gordc...have you seen the pics and videos from brougton archipeligo...have you seen the lice loads on those outward migrating smolts?!?
After seeing those videos, I think an individual has 2 choices: you believe the information as factual and realize we are KILLING SALMON by having fish farms on migration paths OR you think those pictures, videos, and research are bogus.
I would have to say I do believe we can't have open net pens on migration paths and Gord I think you are 100% wrong. PS - did you bother reading anything on the pink salmon collapse in the Broughton...I am pretty sure you will see the pinks bounced back when they moved the pens...ie AWAY from wild smolts migration paths....kinda indicates that farms and wild fish CANT co-exisist wouldnt you say?
Back to the question at hand...I know some research was being done on euphauciids populations as an indicator to salmon run health...strong euphaicid numbers = lots of feed = strong returns. Keep in mind what ever it was that is responsible for this year's run, it propbably occured 2+ years back. As well, I am pretty sure sockeye feed primarily on euphausiids (krill) hence their deep red flesh, not so much bait fish so sockeye run health maye be very closely matched to krill populations.