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Author Topic: nfr What is Wrong Here?  (Read 14172 times)


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2016, 07:34:17 PM »

And Milo goes "BAM"  ;D


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2016, 07:58:01 PM »

I wouldn't want to anywhere near close to Milo if he went "BAM" ;)
And I agree with him, the OP brought this on.
Also agree, fishing is slow, but this is a fun read ;D


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2016, 07:59:35 PM »

Man...that's one long lecture there   ;D
Seems like this discussion will be a replay of the earlier fishing etiquette thread.

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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2016, 08:14:54 PM »

Hold on here.
There are so many incongruities in your story that I do tend to believe that you were the offender and not the other guy. Sure, he could have kept his reaction in check, but you were the one who provoked the conflict.

You say in your opening "So anyway, I was in the parking lot at a grocery store in South Surrey sitting in the car reading my e-mails on my phone before going in. I had to park pretty close to the guy beside me because the other guy next to me had gone into my space a bit.
The next thing I know this enraged guy (a bit overweight and probably about 58-60) starts yelling and swearing at me for no apparent reason."

No apparent reason? You just stated that you were aware you had parked too close to his truck preventing him from entering on the driver's side.

Then you say: "Luckily I had the doors locked, thanks to the reputation the area has for car theft and assault.

And then you repeat: "So I'm sitting there and I have no idea why the guy is doing this and I politely asked him what's up. He kept yelling and swearing, dropping f-bombs left and right without ever really trying to tell me why he's so mad. Besides the swearing, all I could make out was "get lost you maniac."

Then you state: "I finally figured out that he couldn't get the door of his truck open."

Not true, mister. You KNEW you were parked too close for him to open his door. Don't underestimate our intelligence, please.

Then you continue: "I tried to politely apologize and explain to him that that I had to park so close to him because the guy next to me had parked too close to me."

What makes you believe that he could hear your polite apology through a closed car door when you said earlier that with the doors closed you couldn't make out what he was yelling to you?

And then comes the bomb: "I also suggested that he could just climb in on the other side of his truck."

Let me get this straight: YOU asked someone to enter their car on the passenger side when YOU were encroaching their parking space and preventing them from opening their driver's door?
Seriously? What planet are you from, man? 

Then you go on to whine that "he didn't even listen to me and had instead walked over to his truck and had started banging his door against the side of my car".

Trust me, you are lucky that's all he did considering your appalling rudeness towards him.

You think that it is easy for a 60-year-old overweight person to climb on the other side of his truck and just shift to the driver side, huh? Well, I have news for you. For many people it is not!
Put yourself in the other person's shoes before you draw any conclusions.

Even if the person is fit and all, what if the space on the other side is narrow, too? Did you even bother to check?

If it had been me, I know that I would have been awfully frustrated to see entry to my car blocked by an inconsiderate punk browsing his cellphone when he clearly knows he is too close to my car. I would have hoped to hear your engine being started and see your car moving out of there even before I got to the side of my car.

Your final thought: I thought that Canada was all about preserving a just society.
It is, indeed. But a just society is one in which your rights stop where another person's rights begin .

What part of it you don't understand?

The prosecution rests your Honour.


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2016, 09:08:27 PM »

I am in a fun mood so I will play.

Hold on here.
There are so many incongruities in your story that I do tend to believe that you were the offender and not the other guy. Sure, he could have kept his reaction in check, but you were the one who provoked the conflict.

You say in your opening "So anyway, I was in the parking lot at a grocery store in South Surrey sitting in the car reading my e-mails on my phone before going in. I had to park pretty close to the guy beside me because the other guy next to me had gone into my space a bit.
The next thing I know this enraged guy (a bit overweight and probably about 58-60) starts yelling and swearing at me for no apparent reason."

No apparent reason? You just stated that you were aware you had parked too close to his truck preventing him from entering on the driver's side.

Then you say: "Luckily I had the doors locked, thanks to the reputation the area has for car theft and assault.

And then you repeat: "So I'm sitting there and I have no idea why the guy is doing this and I politely asked him what's up. He kept yelling and swearing, dropping f-bombs left and right without ever really trying to tell me why he's so mad. Besides the swearing, all I could make out was "get lost you maniac."

Then you state: "I finally figured out that he couldn't get the door of his truck open."

Not true, mister. You KNEW you were parked too close for him to open his door. Don't underestimate our intelligence, please.

The OP typed something while they were in an upset state. The minor incongruity is as to whether they fully understand before or after a the person was threatening them and physically damaging their car is understandable. Second, no one can state why another person does anything so the point is mute.

Further, I fail to see where, as you assert later that the OP was encroaching in the offenders space. If the OP parked between the lines he was well within his own space. There is no debate there. If a person is between the lines they are legally parked.

Then you continue: "I tried to politely apologize and explain to him that that I had to park so close to him because the guy next to me had parked too close to me."

What makes you believe that he could hear your polite apology through a closed car door when you said earlier that with the doors closed you couldn't make out what he was yelling to you?

When I read the story I just thought he lowered the window.

And then comes the bomb: "I also suggested that he could just climb in on the other side of his truck."

Let me get this straight: YOU asked someone to enter their car on the passenger side when YOU were encroaching their parking space and preventing them from opening their driver's door?
Seriously? What planet are you from, man? 

Then you go on to whine that "he didn't even listen to me and had instead walked over to his truck and had started banging his door against the side of my car".

Trust me, you are lucky that's all he did considering your appalling rudeness towards him.

You think that it is easy for a 60-year-old overweight person to climb on the other side of his truck and just shift to the driver side, huh? Well, I have news for you. For many people it is not!

Fair point, it is not easy for many people to enter their vehicle from the passenger side. But you know what is even easier than yelling, threatening and repeatedly aggressively damaging another person's property? Asking the person to move!!!

Put yourself in the other person's shoes before you draw any conclusions.

Even if the person is fit and all, what if the space on the other side is narrow, too? Did you even bother to check?

According to this statement anyone who parks in a spot is not only responsible for their own parking, but also the person who is/may park beside them, and all the cars in the general vicinity? Hmmm, I must have missed in all the driving courses I have taken for work. I will be sure to notify my OHSA supervisor.

If it had been me, I know that I would have been awfully frustrated to see entry to my car blocked by an inconsiderate punk browsing his cellphone when he clearly knows he is too close to my car. I would have hoped to hear your engine being started and see your car moving out of there even before I got to the side of my car.

Your final thought: I thought that Canada was all about preserving a just society.
It is, indeed. But a just society is one in which your rights stop where another person's rights begin .

You are absolutely correct. A person in Canada has the right to feel safe, not be threatened, have their property damaged, and more for doing nothing more than following the law that one cannot operate a vehicle while using a handheld device. I am unfamiliar where in the charter it grants older, obese men to assault people. Please show me. I already have to obese part covered, and the older part is coming all to fast. It could really come in handy

What part of it you don't understand?

I hope this is taken in jest as intended. But in all reality, I don't see what the issue was. A person parks to close to you, but remains with the car. You ask them to move so you can get in, you thank them and drive away. Everyone's day is much better off.


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2016, 09:50:22 PM »

Further, I fail to see where, as you assert later that the OP was encroaching in the offenders space. If the OP parked between the lines he was well within his own space. There is no debate there. If a person is between the lines they are legally parked.

The OP posted that he had parked "pretty close" to the guy's car because another car had "gone into [his own] space a bit."  I don't see any way the OP could have parked "between the lines" if there was already another car parked into his space even a little bit or else the OP would not have been able to get out of his own car, even if he drove a smart car or firefly.
Not all those who wander are lost


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2016, 11:12:46 PM »

If you cant park in a spot without parking ON the line than dont park there. I park in the back of parking lots, the walk wont kill you.


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #37 on: February 08, 2016, 12:00:56 AM »

If I came out of a store & saw a car parked too close thus prevented me to get in my car my reaction would of been.
Ok there's a guy in the parked car.
I'd simply tap on his side window & say" would you kindly back your car so I can open my door & get into my vehicle.
Guy backs up; I get in & simply drive away. 

Noahs Arc

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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2016, 06:31:57 AM »

If I came out of a store & saw a car parked too close thus prevented me to get in my car my reaction would of been.
Ok there's a guy in the parked car.
I'd simply tap on his side window & say" would you kindly back your car so I can open my door & get into my vehicle.
Guy backs up; I get in & simply drive away.

But in this case the OP told the guy to climb through his passenger door.


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2016, 07:20:26 AM »

it would make for some pretty good posts if chehalis_steel started driving hrenya to the river.

"ok guy's, have we got a story for you..........."    ;D
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 07:37:40 AM by banx »


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2016, 10:35:21 AM »

But in this case the OP told the guy to climb through his passenger door.

Only after the guy lost his temper, started yelling, cursing and trying to force his way in Chehalis_steel's car. At that point C_S has pretty much carte blanche to tell the guy where to go; asking him to try the passenger side is pretty decent and far nicer than I would of been.


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2016, 10:55:27 AM »

At that point C_S has pretty much carte blanche to tell the guy where to go; asking him to try the passenger side is pretty decent and far nicer than I would of been.

No he doesn't. The only carte blanche he has is to move his car and enable the guy to enter his vehicle on the driver's side.

Tylsie, I don't know you from a fly on the wall, but I would love to be the guy you ask to try the passenger side when your car (with you inside) is blocking my driver's door. You'd be in for an unpleasant surprise. Especially if I forgot to take my meds that day.


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2016, 11:13:17 AM »

No he doesn't. The only carte blanche he has is to move his car and enable the guy to enter his vehicle on the driver's side.

Tylsie, I don't know you from a fly on the wall, but I would love to be the guy you ask to try the passenger side when your car (with you inside) is blocking my driver's door. You'd be in for an unpleasant surprise. Especially if I forgot to take my meds that day.
I am getting to like this guy. Old school.


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2016, 11:20:39 AM »

No he doesn't. The only carte blanche he has is to move his car and enable the guy to enter his vehicle on the driver's side.

Tylsie, I don't know you from a fly on the wall, but I would love to be the guy you ask to try the passenger side when your car (with you inside) is blocking my driver's door. You'd be in for an unpleasant surprise. Especially if I forgot to take my meds that day.

After this I am done posting in this thread, I have made my opinion clear. However, I do want to know. Milo, do you truly believe that when a person parks close to your vehicle that gives you permission to threaten them, try to force your your way into their vehicle and damage their property or is it just internet bluster? I honestly can't tell.

I have never been accused of being level headed, and have the scars to prove it. Yet even when I have been in a similar situation the thoughts of assault, break and enter and vandalism have never occurred to me  That being said, I am unsure how I would react if a person threatened me, attempted to break into my vehicle and upon failing that began to damage it while I was sitting in it; especially since I NEVER take my meds...


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Re: nfr What is Wrong Here?
« Reply #44 on: February 08, 2016, 02:22:00 PM »

Good for you, Tylsie.
Meds are a b*tch.

Just don't do stupid things like the OP poster said he did, and you will be fine. Very few people (as volatile as they may be) get off without you giving them a reason.

Tight lines.