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Author Topic: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?  (Read 18238 times)


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The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« on: September 25, 2015, 09:00:01 PM »

So I'm new to salmon fishing this year, had lots of luck at Furry Creek and now I'm trying to work into the fall season.

Today I was super excited to go to the Vedder. I've been watching all Rods' videos, doing tons of reading, and I caught a couple pinks by jigging the Vedder mouth earlier this month. I bought some wool and scent recommended by Sea-Run and had a bucket of Firecured pink roe and I was rearing to hook a Chinook!

Started near the Vedder bridge at 6:30am, found a deep pool moving at a quick walking pace and starting casting roe. Spent an hour working through depth, different spots in the run, and a bunch of different presentations. Got nothing! I mis-cast once onto another angler's line and got yelled at, threatened, and invited to fight. Around this time I realized that the other 6 people fishing the run had 12' of line below their floats and were ripping on the rod at the end of every drift. Flossing! And one of them was flossing with roe! Most of them caught big springs within an hour but no fish were biting my presentations so I moved on to other runs in the area. Looked for walking pace, deep areas.

Worked another 3 runs trying different depths and presentations and got nothing. Literally everyone else I saw before noon, except for 3 people + 4 fly fishers were 'float fishing' with more than 10 feet of line below their float, ripping on the rod at the end of a drift, occasionally hooking something. One guy approached me and told me that my float depth was too short and I needed the weight to drag through the school of fish to catch anything...

So I drove to the end of Lickman road, it looked all blown out with no good runs so I didn't fish there. But I met a guy who said he landed a jack in the lower river that morning and sympathized with my distaste for the flossers. He offered to show me his spot so we went there and lo and behold there was 20 people float fishing with 12 feet below the float (in 8 foot water), occasionally hooking something. We worked the run with roe and wool for an hour and got nothing despite many jumping and rolling fish. Many of the flossers hooked fish.

So then I went to a hole near the mouth of the river that I found earlier this month and I cast a Koho spoon. After a half hour I hooked a small Coho but it shook the hook close to shore. Nothing for the next hour, tried a few spinners and spoons. I saw a couple guys leave with big chinooks, said they caught them on Kitimats and Orange buzz bombs a few hours prior.

So I decided that on the way home I'd check out a couple potential bar fishing spots I'd found on google earth. There were 4 spots on Dyke road and Nicomen Trunk Road near Deroche, but once I got there I found they were all full of riprap or gated off! So I still can't any bars to fish between Mission and Harrison river, accessible by car/foot.

So after a 13 hour day of fishing and driving, applying all the things I've been learning and studying for the last month, I got 1 hookup and saw 3 fish legitimately caught, and about 50 other fish flossed. It was nice to get out on the river but it kinda seems like a waste of effort, time, and money to study fish habits, tides, rain, river dynamics, techniques and presentation types and have nothing to show for it. And the bulk of the community I met on the river today were jerks or confused flossers.

I think today was the most discouraging day I've had in years. Is this a typical day of fishing for someone just starting out? Am I just terrible at this? Maybe I should hire a guide and try to make some more friends who fish. Any input you guys have would be appreciated, I'm at a loss here.

TL;DR: Studied everything about fishing available online, tried it all on the Vedder today, got nothing except yelled at by flossers. Is this normal?


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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2015, 09:15:21 PM »

Don't be discouraged... Keep fishing the correct will get them...I don't like moving around as much as u did for salmon...find a good spot hopefully with some room...let the fish come to you. I am heading up Sunday early am...could always meet up could show you a few things. Hell I get skunked too. It's fishing.

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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2015, 09:20:16 PM »

Go explore. Park somewhere near the river. And walk. Walk some more. Walk some more after that. Away from all those F@&$ing pigs. Find that slot that looks fishy. The one that has lots of room below it for the fish to move up. Yes the spot where nobody is. This spot may only be a slick the size of a VW. Did I mention to look below it and make sure that the fish are going to want to move up through there? Fish there. You're going to have a hard time fishing ethically around rippers, because they are spooking out the fish.
It's a big river, and there's lots of room for those who are willing (or capable) to walk the extra (sometimes only 5-10 min) mile to find there own little stretch of water.


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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2015, 09:29:24 PM »

It takes many trips to learn what technique works for you. What works for one person doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you.  There is also no substitute for on the river experience so all those videos and articles you've watch and read are just a starting point.  If I were you, I would concentrate on fewer spots and really learn the fish traveling lanes in those spots instead of trying that many different places in a single trip.   If float fishing with roe isn't working for you, then try other things like cast spoons like you did at Furry Creek.  Keep track of your successes and mistakes and use it to better prepare for your next trip.

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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2015, 09:31:17 PM »

From the sound of your report you are doing things right. Don't be discouraged. It will come.


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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2015, 09:40:44 PM »

Couple more weeks and the snaggers will be catching pink zombies and you will be catching chrome coho standing next to them.


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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2015, 09:46:38 PM »

I've been in the same boat. Probably my 3rd year on the Vedder. I also studied videos, took notes on what kind of water to fish, and also ran into flossers and honestly still do even tho I move around to less populated spots.

flossing is discouraging because it seems that they are getting into so many fish and all you focus on is the bent rods while you might not be getting anything. Until yesterday I had never landed anything besides a pink on the Vedder.

Just keep with it. Dont be afraid to adjust your float. I've been fishing some deep holes and move my float up and down every so often to see what works, where the fish like to presentation might differ on water conditions and so on.

somedays its not your day. Ive been hitting a nice run with some slack water filled with fish. Yesterday it was like I couldnt keep them off, day before that, almost nothing seemed to want what i was offering.


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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2015, 09:48:54 PM »

From the sound of your report you are doing things right. Don't be discouraged. It will come.

Also, ive fished next to a snagger and the amount of times he had to re-tie and the amount of gear he lost while I lost nothing was great. Maybe he snagged a fish, but hey it cost him god knows how much in gear.


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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2015, 10:12:18 PM »

I've noticed many of the people you are talking about, but many of them are not actually flossing (or trying to floss), they just don't know any better.  When fishing for springs, it can be very productive to target the deep choppy runs.  In that kind of heavy water, you need a long drop under your float, and it is next to impossible fish roe there because it doesn't drift well.  A little piece of wool, neatly trimmed, floated 1 foot above the bottom seems to do the trick.  By which I mean your lead needs to be 1 foot from the bottom, because your leader will be straight downstream in that current since wool is neutrally buoyant.  If you use a short leader (18 inches) you will find you are not snagging or flossing any fish.  I've found I actually outfish the people with longer leaders because they can't keep their wool down on the bottom as well in the fast current.

Often all it takes is a couple of people fishing the right way and having success before everyone shortens up their floats and leaders.    Also, it can often be several hours between schools when you are fishing a good run, so don't get discouraged.  These fish are all cruising upriver pretty fast, so if fish seem to leave your spot, just wait until another group appears.  It is easier than trying to chase the fish all over the river. 
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 10:14:20 PM by WAfishboy »


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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2015, 10:18:56 PM »

Sounds like regular fishing to me. I get skunked maybe 5 outa 6 times. I try to develop the mindset that it's not so much about catching fish as it is about leisure time spent on the water. If you're obsessed with catching fish, throw a few bucks at the hatchery pools.

For me, it's about being outside, exploring, experimenting, and the constant sense of optimism. Maybe this cast. Ok, maybe this cast! Ok, ok, this one, lol!

Though it's definitely nice to catch fish as well, but it's unrealistic I think to expect it, especially starting out.

Just enjoy being out on the water, and try to get a little better at something each time.


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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2015, 10:34:35 PM »

I absolutely feel the same way about the Vedder gong show! I remember my first season on the Vedder, so much of the exact same bs the OP describes, it was ridiculous. I'm always very considerate when giving people room and yet I was told several times to GTFO because certain group of "anglers" takes ownership of a 100 yard run, and then you get the car break ins and all. Shortly after I switched almost 100% to streelhead when on Vedder. Guess what, yes it's definitely a finer bunch of anglers overall and ample room for yourself to fish, BUT almost every second float you see is sideways or bobbing from ticking the bottom! Yes, those same gentler form of flossers are still there, with those same 12ft deep setups, and again as described those are the people getting fish on the busy runs. Like I said advantage is at least you get to get away from people more easily.
Keep fishing the ethical way, and when you finally succeed the win will be that much sweeter! Learn the river, scout and talk and exchange with quality people and learn from them. Even if you get skunked many times, there's never a wasted trip, you'll build on every singe trip and good times will come.


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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2015, 10:38:32 PM »

It can be tough, but don't get discouraged. I have fished for an entire weekend and never landed a salmon. But I still enjoyed it. All I can add is that the fish don't disappear. They are still in the river. If every pool you come across is packed with fisherman, then try fishing between the pools. Often there are small pools in behind large rocks, or a seam in a river that the fish will hold. It won't be the 20 fish in one large pool, it will 1 or 2 fish in several smaller holding areas. If there is a small water fall, even if its just a few inches, there will be a coho there. The fish have to travel through that blown out area you decided to pass over also. If you can safely access it and fish it, then try a bigger presentation such as roe with a dark piece of yarn. 

You showed you are versatile and that is important. If you can't get a good free drift for your roe because of river conditions try casting. I have seen a Coho come all the way across a pool to hammer a spinner. If they are holding the edge, try jigging. But most important, do what you enjoy. If you enjoy moving around a lot and trying to learn what it takes to catch fish in a variety of conditions do that. If you want to learn a small stretch of river intimately do that. It is about pursuing your passion.     

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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2015, 10:51:58 PM »

It bothers me when others are catching fish around me and I can't get a hookup. I've gotten better at identifying what flossing is, and I no longer compare my results to theirs. Fish do bite but I get skunked a lot during salmon season.

On the few stellar days I've had, they've been at or near first light. That's early from Vancouver. And there's a lot of fisherman to compete with for spots. It is what it is.

Worth it though when the float dives.


Nicolas The Fisherman

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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2015, 11:04:34 PM »

Don't get discouraged. Keep at it as you're doing everything right. Many days I get skunked even if it seems like the fish are there and I'm using good bait. It really is just a matter of time before you star getting them ethically. Catching one fish properly is much more rewarding than snagging 15 fish. The sport in sportfishing is tricking a fish to bite. You are never guaranteed to get fish but that's why its called fishing and not catching. Get out there and hone your craft, you will soon be rewarded.


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Re: The most discouraging fishing day ever! Is this normal?
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2015, 11:59:52 PM »

I think today was the most discouraging day I've had in years. Is this a typical day of fishing for someone just starting out? Am I just terrible at this? Maybe I should hire a guide and try to make some more friends who fish. Any input you guys have would be appreciated, I'm at a loss here.

TL;DR: Studied everything about fishing available online, tried it all on the Vedder today, got nothing except yelled at by flossers. Is this normal?

If you're just starting out, it really does take some time to get dialed in especially if doing it on your own. The learning curve can be admittedly steep. But its a rewarding and enjoyable pursuit so just stick with it. I started to teach a friend of mine how to river fish a couple years ago and it took him three trips to even get into his first fish.

Ignore those snaggers, the fact that you making posts and analysis like this means you are fishing with more insight and thought than those guys likely ever will and your skills will develop all the faster. Sure, they will often 'get' into more fish than you by ripping but whatever,  I'll wager it''l come for you sooner rather than later...