is an event, a public event, held by an MP that represents EVERYONE in that riding, not just a particular race.She knew damn well not to invite any other media. Racism is an ugly facet of humanity and this debacle clearly represented that to a t. You can spin it as an "Asian Event" , but reach down deep and use your thinking cap. Nope that was racist, discriminatory, bigoted or whatever term you choose.

"Next time if you ever go to an event and find that there is only white people around then I hope you call yourself a racist! "
First off, I'm not an MP and secondly, my friends and family come in all flavors, sizes and shapes. That was a lame attempt at reverse psychology. And why do you assume I'm white? And what difference does that make, unless you're looking down at me?

"But history tells us that White people love exploiting other races and some "rednecks" still do." Gee Ed, you own that quote - your own bias is a shining example.

Yes so I hope next time i see a public even, there has to be people from every culture. Even Obama had a hispanic party in the White House, but I didn't see him host any Chinese party. Does that make him racist too ?? If that MP is trying to gain votes for the Chinese community I dont see why she has to invite other media, last time i checked this was a free country. There are tons of example of politicians going to events to please a specific minority group to gain votes.

I still believe that white people have probably done the most exploiting out of any other race in recent history. And its true that some rednecks in the US, had licence plates saying "dont renigg" during the elections. If you are white then it's pretty funny that you are crying about racism!

Alice had the rights to do whatever she wants to do in order to obtain popularity (MPs needs the majority to like her). If you live in Richmond and is unhappy about it then go protest or something. I'm pretty sure the majority of the Richmond population is fine about what she did ! And if you dont live in Richmond than honestly it has nothing to do with you because you dont even live there????

All this anti shark fin talk, I still see Shark Fin on the menu! The cause actually go worse considering Toronto's ban was lifted. Keep wasting time..... there will be happy immigrants to work instead of complain all the time !


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #158 on: December 06, 2012, 11:27:16 PM »

you do voodoo


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #159 on: December 07, 2012, 12:45:06 AM »

you do voodoo

If voodoo means shark fin then I do a lot of voodoo 8).  Voodoo sales has been going up in Vancouver and Richmond since the petition for ban. Keep it up!

Go Cathay Pacific!
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 12:55:34 AM by Ed »


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #160 on: December 07, 2012, 07:07:26 AM »

Here you go Ed- your BS is being put to rest.Over 4 out of 5 came from endangered species?And the owner of the eatery that Alice ate at flat out refused to allow the shark fins he used to have some DNA testing done. Defend that. All to show the world how successful you are, wipe out a species at risk - AND I'll be back a bit later to drag Alice through the looking glass.

And here's a little read for a warm up before I get to the main points: (or is this just a pike of propaganda, written by white people?)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 07:25:50 AM by Novabonker »


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #161 on: December 07, 2012, 11:53:26 AM »

Here you go Ed- your BS is being put to rest.Over 4 out of 5 came from endangered species?And the owner of the eatery that Alice ate at flat out refused to allow the shark fins he used to have some DNA testing done. Defend that. All to show the world how successful you are, wipe out a species at risk - AND I'll be back a bit later to drag Alice through the looking glass.

And here's a little read for a warm up before I get to the main points: (or is this just a pike of propaganda, written by white people?)

Actually if you look into it more, only 3 species of Sharks are considered endangered by International Trade. And none of the Shark fin found sold in Vancouver were found to be illegal in "trade". Therefore Shark Fin activities in Canada is LEGAL. If it were illegal then the government might actually do something about it. Also your facts dont mean much when nothing is being done about it, especially when the judge recently just lifted a ban in Toronto, probably the city with the second highest shark fin soup consumption behind Vancouver. Also go search up which countries has contributed to the most extinct species..... China is up there but not the top

Also i dont get the purpose of you posting the link regarding slavery. Let me give you some History 101. During the period of time where there was feudalism/semi-feudalism the relationship between boss-employer was almost none existance. It was landlord/master - worker/slaves relationship during that period of time. However western civilziation took it to another level after the industrial revolution by abolishing slavrery for their own people and colonizing (search colonial period) other countries and shipping people from other countries to be slaves in Europe/North America. Slavery was one of the biggest driving force for Europe's economy and now that they can't exploit other countries... looking at their economy now! The third world countries should write a "thank you" note to the Germans during WW2 for weakening the European "superpowers" so that they had to give up their colonies!

 looks like our grain companies are being sold too! doesn't look like the government will be pissing off the chinese community by banning Shark fin!
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 01:35:52 PM by Ed »


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #162 on: December 07, 2012, 12:01:07 PM »

Regarding herbal remedies available through much of the world, I don't doubt there is some placebo effect when taking these. However, when a herbal remedy is proven through science to have a beneficial effect on humans, it is then considered "medicine". Aspirin for example is the worlds most widely used medicine. It was derived from the bark of a willow tree. A herbal remedy proven to work is now called medicine.


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #163 on: December 07, 2012, 03:52:44 PM »

Regarding herbal remedies available through much of the world, I don't doubt there is some placebo effect when taking these. However, when a herbal remedy is proven through science to have a beneficial effect on humans, it is then considered "medicine". Aspirin for example is the worlds most widely used medicine. It was derived from the bark of a willow tree. A herbal remedy proven to work is now called medicine.

Sure, many medicines have their roots in nature. A lot of them are also synthetic.
But there is a lot of "medicine" based on superstition, especially in China.
I don't know, maybe I'm just a child western medicine and don't buy into their "voodoo".
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 04:00:38 PM by adriaticum »


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Re: Sharkfin Soup
« Reply #164 on: December 07, 2012, 04:09:33 PM »

I don't believe Chinese herbal medicine is based on voodoo or superstition. Rather it is based on 5000 years of recorded civilization of endless trials and errors, with numerous herbs and food items consumed & tested by billions of Chinese throughout their long history, many of them probably died in the process, in order to come down with the present form of herbal medicines of China. It may not be based on double blind studies, but enough usage and repetitions of testing the herbs give the herbal doctors a good idea what work and what don't. There are pros and cons for both western and Chinese herbal medicines. There are mal-practices in both forms of medicines and they have both harmed and helped patients through out human history. While you point the finger to Chinese herbal medicines, don't forget also how Jacko 'the king of pop' and Whiteney Houston died. There is no need to highlight the good of one and the bad of the other. They both have merits and faults. Unless you are well versed with Chinese herbal medicines, using blanket statements to label our traditional herbal medicines as voodoo or superstition show nothing but arrogance or ignorance. Shark fins are not mostly consumed for medicinal purpose. So there is no need to defame Chinese herbal medicine for this debate.  ;)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 05:02:00 PM by liketofish »