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Author Topic: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday  (Read 20370 times)


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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #60 on: June 03, 2020, 10:38:56 AM »

The CSSA reports that not only is it dishonest for the government to maintain that that ban is intended for “weapons that were not designed for hunting or for target shooting,” but that:

[a]n examination of the new regulations showed a clear lack of understanding of the subject matter and that little care was taken in the preparation of these documents. Officials from these departments were unable to provide a working definition of the firearms that were placed on the “banned” list and displayed a shocking ignorance of current laws. They were unable to answer simple question about how the current ban would dovetail with the prohibitions contained in … legislation passed eleven months ago.

Mr. Burlew explains that the Liberal government not only capitalized on the pandemic-related suspension of Parliament to go after law-abiding gun owners, it empowered the police to interpret the scope of the law. The list of banned guns is not fixed at what appears in the May 1 regulation because, “as the RCMP Forensic Lab adds their opinion of Variants,” the banned gun list has grown to include “over 1,000 new prohibited guns not directly listed in the Order in Council. These are opinions of nameless bureaucrats who are expanding the list by hundreds of manufacturer models daily.”


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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #61 on: June 04, 2020, 10:44:00 AM »

Legal and responsible Canadian gun owners are seeking information amid mass confusion and uncertainty as the Canadian Government rolls out a new regime of Gun Bans that will affect everyone from collectors, sports shooters, to duck and deer hunters. Wild TV and the CCFR have teamed up to create two 1-hour documentary-style episodes explaining why we, as hunters, need to unite with the sport-shooting community and why we need to care about the recent gun ban.

This is a wake-up call for all Canadian hunters. They are attempting to divide the shooting communities and we need to become united otherwise it could be bad news for all of us in the future. This ban uses such vague language regarding exactly what is now outlawed, and it leaves the door open for other necessary hunting tools to be included in the future, meaning bad news for more of us.

There are many gun ban "myths" cycling the internet, so Wild TV and the CCFR have put together this show to clear up any confusion behind the way the ban was rolled out, and to clarify the misinformation floating around. Canadians have been misled regarding the intent of this ban so Wild TV and the CCFR are using our platforms to educate and to break through the smokescreen that was seemingly put up to disguise the outlaw of 1500+ guns. This has been more than just an attack on gun owners; the ban takes away Canadians’ rights and liberty, affects the economy in a massive way, and will cause the loss of livelihoods and affect the ability of many to feed their families.

"Gun Ban Canada" sheds startling, eye-opening information on the ban and the devastating effects it will have on law-abiding Canadian Gun Owners and livelihoods of small business owners that support them.

The first episode will air on Wild TV six times:
June 10, 17 @ 17:30
June 11, 24 @ 19:00
June 14, 21 @ 18:00

The second episode will air:
June 24 @ 17:30
June 25 @ 19:00
June 28 @ 18:00


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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #62 on: June 04, 2020, 11:11:34 AM »

Should government use an Order In Council (OIC) to fulfill a campaign promise? Is it an abuse of power by government, misusing the authority of the Governor General (Sovereign representative), under the advice of a Minister? And should the Attorney General intervene, despite the fact the Attorney General is also the Minister of Justice, to ensure the Crown has not been placed in disrepute and to protect the rule of law?

Somewhat lengthy, but very worthwhile read.



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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #63 on: June 04, 2020, 11:29:30 AM »

Alberta Vows to Defend Gun Rights Against Trudeau’s Attacks

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney vowed today to use the Canadian Constitution, provincial regulations and possibly a lawsuit to defend the rights of hunters, farmers and sport shooters against the federal Liberal Party’s attacks.


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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #65 on: June 05, 2020, 01:53:10 PM »

The MADNESS continues! Suspects charged with extremely serious firearms charges after shooting at RCMP  - released:

Instead, lets take the guns away from legal owners...
Complete CROCK!


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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #66 on: June 09, 2020, 04:01:29 PM »

The question is, given a domestic historical record showing the lack of a causal nexus between gun control and crime reduction, why the federal government is so intent on taking firearms out of the hands of law-abiding Canadians?

The more than obvious answer relates to much of what the focus of this present "government" is: Vote Pandering at all costs.



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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #67 on: June 10, 2020, 01:25:15 PM »



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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #68 on: June 10, 2020, 02:33:16 PM »

RCMP Letter – Legitimate Notice or Fishing Expedition?

The RCMP’s problem is upwards of 175,000 now-Prohibited firearms were classified as Non-Restricted on April 30, 2020, the day before their virtue-signalling press conference announcing the ban.

The RCMP has no idea who owns any of these guns and the only way to trigger individual notifications is by revoking a Registration Certificate.

Since registration is not required for Non-Restricted firearms, neither the Trudeau government nor the RCMP know who owns these guns.

So why did the RCMP really send this letter?


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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #69 on: June 14, 2020, 10:56:17 AM »

One of the largest concerns (or should be for any and all of us regardless of your position in the matter) is the cost to the taxpayer this "project" will represent. Whereas the government has repeatedly claimed it will "only" be in the neighborhood of $ 600 million, no-one has actually bought in to those numbers (another intentional misdirection?). That amount would not even address the actual pay-out costs of reimbursements to owners for this mandated confiscation.

Recently the Fraser Institute conducted a simple and reasonable number crunch. Their team suggests the actual costs may wander north of five billion tax dollars:

Trudeau government’s ‘buy back’ gun program likely a multi-billion boondoggle

Broader picture means increased pressure on already taxed police personnel, beyond stressed tax dollar coffers, and funds dedicated to this pointless activity that are desperately needed elsewhere - where they might actually do some good.



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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #70 on: June 17, 2020, 12:54:21 PM »

Sask. Bill amendment prevents municipalities from banning guns

REGINA --      The Saskatchewan government has introduced amendments to Bill 194, that  it says will further protect the rights of legal gun owners in the  province.

The province says amendments to this bill will prevent banning gun ownership at the municipal level.

Recently the federal government had made clear its plan to pass   legislation that would allow municipalities the ability to ban guns.

“The Government of Saskatchewan prefers to take the position of   encouraging education and safety with a focus on current enforcement   efforts, while taking a tough stance on criminals who are breaking the   existing laws, rather than further restricting legitimate firearms   ownership by law-abiding residents,” Government Relations Minister Lori Carr said.

The amendments were to The Miscellaneous Municipal Statutes Amendment Act, 2019.


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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #71 on: June 18, 2020, 11:50:49 AM »

Taking the gun ban and buyback to court

The Canadian Taxpayer Federation joins the legal fray...

We all want a safer Canada, but buying back guns from licenced gun owners won’t stop criminals
So we need your help to save taxpayers’ money by taking Ottawa to court.
The Trudeau government’s gun ban won’t make Canadians safer, but it WILL waste hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.
Even worse, the Trudeau government imposed these new regulations without holding a vote in Parliament.
Ottawa is ducking accountability yet again.
Canadians aren’t going to stand for it. In fact, at least one has already launched a court challenge to these new regulations.
Cassandra Parker, who owns a small business in Prince George, B.C., has launched a legal challenge in the Federal Court against the new gun buyback. She needs all the help she can get.

We want to jump into the court fight as interveners to support her.

We’ve done this before: to fight the carbon tax; to fight for the right of the Ontario government to shrink Toronto city council; and for the right of provincial governments to refuse pay raises for employees.
Whenever we’ve shown up in court, the CTF has been there to represent a point of view that no one else will: taxpayers.
We’re lucky to have an outstanding lawyer, James Plotkin, representing us as we seek permission from the court to intervene.
Normally, the legal fees for a case like this are extremely expensive, but James has given us a deep discount. So we need to raise $21,000 by the end of June to make sure we are ready to file documents before court deadlines.
Can you help chip in to cover the cost? You can donate on our secure website by clicking this LINK.
We know that to fight for you, we need to use all the tools we have and that includes going to court to make sure your voice is heard.

Thank you as always for your support!


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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #72 on: June 19, 2020, 01:56:07 PM »

Alberta Parks and Environment minister Jason Nixon

Be it resolved that the Legislative Assembly

(a) recognize that the criminal use of firearms primarily involves unlicensed individuals, often using illegally smuggled firearms;

(b) express its opposition to the Government of Canada’s recent decision to amend regulations to the Criminal Code to prohibit the possession, transportation and sale of certain types of legally-acquired firearms by licensed, law-abiding citizens; and

(c) urge the Government of Alberta to take all necessary steps to assert provincial jurisdiction in connection with these matters, including replacing the Chief Firearms Officer having jurisdiction for Alberta as designated by the federal Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness with a chief firearms officer for Alberta designated by the Government of Alberta in accordance with the Firearms Act (Canada).


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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #73 on: June 20, 2020, 11:25:13 AM »

Effect of firearms legislation on suicide and homicide in Canada

No beneficial association was found between legislation and female or male homicide rates. There was no association found with firearm prevalence rates per province and provincial suicide rates, but an increased association with suicide rates was found with rates of low income, increased unemployment, and the percentage of aboriginals in the population. In conclusion, firearms legislation had no associated beneficial effect on overall suicide and homicide rates. Prevalence of firearms ownership was not associated with suicide rates. Multifaceted strategies to reduce mortality associated with firearms may be required such as steps to reduce youth gang membership and violence, community-based suicide prevention programs, and outreach to groups for which access to care may be a particular issue, such as Aboriginals.


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Re: Federal government could act on gun control as early as Friday
« Reply #74 on: June 23, 2020, 12:12:47 PM »

Major Announcement - National Education Campaign

The CCFR is launching the largest public awareness campaign on behalf of gun owners in Canadian history. This new high water mark is in the form of a massive national advertising campaign. This program is designed to raise awareness of the CCFR's property rights lawsuit and how it affects the lives of every Canadian. Through this, the CCFR aims to present the unfair treatment of gun owners and create an opportunity for non-gun owning Canadians to see the other side of this debate. This campaign launched yesterday Monday, June 22nd and is made up of the following actions:

A 750-word full page article and infographic on the injustice of the gun ban via OIC and its relationship to property rights in Canada. This article will be published, in this format, in 17 broadsheet and tabloid format newspapers across Canada. These include the National Post, Financial Post, Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Province, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Regina Leader Post, Windsor Star, Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, Kingston Whig-Standard, London Free Press and Sun newspapers in Edmonton, Ottawa, Calgary, Winnipeg and Toronto.
In addition, a full page open letter will be published in the 17 above-mentions publications three separate times over a 6-week period.
A sponsored interview/article supported by online banner advertising delivered via over 6 million impressions. This includes social media advertising and advertising on the websites of all the previously-mentioned newspaper websites as well.
360,000 instances of audio ad commercials on all major online music services.
All these sources drive traffic to our new domain which in turn redirects to an all new page on Visitors are greeted with a new explainer video detailing why all Canadians should care about this historic court case and why they should consider supporting it. They will also be directed to our online quiz so they can determine if they currently know anything about Canada's firearm laws.
Licensed, law abiding, Canadian gun owners will not be ignored. Our opinions matter and we are part of the Canadian cultural fabric.

None of these projects happen without the support of individual gun owners becoming members or donating to the CCFR. Please support the CCFR in this and other ground-breaking projects because doing nothing is not an option.