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Author Topic: Gun Buy Back Program  (Read 8827 times)


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Gun Buy Back Program
« on: July 28, 2022, 01:44:16 PM »

Price List: Liberals Offer $1,337 to AR-15 Owners in Mass Gun Confiscations


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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2022, 11:16:48 AM »

Alberta Blocks Trudeau’s Plan to Use RCMP as Gun-Confiscation Agents

Alberta won't participate in federal efforts to seize prohibited weapons, Shandro says


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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2022, 05:22:13 PM »

Sask. government pulling money away from federal gun buyback

The Saskatchewan government is trying to put its foot down when it comes to guns.

In 2020, the federal government reclassified about 1,500 types of guns as prohibited and committed to implementing a buyback program. While there are indications that program is starting to be set up, Saskatchewan’s government is throwing up roadblocks.

According to the province’s chief firearms officer, Robert Freberg, the Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety sent a letter to the RCMP on Tuesday indicating the province supports anti-crime initiatives that focus on the issues related to the criminal use of firearms and that prevent gang violence and address illegal or smuggled guns.

“However, we do not support initiatives that will impact law-abiding, RCMP-vetted hunters, sport shooters, ranchers, farmers and others who use firearms for lawful and good purposes,” Freberg told Gormley on Wednesday.

Therefore, Freberg said the provincial government has decided it won’t allow the use of provincial funds to administer and enforce the buyback program, which Freberg called a confiscation program.

“We’re saying this isn’t a priority to use our taxpayers’ dollars,” said Freberg.


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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2022, 12:34:18 PM »

Manitoba joins the party! No Provincial Resources for Firearms Confiscations​
September 29, 2022 by Web Admin Filed Under: CSSA Commentary, CSSA Special Reports

On September 28, Kelvin Goertzen, Manitoba Minister of Justice and Attorney General, joined Alberta and Saskatchewan in stating that provincially-funded and grossly understaffed RCMP personnel will not pander to the federal Liberal government’s virtue-signalling agenda.
“We feel many aspects of the federal approach to gun crimes unnecessarily target lawful gun owners,” Minister Goertzen wrote, “while having little impact on criminals, who are unlikely to follow gun regulations in any event.

“In Manitoba’s view, any buy-back program cannot further erode precious provincial police resources, already suffering from large vacancy rates, from focusing on investigation of violent crime.”

Three provinces in three days are now on record stating they want their province’s contracted RCMP members focused on investigating violent crimes and the criminals who commit them, not playing collection agents for the Liberal government.

“We will be bringing these concerns,” Minister Goertzen wrote, “along with the shared concern of Saskatchewan and Alberta, directly to the federal government next month in meetings of Ministers of Justice and Ministers of Public Safety.”

Saskatchewan Public Safety Minister Christine Tell, Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro and Manitoba Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen are unequivocal in their positions.

Provincially-funded RCMP personnel and resources will not be removed from the very real job of protecting and defending public safety in order to pander to the Liberal government’s latest “gun control” whim.

These three provinces clearly comprehend what Justin Trudeau and his Liberal ship of fools do not: Focusing on federally-licensed, RCMP-vetted firearm owners while ignoring violent repeat offenders is ridiculous – deserving of ridicule – and will not be tolerated.

The CSSA thanks Minister Kelvin Goertzen and the entire Manitoba government for their forward thinking, hard work and dedication on behalf of the firearms owners of Manitoba.

The West is grateful for your support.


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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2022, 11:05:44 AM »



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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2022, 12:20:16 PM »

Legislative Assembly Urges Liberals Not To Use Resources For Firearms Confiscation

WHITEHORSE – A Yukon Party Official Opposition motion urging the Yukon government to ensure RCMP resources are not used to enforce the federal government’s gun confiscation program has passed.

The Yukon Legislative Assembly adopted the motion Wednesday afternoon with the support of Yukon Party and Yukon NDP MLAs.

The motion passed by the Legislative Assembly reads:

THAT this House urges the Yukon government to ensure that territorial policing resources are not diverted to assist in the implementation of the Government of Canada’s gun “buy-back” program.

“The National Police Federation, which is the union representing RCMP members, has made it clear that the Trudeau government’s Order in Council prohibiting various firearms and the ‘buy-back’ program will divert police resources away from dealing with organized crime,” Cathers said. “RCMP members said the federal Liberal government’s firearms measures actually divert important personnel and resources from where they are needed most. We are happy the motion passed, and hope the territorial government will respect the will of the Yukon Legislative Assembly.”


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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2022, 11:59:36 AM »

New Brunswick Now IN:

Ministers from four provinces oppose use of police resources for gun buyback

Justice and public safety ministers from four provinces called on the federal government to halt its plans to use RCMP and police resources during the coming confiscation of banned firearms.

According to the provincial government, ministers from Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and New Brunswick oppose the move, saying police resources are scarce and should be used to improve public safety rather than to “confiscate legally acquired firearms.” Instead, the ministers argued, gun crime should be fought through tighter border security, and by cracking down on smuggling and illegal firearms trafficking.

The four provinces also jointly called on the federal government to “ensure that no funding for the Guns and Gang Violence Action Fund or other public safety initiatives be diverted to the federal firearms confiscation program.”

“While we fully support crime initiatives that focus on the issues related to the criminal use of illegal firearms, preventing and combatting gang violence and addressing the issue of illegal or smuggled guns in our province, we don’t support those that impact law abiding hunters, sport shooters, ranchers, farmers and Indigenous people who use firearms for lawful and good reasons,” Saskatchewan Justice Minister Bronwyn Eyre and Corrections, Policing and Public Safety Minister Christine Tell said in a joint statement.

Their comments were echoed in a statement by Kirk Austin, New Brunswick’s minister of public safety.

“New Brunswick’s bottom line is this: RCMP resources are spread thin as it is,” Austin said.

“We have made it clear to the Government of Canada that we cannot condone any use of those limited resources, at all, in their planned buyback program.”


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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2022, 12:24:42 PM »

Regina police chief says many questions still unanswered about federal gun buyback

By around this time next year, the Canadian government plans to be implementing its ban on all assault-style firearms.

In order to get those guns off the streets, the government wants to buy the weapons back from their owners.

Currently, there is an amnesty period in place until Oct. 30, 2023.

An amnesty period is designed to protect individuals and businesses who, at the time the prohibition came into force, were in lawful possession of a newly prohibited firearm from criminal liability while they take steps to comply with the law.

Regina Police Service Chief Evan Bray is helping chair a firearms committee with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police.

Speaking to Gormley on Wednesday, Bray said it was unlikely the feds will be able to get everything in place to buy back the guns by Oct. 30 next year.

“I was just informed on a call the other day that it is (more like) 2,000 styles of firearms that are going to be included in this ban. That in and of itself gets very complicated because you’re looking at characteristics of the firearms,” Bray said.

“I think it’s very safe to say we’re a long ways from rolling this out. I know they say they want to have this wrapped up by the end of October 2023, (but) I just don’t see that happening. They still don’t really have a plan about how this is going to roll out.”


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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2022, 12:38:03 PM »

Mendicino Cares More About Drug Dealers than Your Family’s Safety

When political considerations drive government policy, the results are always disastrous for ordinary Canadians.

If  Marco Mendicino actually cared about the safety of Canadians, he would  plug the revolving door in our justice system that sees violent  criminals arrested repeatedly for serious crimes – include violating  Firearm Prohibition Orders – only to be released so they can commit more  crimes.

This is a serious public safety issue we’ve raised regularly with this government, only to be ignored.

Neither Mendicino nor any of his Liberal predecessors have lifted a finger to stop this madness.

They  don’t dare, because this Liberal government depends upon the ongoing  violence committed by these criminals to keep uninformed voters scared.  As we’ve learned, a terrified population will accept any measure, no  matter how absurd, so long as it promises that most beloved of all  unicorns, safety.

Mendicino uses the tragic deaths caused by violent criminals, drug dealers and gang members to perpetuate his government’s lie.

“If we take guns away from law-abiding Canadians, criminals will stop shooting up Canadian streets. We promise!”

In a land of Liberal unicorns and fairy dust, maybe, but not here  on Planet Earth where more government regulation didn’t prevent 1,791   convicted criminals from violating their existing Firearm Prohibition   Orders in 2021.

Nor  will it stop the estimated 1,853 convicted criminals who will violate  their Firearm Prohibition Orders by the end of this year.

It  is to Canada’s eternal shame that our Liberal Prime Minister and  successive Ministers of Public Safety are, like a horse with blinders  on, focused on the only thing they can see: more votes from uninformed Canadians.

Keeping Canadians safe never enters their minds, beyond their use  of the phrase to distort reality to suit their self-serving agenda.

Their endless, deceitful virtue signalling on firearms   notwithstanding, confiscating lawfully-possessed firearms from licensed Canadian gun owners will never stop violent criminals, drug dealers and  gang members from shooting innocent people in our major cities.

You don’t solve a problem by ignoring it.

You solve a problem by dealing with it, no matter how difficult or how politically unpopular it may be.

It’s called behaving with integrity – an ideal our political class has long forgotten.

The sooner all Canadians wake up to this stark reality, the better off we all will be.


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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2022, 12:11:48 PM »

Police chiefs urge Ottawa not to rely on forces to oversee gun buyback program

Canadian police chiefs are urging the federal government not to rely on resource-strapped police forces to carry out a planned gun buyback.

Regina Police Chief Evan Bray, appearing at a House of Commons committee on behalf of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, says the buyback will be an administrative process involving a massive amount of work.

Bray told MPs that police are already overstretched and lack the resources to administer the buyback program.



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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2022, 02:41:55 PM »

But the legally licensed and daily vetted legal owners are the problem??

Really?    ::)

Repeat Firearm Prohibition Order Offenders for 4 weeks ending October 29, 2022

In the past 4 weeks, 70 repeat offenders arrested for other crimes were also charged with 141 counts of breaching Firearm Prohibition Orders.


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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2022, 02:32:52 PM »

Another Related Court Win. These are starting to stack up...

Court Win: Judge Orders Details of RCMP’s ‘Nullifications,’ Says They Are Revocations

Canadian gun owners won a major victory in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice today, advancing their fight against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s mass criminalizations and confiscations begun in May 2020.

Disclosure Order

Justice Antonio Skarica of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ordered details of the RCMP’s unprecedented and unheard of “nullifications” of firearm-registration certificates in 2020, and equated them to revocations.

Why It Matters

Today’s ruling is the second case gun owners have won in higher courts, compared to zero for Trudeau.

It expands the type of evidence that a provincial judge may order from the government in future hearings under Section 74 of the federal Firearms Act.

The victory was won by five gun owners who represented themselves in court without a lawyer.


Trudeau’s governing Liberal Party and the RCMP have so far refused to disclose details of their “nullifications,” both in court and in responding to questions from

The RCMP invented the tactic to help Trudeau confiscate popular rifles and shotguns from hundreds of thousands of government-licensed owners.

Trudeau has no idea or plan for how to execute his crackdown. He failed to complete it by his April 2022 deadline and will probably fail again.

This is but one of the Courts that the liberals refused to release specifically directed requests for information from. The Judges have all right to be PO'd at them. This time, this one DEMANDED they produce the information. Period. Full Stop.



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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2022, 03:44:52 PM »

What has materially changed?

The Stipulations on a Revocation are explicitly detailed in the Act, and the nullifications did not meet those Stipulations. Period. Full Stop. It was simply a poorly designed introduction to try and get around the related legal issues.

The Judge has now called that out.

So now, either we all get revocation letters.... to which we can all file Section 74 contests to (opening that door up to a huge number that can & will tie up the courts for years, allowing those who do so to retain their personal property until such time as the individual cases are decided), or the Judge finds the government in contempt.

How do you figure the balance of the case might proceed if they attempt to end run the court once again?


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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2023, 01:05:58 PM »

The decision regarding the judicial review of the May 1, 2020 OIC (Order in Council) Prohibiting 1500 plus named firearms is still pending.

Is this an attempt to influence the outcome of the decision?

This move is entirely inappropriate for the Liberals to make prior to Justice Kane's court decision...

Mendicino announces first step of firearm buyback program, targeting industry

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino says Ottawa has taken its first step toward launching its firearms buyback program, beginning with industry.

Mendicino said at a news conference this morning that the government has signed a contract with the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association to work with businesses and retailers that currently hold inventory prohibited under a May 2020 order-in-council.

The association Mendicino named in his announcement tweeted during the minister's remarks that it remains "skeptical" of this industry buyback program, citing concerns about a lack of implementation process.

The second phase of the buyback program is expected to aim to target individual firearms owners, who currently have amnesty under an order that is set to expire in October.


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Re: Gun Buy Back Program
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2023, 02:35:28 PM »

Justin Trudeau’s Great Canadian Gun Confiscation

There’s no market, only one buyer, and participation is mandatory

When governments take private property, such takings are usually done to carry out some larger public project — like building roads and other infrastructure. Unlike property seizures of the past, the Trudeau Liberals’ gun confiscation (“buyback”) isn’t supporting some larger project for the benefit of the public. It’s a confiscation of private property for the sake of fulfilling a platform point.

​​They can argue that gun confiscation addresses a public safety issue, but the evidence doesn’t support this. As gun expert Tim Thurley wrote in the National Post last month, the gun control measures that do make a difference for public safety have been in place in Canada for the past 30 years — including licensing, safe storage requirements and background checks. Meanwhile, a substantial body of research shows that bans for specific types of guns don’t work.