Nice report. I have heard about the beach fishing off Baja and wondered if it could make a part of a seasonal getaway.
Wanted to add that years back, on a Feb trip to Tobago, I was lucky enough to fish for and catch Dorado (also known as mahi mahi or dolphin depending on the location). I went out with a couple of local fishermen who gillnetted flying fish for the local fish markets and also put out lines for dorado and snapper. The bait was live flying fish which they fished on wire handlines. I had a #11 flyrod and used the same bait. I did catch a really large one. It was the fishing experience of my life. The fish took line off the reel as it grabbed the bait and when I set the hook leapt out of the water within 30 feet in an arc maybe 6 feet high and 15 to 20 feet long. What followed was a fight that took about an hour. At one point the fish ran off with over 200 meters of line. I couldn't believe I didn't break the rod or that I even landed it. I wasn't able to get it weighed properly. Weight estimates were around 40 to 50 lbs.
Winter is the time in the Caribbean. They can also be caught in Hawaii and even the Mediterranean. Anyone who can can get a chance to fish for them should do it. They taste delicious as well.
Sorry for the post hijack!

For reference - I am about 6/2 - gives an idea on the length of the fish. I was told the partly healed wound above the tail is a marlin strike.