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Author Topic: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season  (Read 184563 times)


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #435 on: May 05, 2020, 07:28:11 AM »

The small ones hurt like a stitch.  The big ones, unbelievable the amount of pain.  Yeah, getting them while you are driving or doing something else can be horrible.  My brother got one while fishing on the Fraser with a Chinook on the line.  They were in the boat and he was in the back of the boat, pole in hand while my dad drove and my other brother watched.  Despite the adrenaline and everything else going on, it hit him and dropped him to his knees.  He handed the pole quickly to my other brother and then spent the rest of the time while they fought the fish on his side writhing in pain.  It really can drop you with the amount of pain.  The first one I got I woke up in the middle of the night, like 1 am, feeling like I was having lower back cramps.  I had spent the evening before moving a bunch of heavy furniture so I wasn't happy but figured it was that.  I took a shower and stretched and it relaxed a little bit so went back to bed, about 2, woke up and started throwing up.  Was taking a shower as often as the hot water heater would warm the water as that helped a little bit but we were at my ex's grandparents and their house was old with a small hot water heater.  Spent the next number of hours throwing up and writhing on the bathroom floor.  Went to the ER and was told I had a 7 1/2 mm stone.  You can generally pass anything smaller than about 7 or 8 so it was right at the upper limit.

That stone was the worst I have ever had.  The ER gave me medicine to get me back home as we were visiting 7 hours away from home.  Ex drove the whole way back.  Went to a urologist when we got back and since it was in the tube the option was they have to go up and grab it.  It is just as bad as it sounds.  They take a scope, probably a quarter inch diameter.  They knock you out but they stick that up your ... uh peehole I guess is the best way to put it, go up to the stone which is likely a foot inside, grab it with some pinchers and yank it out.  If it is too big to just yank out they cut it with a laser and then yank it out.  So, I went in to get that done, they knocked me out, woke up and was told the horrible news that it had gone back up into the kidney and they couldn't grab it so instead they put a stint in, which is essentially a tube that goes from your kidney to your bladder to keep the stone from passing.  This is attached to a surgical string which comes out or your peehole and they taped it around, well, shortly below the peehole.  So, that was a horrible experience itself but then being a young man at the time, the next morning a certain.... wood, showed up, which they had not left enough string left and so the string started ripping my hole and so we had to cut the tape.

I dealt with the stint for a couple weeks because the insurance company would only pay for a traveling lithotripsy which is what they use to blast the stones up instead of one of the ones that were at hospitals because it was cheaper.  I finally got it blasted and then you pee sand for maybe a week which isn't comfortable, doesn't really hurt bad but feels like your innards are caught in a whirlpool and being sucked through your peehole as all of the tubes spasms and quiver.

So yeah, they can really suck.  It doesn't affect the bile.  It doesn't really affect your digestion although it will give you an upset stomach because of the pain.  And of course the pain killers they give you will make you horribly constipated so that doesn't help.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #436 on: May 05, 2020, 11:24:33 PM »

TNA gee it all sounds like a horror movie.
To go through all those you have suffered.
Think I'd be tempted to drink a light olive oil ....full glass in a day...for 3 days...
Maybe get so much oil ..that stone may get lubricated out.  :o
This day and age ...ya just think a supplement or medication could prevent or fix instantly.
Nothing worse than to had a problem...then get constipated add on to it....
Me Doctor Whobataaaaaa what your please do not tell me. No time to explain.
I must leave my office in 5 minutes.
New improve formula and technique...
You sickness problem standing up.
Sooooo we put rope pulley ...put you upside down till tomorrow when I come back tomorrow you should be improve.
Gull blatter fix gull stone fix , heart improve , more blood to brain...less blood to feet ...
That is the technique....the formula is pay my bill ( $$$ ) then I take you off pulley ropes and back to feet ...standup time...go home now.

Oh by the way ...TNA if you get stone problem in future would you like me to make appt for you to see Dr Whobataaaaaa ?
Just joking....
Anyways hope you get well soon ...
Health is so good ...
Times had hep B ...
Major heart attack.....stent....
Really injured back ...20 plus times I guess...back spasms ....or back joint pain...
When your sick it just seems it takes forever to get well sometimes....
I take apple cider vinegar ...1x daily...with unsweetened pineapple juice....1 orange daily ....forkful sauerkraut ( food to feed good bacteria in intestine ) 1 pill suppliment vit. D 1000 ui.
Plus eat whole wheat or 10 grain porridge as part of breakfast...
Plus try to avoid the sugar ....too excess salt or bakery goods...white flour ...white rice...potato chips ...cheese corn chips ...oh sure cheat sometimes but mainly avoid.
Ice cream sometimes...
Take care will be prayed for that your healing will come faster ...hope it will help.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #437 on: May 06, 2020, 07:39:30 AM »

I appreciate it.  Everybody is unique in what causes theirs.  Mine are even more unique because mine are hard to see on ct scan, or impossible.  I have had dozens so I know what they feel like.  Had one, hurt on the right side so went in to the urologist.  He has himself operated on me at least six times for stones, either blasting or pulling them out.  A couple years ago, I went in with the same kind of pain, they took a ct scan and they said I didn't have any.  Sent me back to my primary care doctor, who said it seemed like a kidney stone but if they said it wasn't, maybe it was diverticulitis.  Sent me to the doctor for that, he said he was almost positive it wasn't that but did a colonoscopy to be safe.  That was so much fun and he found nothing.  Eventually passed it with nobody being able to tell me what it was.

So this last time I went in and he treated me like I was coming in there hoping to score some pain killers to get high.  Sent me for a ct scan and they couldn't see anything, although I had blood in my urine when they tested it.  The nurse told me that since it wasn't showing up on the ct scan, it wasn't urological and tried sending me back to primary care.  I ended up having to go to the ER, they said the only thing that made sense was kidney stone so went to another urologist.  They did a ct scan but then did another scan where they do an IV with contrast.  Said they couldn't see anything on the regular one but with the contrast, I had 2 between the kidney and bladder, another 3 smaller ones in the kidney on the left side, 1 on the right, and about a dozen really small ones in the kidney.  One of the stones was hurting on the right side, the other on the left, so one was even hurting on the wrong side of my body but it showed the other doctor was full of it.

And yesterday things ramped up enough I called my new doctor hoping he could send in some medicine without seeing me.  He can do that but needed a CT scan so went and did that yesterday.  That wasn't fun as they scanned my temp as soon as I walked in the door, gave me a face mask that I had to wear, and the waiting room had very few seats so everybody had to be distant.  Waiting on results from that.  I don't like taking the pain pills but will if I have to.  They have pills that dialate the tubes which will allow it to pass easier.  They also have pills that make it so the tubes don't spasm which is where most of my pain comes from.  Others get pain because the stone blocks the tube and the urine backs up into the kidney and if that happens it can actually damage your kidney significantly or even kill you.

So, still having fun here.  All prayers appreciated.  Would like for it to pass soon.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #438 on: May 06, 2020, 09:17:33 PM »

Ring around the roses here we driving around the block 100 x for no reason.
You were in pain and all signs showed it was stones...but doctor said "no" so then it's back to reg. MD and he sends you to get scoped up the bum ...never had it but ya you have to have no poo ...and then drink some untasty liq. ....then they use an old WW2 periscope and check your bum and insides... they send you to a new specialist ...and use dye so it shows up better...and there those pesky stones were !!!
Finally treatment.
If these guys knew the proper "what could be going on" with TNA ...they should of put the dye test right at the beginning & saved you a lot of grief and time.
Some doctors are like mechanics...a not so knowledgeable one trial and error ...finally finds the problem.
Other mechanic BINGO this is the problem and this is the fix/repair .
Hang in there ...
Use lots of Franks Hot Sauce ( from red pepper ) ...maybe this will prevent future stones from forming.
One day at a time.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #439 on: May 07, 2020, 07:18:02 AM »

Mine seem to be from eating fried okra.  Can be from spinach and that type of greens but don't eat a lot of that but fried okra is a weakness of mine.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #440 on: May 07, 2020, 12:10:37 PM »

Mine seem to be from eating fried okra.  Can be from spinach and that type of greens but don't eat a lot of that but fried okra is a weakness of mine.
;D ;D ;D
Just one more bite of fried okra....
WTH ....another bite or 2 -3 -4 ...
Ah...just finish it off.
Remember ..then stabbing pain comes....from stones..."It only happens when I laugh"
Laugh and then "pain" in lower right side !!!!
Was it you who posted a vid?
Youtube vid: Inside Kidney Stone Disease.
( TNA shows the dif. types of stones ..4-5 and what they consist of.
Did say some that can cause pain are the size of a tip of a needle/pin and nearly invisible.)

TNA please watch youtube: Remove painful calcium deposits from your body ( 3 best home remedies)
Dr. Mandell.

Apple cider vinegar
Maguiusum 500 mg calcium 1000 mg ( both in one pill. )
Chanca Piedra.

TNA the reviews are out of this world for this chanca piedra ....nickname The Stone Buster.
Check out on youtube.
Hope it helps.

Imagine if Ali boxed Holmes on rematch ...Holmes destroyed Ali in 1979 bout ( think it was 1979 )
Bout 2 ....
Everyone has put their $$$$ on Holmes.
Millions and millions on Holmes to win.
Zero on draw / zero on Ali win.
Ding bell rings 1st Round ... Ali comes out of the corner ...Holmes comes out of his corner ...ripped & in shape.
Ali throws a jab and it connects on Holmes shoulder. No big deal punch.
Suddenly Holmes drops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is in pain like he got hit by a donkey kick in the "between the legs" !!!!!
Ali wins in 10 secs 1st round !!! Greatest victory ever !!!!
Ref checks Ali's gloves and taped steel or foreign object ...all legal.
Reports are divided to who to interview !!!
Ali or Holmes what happened ????
Ali says: I trained hard for this bout. "float like a butterfly and sting like a bee"
In dressing room of Larry Holmes .....doctors say : Kidney stones attack  :o
Ali : Fake was my punch  ::)
Now you have the rest of the story. ( that never happened )



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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #441 on: May 08, 2020, 08:17:16 AM »

Yeah, a lot of the remedies depend on the type of stone.  I somehow mix two of the types.  Tried all kinds of remedies.  My dad gets them all the time too.  Very much genetic in my case and nothing seems to really help.

One of the huge problems I see is that the doctor's get paid for treating the symptoms (the stones).  Finding a cure for the stones removes that source of income.  Not sure the people who could come up with a cure have the incentive to come up with a cure.  Those of us with them don't have the expertise.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #442 on: May 08, 2020, 08:58:30 AM »

But do try the apple cider vinegar and :

google: chanca piedra. Think you will be amazed with the promising reviews it gets. ( stone buster )

Gee I should feel lousy today as for the first time in a long time had 6 beers and a touch of tomato juice...within 2 hours.
Soaking in the sun listening to Elvis gospel songs on youtube.
Should of kept it to 2 beers.
During the night was so thirsty...must of drank 1/2 container of milk.
Maybe a good thing as best before/expiry was May 5 .
Well it was not sour. ( buy the skim milk so there's no fat )
Gotta protect the arteries.

EDIT IN: hearing more & more about NHL starting up for just TV games !!!
Your past comments on the subject is coming together.

But it will be hard to watch some games if the sun is out....
When Vancouver area has a sunny day ...people get outside because for 6 months we weather is extra gloomy / damp/ cold/ rainy/ snowy/ ....
Finals are on ...or one's team going far into playoffs...of course will watch every game at that point.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 09:03:49 AM by A-BOATER »


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #443 on: May 11, 2020, 07:19:00 AM »

I think NASCAR is starting back up next weekend.  I think NBA people are able to practice as I heard some guy saying it was really weird going out for shooting practice and the aide that was getting the ball for him had a mask on and gloves.  So assume if they are practicing with team personnel that is sanctioned by the NBA.  Hoping NHL is able to follow suit soon.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #444 on: May 12, 2020, 09:54:31 AM »

We have TNT stores in Richmond ...3 of them ..inwhich lots of Asians go to ...I go there too but not recently...but the new rule is to shop there a mask is needed.

Vancouver is offering the rink if the NHL wants to restart the season.
Lots of hotel rooms avaible .


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #445 on: May 13, 2020, 07:09:38 AM »

Which is great except it doesn't work very well if the players have to quarantine for a week or something just for crossing the border.  That would have to be figured out before a rink in Canada could be considered I think.  They have been saying for a bit mid May to early June for teams to start team activities in a limited fashion.  We are mid May so I am hopeful.

Unfortunately, like everything else these days, this thing has become so political that the different factions are digging in their heels on which way they are going to go which means some states are going to be very slow in restarting.  I have a friend who was a nurse here that got laid off when it all started.  Her job was giving shots to people getting ready to leave the country so of course that isn't needed now.  She is in NY working.  Said the beds are mostly empty and a lot of the ventilators are not used and she wishes they would relax things a bit.  Eventually, most of the people will have to get it before the effects minimize.  The goal of isolating was to not overwhelm the hospitals but now that the hospitals have room they should relax things more while the hospitals have the nurses and equipment.  If it goes too long the nurses will start getting laid off, the equipment will be sent....somewhere, and then if another wave hits they are less prepared.

But what do I know I guess.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #446 on: May 18, 2020, 09:49:00 AM »

Pierre LeBrun is indicating that there has been significant progress made on a 24 team playoff schedule.  Not sure when that could take place but seems there is progress being made on getting us back to some hockey.  Fingers crossed people.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #447 on: May 18, 2020, 01:02:29 PM »

Are only 24 teams willing to restart ?
My thinking is play 5 games to end reg. season and then 16 teams go to the playoffs.

But if I was in charge ....when everything gets back to normal...I'd change the playoff system.
Have regular season ....80 games then only 8 teams make the playoffs.

Also in regular season and playoffs no back to back games.
Teams then know they can "put out lots of energy" and then can recharge the next day.
But regardless ref blow the whistle and drop the puck !!!  :)
Hang in there TNA .....don't worry if you think things are bad now just wait it will be 100x worse soon....

( just joking ) the guy with hernia says: it only hurts when I laugh.



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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #448 on: May 19, 2020, 07:57:46 AM »

News said Texas is opening professional sports May 31st without spectators.  California is hoping for the first week of June.  So, maybe there will be hockey soon.  Hoping so.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #449 on: May 20, 2020, 07:33:46 AM »

More news coming out.  Seems positive.

I don't know what they do about the quarantine but I think that likely means that however many cities they choose to play in, they will all likely be located inside the US to prevent cross border travel.  Seems like they hope to have a solution in the next 7-10 days and they hope to start Phase 2 which is practicing (voluntary it seems) before the end of May so that is right around the corner.

Things are starting to open up down here and get back to a little bit more of a regular schedule which seems nice.