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Author Topic: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.  (Read 41911 times)


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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #60 on: May 06, 2018, 11:06:35 PM »

Just finished watching the Knight vs Shark game. Watched the replay as it was too sunny & too many other activities to do. Vegas wins the game 3-0 & the series 4-2.
Honestly both teams played very good & so did each goaltender but the score could of been 4-3 or 5-3 for the Sharks with any justice. In total they must of hit 5 posts/crossbars in this game. Plus at least 8-10 wild chances / scrambles in front of the Vegas net. How they got a fat 0 is unreal.
Anyways it is now Vegas vs either Jets or Preds. Tampa vs Pens or Caps.
It seemed the Shark players got more & more down because after busting their butts to score they then had to chase the Vegas players going the other way....
Bust their butts to score & then bust their butts to chase Vegas going the other way.
Then 1-0 then 2-0 then the final sword / harpoon to the bull's & whales back.
Go Vegas Go Go Vegas Go Go Vegas Go  ;D
They so far have not allowed their heads to get "too fat". Keep humble & play hard each game till the end.  All the best to FA & others cheering for the Jets & all the best to TNA & others cheering for the Preds.  As bad as the Preds played in game 5 they just may still have a few rabbits in the magician's hat or tricks up their sleeves.

« Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 10:31:17 PM by A-BOATER »


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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #61 on: May 07, 2018, 10:19:31 PM »

Game 5 the Jets looked so good & Preds so bad in the City of Nashville. Jets again had it all set up in Winnipeg with 20,000 plus in their building plus 1000s & 1000s gathered outside.
Game 6 ya would of thought the Jets would finish it & not play a stinker home game 2x in a row.
They get 3 power plays in the 1st period & nil.
 Preds Rennie goaltender played very well & gets the shut out.
Preds really gave out some heavy body checks as well.
In all my 63 years of watching NHL hockey I've never ever seen  ???two teams look so good one game & so bad the next :P  ???  :o  >:(  :-[  ::)
I give up trying to figure out the Jets & Preds.
Yo yo on a string or tee dee tar der roller coaster Twight light zone come to mind.
Edit in : caps finally get by the Pens in the playoffs. 4-2 in games. Tonight it goes into OT & Pens shot hits the post. It could / should of went to game 7.
Jets must be really mad they have to jump on the plane & play away again in a hostile building.
Plus next game is Thurs so both teams get two needed days off to mentally & physically recharge.
Reporter asks Preds player what are they going to do to defeat the Jets in game 7 & finish this series & he just did not like the ???
He replied that the Preds just want to enjoy this win tonight & start preparing for game 7 tomorrow.
As far as game 7 Nashville must have the mental edge. They are looking forward for a game 7 & the Jets wanted it over in 6 so really are very mad that this game even exists.
TNA must be very happy. FA told ya not to bet your house in game 6  ;D
If ya did it's riches to rags... may I loan ya $20 for a bottle of red wine to ease the pain of tonight's loss?
« Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 10:51:36 PM by A-BOATER »

Fish Assassin

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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #62 on: May 08, 2018, 10:23:54 AM »

Waiter, another bottle of wine please. Waiter, make it a magnum ... ;)


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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #63 on: May 08, 2018, 10:29:50 AM »

FA quote: No need to panic. Jets will regroup & win the next one.
 ;D ;D ;D
Think FA is starting to get into panic mode.
If TNA & FA want to join the Knight fan club with no fees jump on board before the Jets/Preds game on Thurs. If you two smell the coffee you will take up my offer.
The Jets & Preds are yo yo teams & have zero chance of beating the Knights. It will be like a lion & lamb slaughter.  8) ( ok I admit those Jets & Preds have really puzzled me ...something spooky with these two teams. Unknown. So good then so bad ???????????????????? )
Yes FA that red wine ( chile ) will help. I'll give ya a loan.
One team will be singing Elvis Rock songs & the other Elvis Blues songs Thurs post game. Maybe it will be a 0-0 tie & go into 100 OT periods !!!! Maybe both teams will show up in the valley & not on the mt top. No one will score.  ;D


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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #64 on: May 09, 2018, 11:42:56 AM »

Sorry guys.  Life has taken me away from the computer for a little bit.  I barely got to watch the game on Monday.  Thursday will be awesome.  If you look at the stats, attempts, shot, high danger shots for all 6 games, they are either tied or off by one.  Two very evenly matched teams and it depends which teams show up tomorrow.  I still feel if the Preds show up, it doesn't matter which Jets team shows up.  If the Preds don't show up though, Jets need a decent showing and will take it.  I can't see them not getting up for the first game 7 in Nashville though.  I predicted the winner of game 4 would win the series and I'm sticking with it.  Preds in 7.  You will be hearing my shouting if you watch on TV.

And I will just say, Filip Forsberg is a beast.  Man that guy can score some crazy goals.


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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #65 on: May 09, 2018, 04:14:55 PM »

We hear about team chemistry a lot. Think it filters from the owners pres GM coaches & players.
If ya can get an organization that truly has harmony & no neg. feelings top yo bottom everyone on the same page & everyone is positive & all actually like & respect each other & of course the players have the skills desires & goal to win it all ...that team will be focused & work there butt off & give effort in games from the regular to playoffs. But if there is something wrong with team chemistry as in a coach is not respected or liked or someone high up is not liked or a few players just do not get along it will affect team chemistry. If there's some tension on a team or organization a team will play up & down. It will show on the ice. Ever try to have a great day after an argument with the wife? It lingers till effects fade away like a dying camp fire. Heard in the Jet's practise a few weeks ago a few guys nearly got into fights or there was a fight ( ???)  is that team chemistry?  Body communication says a lot & ya can see tension on the bench or a stressed out team. The players look quiet & confused or dazed. Coach looking like wallpaper. But look a a bench & the guys are rubbing their nose or turning their heads,chatting it up's a loose at ease focus bench. A head coach moving & looking & talking & focused.
A coach like a Iron Mike maybe a coach like Torts ??? they try head games or aggression or outbursts...& it works with some teams but some players will rebell against it. Too much "under my thumb" treatment does not fly with some players.
Add in a team that lacks chemistry & put in the extra extra stress of 2nd 3rd & finals playoffs & the players just start to really tense up & fall apart.
Of course I'm just generalizing & the Jets & Preds possibly have great team chemistry & it's just the stress of the situation that is affecting them. They may just want to win so badly it's giving them sleep problems / can't relax properly ad they are so pumped up.
If a player can use the excitement to get them motivated & play harder great but if the excitement is stressing them out then it will affect their performance.
These two days off should be good for both teams. Two days to get rid of the stress & refocus.
The team Jets or Preds that can just relax mentally/physically & then start up the engines on game day will win. But maybe one team is so ready to go but their two goalies stressed out & the other team is so stressed out but their goalie slept good & feels great & ready to stop whatever shot that gets thru to him. Slapper deflections dekes ...nothing getting by him. That's why the drama of the playoffs is so so exciting. Unknown. Let me be real & tell you a secret. Pulling for the Knights as ya know but I would be very happy as well to see the Jets the Preds the Caps to hoist the Cup. If Tampa Bay ok but my least choice. Would be happy to see the Jets win it all as it would be their first & a team from Canada. The Preds because they truly for the most part are a very hard working team. The Caps because of OV & a team that has played very good thru the years. Most superstars get to hold the Cup in their career.
Saying that nice to see FA & TNA recent posts & their cheering for their team. Wish your teams to have a great game & one that's exciting & close. A game where both teams play their very best hockey. Winner off a post on a perfect shot.


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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #66 on: May 10, 2018, 07:44:47 PM »

7 minutes to go in the game & it's 4-1 it's 1 of of a million chance the Preds will get 3 goals.
This has to be called the yo yo series. A team plays great & other lousy. Next game the other team plays great & other team's turn to play lousy....on & on till game 7.
In game 6 the Preds played great & Jets no good.
Game 7 tonight the yo yo effect lives. Jets play good & Preds lousy. No focus no legs ...90% of the time they were chasing the Jet players.
But after two quick weak goals past Rennie the Preds were behind the 8 ball early.
Congrads to Nashville for a great season & for getting past the first round & going to game seven.
Honestly if Nashville got the first goal & Rennie was on his game the end could of been different.
Nashville fans are total class. Cheered the team even in the embarrassing humbling loss.
Jets came to play & congrads to them.
Well my team the Knights will go against the Jets.


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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #67 on: May 10, 2018, 07:47:27 PM »

Jets advance to the Western Conference final. 2 bad goals by Pekka Rinne put Nashville in a big hole which they never recovered from. Another bottle of your finest wine waiter. Spare no expense !  ;D ;D Go Jets !


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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #68 on: May 11, 2018, 10:58:05 AM »

My boys did not come ready to play last night.  Not sure what happened but if you can't get up for a game 7 in your own home....  They did much better after the first two goals until the end but just couldn't put the puck in the net and being down it was too big to overcome the slow start.  They started taking risks and pushing and that opened up the other goals.  Sad end to a great season but at least we have all our main players locked up for quite some time.  Backup goalie is top priority this offseason.  Got to lock him up as he is the future.

Ellis is next year but I think we will be back next year just fine.

Good luck to the Jets.  Vegas seems tough but I think the Jets will take them.  Sort of hoping the Caps win it all though.

Fish Assassin

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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #69 on: May 11, 2018, 12:47:41 PM »

My boys did not come ready to play last night.  Not sure what happened but if you can't get up for a game 7 in your own home....  They did much better after the first two goals until the end but just couldn't put the puck in the net and being down it was too big to overcome the slow start.  They started taking risks and pushing and that opened up the other goals.  Sad end to a great season but at least we have all our main players locked up for quite some time.  Backup goalie is top priority this offseason.  Got to lock him up as he is the future.

Ellis is next year but I think we will be back next year just fine.

Good luck to the Jets.  Vegas seems tough but I think the Jets will take them.  Sort of hoping the Caps win it all though.

There is room for both you and A-BOATER on the Jets bandwagon. :)


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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #70 on: May 11, 2018, 09:40:43 PM »

My boys did not come ready to play last night.  Not sure what happened but if you can't get up for a game 7 in your own home....  They did much better after the first two goals until the end but just couldn't put the puck in the net and being down it was too big to overcome the slow start.  They started taking risks and pushing and that opened up the other goals.  Sad end to a great season but at least we have all our main players locked up for quite some time.  Backup goalie is top priority this offseason.  Got to lock him up as he is the future.

Ellis is next year but I think we will be back next year just fine.

Good luck to the Jets.  Vegas seems tough but I think the Jets will take them.  Sort of hoping the Caps win it all though.
Honestly it just looked like the pressure / stress of the situation did them in. They just got too pumped up & juices flowing even 24 hrs before the game that when game time came along they were over stressed or stressed out. Nerves got to them. Those two first goals would of been stopped easily if it were a normal game. But game 7 & pressure the shots looked like a slippery jumping bean ...
Watching replay of Wash / Tampa game 4-0 after 2 periods. Looks like the Caps will win this one & I think the Caps will win series.
But my dear friends TNA & FA there is just no way the Jets are getting by the Vegas Knights.
Jets are fast skaters & they may make the series go 6-7 games.
Tampa is not hitting any Cap player. Caps will be fresh after this series.
Think the Jets & Knights will go to war. Hard hitting.
Sorry FA not joining your Jet bandwagon. You may join the Knights though & cheer for the winning team.  ;D

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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #71 on: May 12, 2018, 03:43:58 PM »

But my dear friends TNA & FA there is just no way the Jets are getting by the Vegas Knights.

I seem to recall someone on this forum whose name starts with A boldly stated that the Winnipeg Jets have ZERO chance of beating the Jets. PK Subban and his fellow Predators on the golf course and drowning their collective sorrows in the clubhouse. I wonder if "A" is joining them ?? ;)


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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #72 on: May 12, 2018, 04:49:46 PM »

I seem to recall someone on this forum whose name starts with A boldly stated that the Winnipeg Jets have ZERO chance of beating the Jets. PK Subban and his fellow Predators on the golf course and drowning their collective sorrows in the clubhouse. I wonder if "A" is joining them ?? ;)
Jets have zero chance of beating the Jets ???????????  What the heck!!!! Hello Dr........FA posted the Jets have zero chance of beating the Jets. FA has dumped his head & now calls every team Jets. Vancouver Jets Calgary Jets Toronto Jets ...
We all know except FA that it's Winnipeg Jets vs Las Vegas Knights. ( not Winnipeg Jet's vs Las Vegas Jets )  ;D ;D ;D  ;)
But here is not a laughing matter....2-0  jets are playing dirty ...1st goal hair pulling....2nd goal choke...
3rd goal...WHAT!!!! Fleury was bumped !!!  3-0.
3 goals & the Jets cheated each time!!! Boo Boo Boo...
Jets have now shaken the Knights bees nest. The bees are going after the Jets...3-1.  Yes ! And the 1st period is not even 1/2 way ....think this series is going to have lots of drama. Well the Jets sure are up for this game. Skating very well.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2018, 04:54:52 PM by A-BOATER »

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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #73 on: May 12, 2018, 05:13:11 PM »

My mistake is caused by the wine. ;D 3-1 after one period.


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Re: Good start & surprising results so far NHL 17/18 playoffs.
« Reply #74 on: May 12, 2018, 06:15:44 PM »

My mistake is caused by the wine. ;D 3-1 after one period.
Well that's a good reason & understandable. Must of been good wine.
4-2 after & the 3rd period upcoming. I'm hoping the Jets will tire & start to slow down & the rested Knights tie up this game 4-4 & then it goes into 2-3 OT periods so to really exhaust the Jets. They went to game 7 & played in Nashville as ya know.
Those refs are homers. Knight player tripped up behind Jet net. He went down like a ton of bricks. No call ??? Then the Knight barely hooks the Jet player ..feather touch & hooking called. What????
Refs are Jet crowd pleasers in this game for sure.
But Jets are playing a very good game. Faster than I thought they would be. Thought they would be more tired after the 7 game series. Third period should be exciting.