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Author Topic: 2015 Chilliwack River fall salmon fishery information & water condition updates  (Read 498766 times)


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witnessed a group of 4 (same ethnic group) at mid river that killed 2 springs just to keep the roe. The bodies were dumped back into the river right before they left. 
Besides me asking what they were doing, nobody said a damn word.

All I can say about this ethnic group is, white skin.  don't know where from

should shoot em right there . I hate ppl who do that .....


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witnessed a group of 4 (same ethnic group) at mid river that killed 2 springs just to keep the roe. The bodies were dumped back into the river right before they left. 
Besides me asking what they were doing, nobody said a damn word.

All I can say about this ethnic group is, white skin.  don't know where from
probably the same freaking group of people that i saw and called-in at the stave river yesterday. 
Fish on!!! woohoo..!!


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What about the other way around?
Yesterday in the mid river, a guy kills a HUMONGOUS female spring (dark, soft bellied, about to burst her load - pretty much inedible by any reasonable angling and gastronomic standards), proceeds to clean her, throws a good 6 pounds of prime roe in the river and keeps the fish.  :o
With so many anglers out there desperate for roe, this really left a bad taste in my mouth. He could have at least asked around if someone wanted the roe. I arrived too late to take the roe to give it to some of my roe-chucking fishing friends, as it had already been sitting in cold water for a while when I saw it and had turned milky.

I guess the angler was inexperienced because he had his buddy take a picture of him with that ugly, big fish.


Shmoke Shaman

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Does mentioning a person's ethnicity matter?
Does it mean anything?
The issue here is rippers,snaggers , flossers.
Mentioning ones ethnicity I believe is not needed.


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I'm sure there's a lot of people who share the same feeling as I of requesting a roe ban on the Vedder during the month of October. Would it ever happen, chances are not but if it did it may reduce not eliminate instances like the aforementioned.

I started out as a roe chucker from my fishing mentor , may he rest in peace, and it was hard to give it up and moved on to artificials. When I went fish less initially it very tempting to revert back to the messy stuff. As I watched other fishers catch fish after fish on teeny tiny bits of wool,spinners,and corkies, I told myself I can do it too. Success soon followed and I had weened myself from roe. I fly fish now and will admit to catching fewer fish than other methods but I'm enjoying it more.

Just my story.
It ain't the roe bro'


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Does mentioning a person's ethnicity matter?
Does it mean anything?
The issue here is rippers,snaggers , flossers.
Mentioning ones ethnicity I believe is not needed.

White trash, yellow trash, red trash, black...regardless of colour, they are all trash anyway. >:(

But I will post a warning to the guy that snagged and landed a chinook on upper Wilson yesterday morning. You know who you are - you have expensive wear and equipment, and you were snagging fish in the travelling lane. The poor dark boot you snagged walked you almost to the end of the gun barrel.
You killed a fish that was caught illegally. I know your face, and I will be keeping my eyes open for you.
Next time I won't forget my camera in the truck.


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Yes, I made a mistake to mention the vague ethnicity or enclave in my response to big_fish's question. 
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 10:52:33 AM by samw »


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I'm sure there are anglers on this board who have been fishing in the Fraser Valley for longer than me, but my earliest memories go back to the early 60s and I first fished the Chilliwack/Vedder in the early 70s. All I can say is snagging and poaching has been a problem for at least that long. Yeah it's against the law and it's reprehensible but if I can philosophize a bit - the fact is when people go out hunting and gathering - they are wired up to be successful and most will stoop to it, particularly if others do it as well. The endless on-line rants and self-righteous preaching accomplishes nothing. In fact it's has a negative effect by making the situation seem worse than it is; the incidence of this stuff is exaggerated and it stirs up negative emotions. It has the potential to incite violence.

As far as on the river what can a person really do? If authorities do little and don't respond to calls, it's not much. You can point out to a snagger (a poacher really) what there doing is illegal and not right but that's about it. There's nothing to gain and much to lose by provoking a confrontation. Keep your distance and speak calmly. Even legal authorities are trained not to act unless someone is at immediate physical risk. Me if I get angry in such a situation I leave.

As far as calling the police in a situation such as the 10 vs to 2 incident related above - that's a good idea but you should know if they show they will likely be pretty skeptical of both parties in a confrontation. People who mean well often find themselves charged with assault and hauled off in a Police car.

"It is obviously, incontestably true that a senile president with a competent and ethical staff would be preferable to an authoritarian one who wants to fill his administration with guys who sound like school shooter manifestos " ...Adam Serwer writing in The Atlantic July 3, 2024


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Contrary to what some of the experiences being described here, all of my trips so far this season have been very pleasant, with or without fish. I haven't come across a single person who would practice questionable techniques. Everyone has been fishing well off the bottom and looking for biting fish, giving other anglers enough space, asking for permission to fish nearby prior to starting. Two weeks ago I fished down below KWB and shared with at least ten other anglers who were all fishing bait, targeting coho specifically, not spooking the water by standing on dry bank. This morning, the run I fished was quite crowded (around ten people on each side of the river) but everyone respected each other's space, no one was dragging on the bottom, accidentally foul-hooked fish were released with great care.

Of course, I'm not disputing there are no infractions going on out there, but I personally believe the fishery has improved in the past five years and more people are getting it. I also believe the effort being put in on this and other forums which proactively educate new anglers by showing them how fun it can be when you entice a fish to bite. Ranting about the same infractions which we witness from time to time is not going to improve the fishery. The ones who are doing the harms are not even here to read about it, they are only concerned about getting the fish to bring home. There are two things people can keep doing to make things even better - Report all infractions to DFO's enforcement, show new anglers how to fish properly when they need advices.

Onto the fishing today. I was able to find some fresh coho salmon last night but ran out of time to fish before dark. Returned this morning for the first light bite, which never happened. Instead we had bites once awhile, some light, some quite solid. I managed to land two springs and one wild coho salmon, all were released, and lost a couple of fish, missed a few bites. Jessica from GoFishBC was having her first river salmon experience and she did great. She missed a few bites at first, lost three coho, and landed a wild fish around 6lb. We saw a few other springs caught, two other coho released. Pretty slow morning overall considering how many beautiful coho salmon rolled in front of us in 3 or 4 feet of water, but that's what brings us back all the time.


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I'm sure there are anglers on this board who have been fishing in the Fraser Valley for longer than me, but my earliest memories go back to the early 60s and I first fished the Chilliwack/Vedder in the early 70s. All I can say is snagging and poaching has been a problem for at least that long. Yeah it's against the law and it's reprehensible but if I can philosophize a bit - the fact is when people go out hunting and gathering - they are wired up to be successful and most will stoop to it, particularly if others do it as well. The endless on-line rants and self-righteous preaching accomplishes nothing. In fact it's has a negative effect by making the situation seem worse than it is; the incidence of this stuff is exaggerated and it stirs up negative emotions. It has the potential to incite violence.

As far as on the river what can a person really do? If authorities do little and don't respond to calls, it's not much. You can point out to a snagger (a poacher really) what there doing is illegal and not right but that's about it. There's nothing to gain and much to lose by provoking a confrontation. Keep your distance and speak calmly. Even legal authorities are trained not to act unless someone is at immediate physical risk. Me if I get angry in such a situation I leave.

As far as calling the police in a situation such as the 10 vs to 2 incident related above - that's a good idea but you should know if they show they will likely be pretty skeptical of both parties in a confrontation. People who mean well often find themselves charged with assault and hauled off in a Police car.

Agree with this, mostly.  I too tend not to be that confrontational on the river (or anywhere for that matter) because I am out there to have fun, not get in a fight. 

As for the question of whether flossers use this board, I can guarantee they do (especially part-time flossers).  They want to know river conditions as much as anyone, though they may matter somewhat less to a flosser.  My point is, I think this is a valid venue for anti-flossing sentiment.  If they don't learn it's bad behavior on the river, then they should learn it here. 

When I go up there and I am in the minority of people fishing legally, then I think the problem IS as bad as it appears to be on this board.  Negative emotions SHOULD be stirred up. 
"When you get into one of these groups, there's only a couple ways you can get out. One, is death. The other...mental institutions"


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There are some real sad techniques being used on the vedder. I was at the run above the train bridge and a guy had no float a bouncing betty, with 8 foot leader to a croc. Like WTF is that SH*T! proceeding to rip back every cast as did his wife. They didnt catch anything.

on a positive note i caught a dime bright spring doe around 20lbs today. Great roe from this baby.


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well T-man some people do enjoy the ripples in the sh*t but I highly doubt any lurking vedder flossers will be converted by your sermon. I think you're preaching to the choir and hankering for praise from the converted. The negative feelings I think you stir are among conventional anglers not flossers or snaggers.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 02:02:46 PM by RalphH »
"It is obviously, incontestably true that a senile president with a competent and ethical staff would be preferable to an authoritarian one who wants to fill his administration with guys who sound like school shooter manifestos " ...Adam Serwer writing in The Atlantic July 3, 2024


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I wonder how many Russians read FWR?


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In my local "river" we have the local native band members snagging everyday - huge treble barbed hoops no bait - and ripping through pools , In my opinion there is no point in talking to them they think it's their right
I also see so called ethical anglers keeping foul hooked fish or giving it a big rip after each drift too , what's the point of that ?

You can only affect things you can control - yourself - getting in an argument with someone else about fishing just brings you down , you are not going to change them , they will only change themselves when they are ready



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Any updates on water conditions from this afternoon? Thinking of heading out tomorrow.  :)