OK folks, this is the biggy of the year. Last year, I put on the first "Fish for the Future" during BC Family Fishing Weekend down in Steveston. The response was excellent. between 200 to 300 kids came out and fished with us throughout the day for various species of coarse fish that day. We also had various educational activities set up such as fly tying, fly casting, drawing, BC Hydro's challenges, bird watching, etc.
I will be doing the event once again this year. It will take place on Saturday June 19th. I am going to keep the theme fairly similar. It's not a derby, just a family fishing day for kids to come down and learn about fishing. We'll have a fish tank once again for them to put fish in, we'll have the fly tying booth again for them to tie flies.
Of course, something like this needs volunteers, so I am putting out a request once again for those who are interested. I need people to lend a hand on the day doing duties such as:
Tying up rods
Fly tying instruction
setting up and taking down (carrying tables, chairs, putting up signs, tents and banners)
Direct parking
I need about ten to fifteen volunteers for the above duties.
I also need a couple of people who live in Richmond to give me a hand on the larger duties:
Meeting up various local business to ensure we can use their parking lot on the day
Reserve tables, etc
Where is this?

It's a peaceful little pier where people can come and enjoy fishing. Lots of other things to do too. Plenty of birdlife, there is a farm down the street where you can visit etc.
What do volunteers get?
A sense of accomplishment by creating 300 new anglers.

You will also get a free lunch, snacks. And T shirt too.
Last year's event can be seen at:
http://fishingwithrod.com/fftf/IM me or send me an email if you are interested. This post is just to let people know when the event is so you can mark it on your calendar.