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Author Topic: 2019 Chilliwack River fall salmon fishery information & water condition updates  (Read 164649 times)

Animal Chin

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I would like to extend a special thank you to the four 30+-year-old jerkoffs that showed up about an hour after us and consistently floated their lines 80 meters down and left them there so that the little guy didn't have any choice but to either not fish or cast over your lines. You then preceded to sandwich us on both sides obviously trying to muscle us out of our spot. The way that you snagged fish with your jigs in a hole that is stacked with fish was amazing, where did you learn those techniques? And the way that you kicked the snagged fish back into the river, such class!

No class, etiquette, or respect for anyone or the river. If you can afford a custom center pin, you can afford a couple of manners. Really too bad that a kid can't have an enjoyable day fishing without some grown men ruining it. Just sad.

Yeah, sad part is, it's completely unnecessary. With a little co-operation and timing of casts... it would've been fine. Feel your pain though, it is ridiculous. Why would you want to snag springs, especially with a centerpin.. that couldn't be fun?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 10:00:47 AM by Animal Chin »


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Took my dads' girlfriends son out for first light yesterday, he had never landed a spring before. He ended up landing one about 15 pounds 30 minutes into the morning.

I would like to extend a special thank you to the four 30+-year-old jerkoffs that showed up about an hour after us and consistently floated their lines 80 meters down and left them there so that the little guy didn't have any choice but to either not fish or cast over your lines. You then preceded to sandwich us on both sides obviously trying to muscle us out of our spot. The way that you snagged fish with your jigs in a hole that is stacked with fish was amazing, where did you learn those techniques? And the way that you kicked the snagged fish back into the river, such class!

No class, etiquette, or respect for anyone or the river. If you can afford a custom center pin, you can afford a couple of manners. Really too bad that a kid can't have an enjoyable day fishing without some grown men ruining it. Just sad.

That's awful.

The last time I walked the Chilliwack during fall salmon was 8 years ago. I had a knife pulled on me. I've never been back since. I got myself a boat and fish the canal instead. I'll never go back during fall Salmon.


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I've been fishing this river system for many years now and it's unfortunate how brutal it is out there now. Crowds have become ridiculous - doesn't help that people feel that they need to gloat and fuel their egos posting their limit catches. That brings extra pressure on the river. Forums make fishing seem so easy that more people storm the river. It's not always a good thin unfortunately. I see a lot of ignorance on the river with people casting over your line repeatedly and guys fishing with just plain hooks. Not to mention the garbage being left behind. I was fishing lower river and could hear guys laughing and hollering followed by beer cans and a plastic bag floating by. Just pathetic.

The bottom line is people need to be more considerate out there and not be so ignorant and selfish. Don't get in other peoples way out there. Keep it safe for everyone to enjoy and pick up your freakin garbage!

Rod - seems like you limit out every day out there - are you on an all salmon diet? Save some fish for us! 😉


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I've been fishing this river system for many years now and it's unfortunate how brutal it is out there now. Crowds have become ridiculous - doesn't help that people feel that they need to gloat and fuel their egos posting their limit catches. That brings extra pressure on the river. Forums make fishing seem so easy that more people storm the river. It's not always a good thin unfortunately. I see a lot of ignorance on the river with people casting over your line repeatedly and guys fishing with just plain hooks. Not to mention the garbage being left behind. I was fishing lower river and could hear guys laughing and hollering followed by beer cans and a plastic bag floating by. Just pathetic.

The bottom line is people need to be more considerate out there and not be so ignorant and selfish. Don't get in other peoples way out there. Keep it safe for everyone to enjoy and pick up your freakin garbage!

Rod - seems like you limit out every day out there - are you on an all salmon diet? Save some fish for us! 😉

It's the way things are now. I am shocked that in today's day and age of global warming awareness, people aren't picking up their trash. If anything it's getting WORSE. I see more Timny cups and beer cans everyday at my local spot.

chris gadsden

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Glad i was away hunting and fishing the last couple of weeks in the peace of Gold Country. Reading these reports I am scared to go out there, well at least I can go and cleanup some garbage that is being reported being dumped by careless people.

I wonder who is fishing out there is cleaning up some garbage on their outings? Every caring people who after they catch their limit or a fish or two should be.

Of course we had the Worlds Rivers Days cleanup on the Chilliwack Vedder River put on by the Chilliwack Vedder Cleanup Society on September 22.


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Before: "Fish on!" = Lines reeling back
Now: "Fish On!" = Lines from every directions casting to you


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It baffles me the amount of garbage left by people who claim to enjoy the outdoors. Not just on the river but everywhere - in the woods etc. Ruins it for everyone. If you can carry heavier items in it's easy enough to carry the way lighter items back out. But to blatantly leave trash behind and throw your empties into the river - just idiots.


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Yikes, suddenly the Chilliwack/Vedder River is a poop show after one incident is being reported, a couple of days of limiting out and some garbage is found. ;D Best to avoid it! ;)

For the most part, I'd have to say that I have seen a significant improvement on the quality of the fishery and behaviours of anglers in the past two decades. Saturday I popped down to the canal briefly and accessed a run that had at least 40 people along it. I "squeezed in between a couple of people who I knew, and someone else then came in ten feet above me. I wasn't going to get offended, but realizing that it is what it is, most of the people do not have the luxury to fish all the time so they are just trying to enjoy the day and catch some fish. Everyone in that run was fishing properly and just about everyone was hauling in coho salmon. Unmarked fish were released right away in the water, the atmosphere was great!

Certainly it isn't for everyone, the ideal scenario would be to fish in solitude when enjoying the outdoors but this is one of the few put and take fisheries left next to Metro Vancouver where over 2 million people call home. It is going to get busy during the peak of the season. This also does not condone what Gil_Tea experienced on the weekend. The point is that not all crowds are bad, majority of the anglers are out there doing the right thing but a few bad apples can ruin the day for sure. While I was having a great time fishing last week, I saw more experienced anglers helping out people who obviously had no idea what they were doing and they ended up catching coho because of that. I saw female anglers fishing and catching fishing in the crowd with their space being respected. I think the Vedder River is how you want it to be. If you come out here to fish and focus on the negatives, you undoubtedly will find it. If you approach it with a positive mindset and intend to also help others, then you'll have a great day.

Regarding garbage, I think the Chilliwack/Vedder River Cleanup Society has done an amazing job. Imagine if this organization was not started back in 2001 by anglers, how much more garbage would have accumulated in this watershed. We need to keep having these cleanups, keep educating the young minds so their behaviours are correct from the start, keep being vigilant and report all violations to weed out those who are ruining it for the rest of us.

Back to river conditions, it's slowly on the rise now after last night's rain, but it should hold... hopefully! The weather forecast for the rest of the week looks great, which should lead up to a good Thanksgiving weekend of fishing for everyone.


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Took my son and nephew out yesterday afternoon to try out some areas we hadn't fished yet. Completely skunked...again. I'm pretty sure this is the last time I'll be able to get my son out there. We've spent so much time and effort trying to fish this river with nothing to show for it and I fear his patience has run its course.

This is an incredibly frustrating fishery only made more so when the crew next to us is constantly yelling "fish on!" with their 10' leaders in 6' of water. I haven't given up hope yet but I fear I have lost my fishing buddy for this river.


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Took my son and nephew out yesterday afternoon to try out some areas we hadn't fished yet. Completely skunked...again. I'm pretty sure this is the last time I'll be able to get my son out there. We've spent so much time and effort trying to fish this river with nothing to show for it and I fear his patience has run its course.

This is an incredibly frustrating fishery only made more so when the crew next to us is constantly yelling "fish on!" with their 10' leaders in 6' of water. I haven't given up hope yet but I fear I have lost my fishing buddy for this river.

I understand your frustration but totally disagree with your comment on how to catch fish.

I guess something wrong with what you use. There are many people have success with jigs, spoons, wool, fly whatever, but if you want catch fish, just use roe only.

Fish can be very resistant to anything consider how many people has threw all kinds on them. But eventually they are more likely to bite a piece of roe.

I have explored many method in my limited fishing experience. In highly competitive river, if you want catch fish in limited time, use bait.

If it is the crowd discourage you, then you'd stay away the meat hole, fish the tailout.



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Rodney - the clean up that is being done has been truly amazing - my friend and I thanked all the volunteers for doing an amazing job cleaning up. But you are ignorant to think that I'm the only one complaining and that this is just " one incident". Perhaps I'm the only one being vocal about it.

I had many guys surround me in my spot and have the guy on the right cast over the 3 of us to the left. Not cool. The garbage is a problem as there is lots of cups, beer cans and bags left behind. Again - people are too polite to complain. I'm just saying people need to take out what they bring in - plain and simple.

And as much as social media is helping people out with their fishing, it's also loaded the river system with more than usual anglers - it's a simple fact. The Vedder has never been as loaded as I've seen it this year. I'm sure the tackle shops love the business and that's great but fishing has definitely become higher pressure than normal.

These are my opinions and my observations. I like the fact people are enjoying themselves and we are all just trying to catch a salmon but some people need to read up on fishing ethics before they go out. Self education is a must.


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I understand your frustration but totally disagree with your comment on how to catch fish.

Not sure I understand. I didn't mention how we were fishing. In fact we've used roe plenty of times.

...or were you referring to my disdain for the people fishing/flossing with long leaders? Are you suggesting that's how I should be fishing?


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I am impressed this year with the amount of people I've seen fishing the proper way in getting fish to bite rather than resorting to flossing methods.  This is making it difficult for me because now when I fish a run, I have way more competition as everyone is shortfloating roe and catching them before I do.



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As for the crowds and the number of people on the Vedder, even though I am dismayed at the number of people fishing where I am, I don't really have a right to  because I am part of the problem myself and I am not any more deserving to be there than anyone else.


Animal Chin

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For the most part, I'd have to say that I have seen a significant improvement on the quality of the fishery and behaviours of anglers in the past two decades. Saturday I popped down to the canal briefly and accessed a run that had at least 40 people along it. I "squeezed in between a couple of people who I knew, and someone else then came in ten feet above me. I wasn't going to get offended, but realizing that it is what it is, most of the people do not have the luxury to fish all the time so they are just trying to enjoy the day and catch some fish. Everyone in that run was fishing properly and just about everyone was hauling in coho salmon. Unmarked fish were released right away in the water, the atmosphere was great!

10' is considerate at a busy spot...haha.. but yeah can get crazy. You're right, it's generally pretty good, except for the "meat holes" for the lack of a better term. Then I leave or just mentally prepare myself if i stick around. I don't know who i dislike more, the sneaky ones that start walking from way over to try and take your spot as you're landing a fish.. or the "top rods".. who cast over your shoulder and try to squeeze you out cause they think their grandfathers carved out the river with a shovel or something..

I've stopped having expectations at the Vedder.. it's salmon in fresh water, on a river with constantly changing conditions .. so provided you can "read" the river right, you're competing with the lower mainland to get to it first. At least this is how I rationalize getting skunked.

I never do good with roe unless everyone in the spot is catching fast and furious.. and I realized this year that I have to fish a lot deeper than i thought for springs, and I measured out a 2.5' leader and it looked a lot longer than I thought it was.