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Author Topic: Get your facts straight?  (Read 1459751 times)


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1080 on: October 04, 2014, 07:48:59 PM »

Politely put - utter codswallop. Automotive industry bailouts? Tax breaks for very profitable oil and gas companies? Same for the movie industry? and on and on.......

What are you rambling on  What does the Health of Animals Act have to do with bailouts and tax breaks?  Here's a mindblower for you.....It doesn't.  Once again we are talking about legislated compensation given to farmers (aquaculture, beef, chicken, pig, etc.) when they are ordered by the same legislation to destroy their livestock or fish due to an infectious disease.

Read the legislation....

Compensation to owners of animals

51. (1) The Minister may order compensation to be paid from the Consolidated Revenue Fund to the owner of an animal that is

(a) destroyed under this Act or is required by an inspector or officer to be destroyed under this Act and dies after the requirement is imposed but before being destroyed;
(b) injured in the course of being tested, treated or identified under this Act by an inspector or officer and dies, or is required to be destroyed, as a result of the injury; or
(c) reserved for experimentation under paragraph 13(2)(a).

Where does it talk about tax breaks and bailouts? You easterners eat too much codswallop that's probably the problem. Cut back on it.

And just to put that utter load of BULL$&^T to rest about the feedlot crap factories, read this.

Did you notice that they refer to the fishing industry as a whole and not just one sector like aquaculture? Kind of missed that, huh?  But maybe you have a point...why should we be supporting fisheries in Newfoundland and Labrador anyway.  If they can't make a go of it then why should we be supporting them.  No business venture should be getting tax money.  Nobody is giving your business $400 million. I can see why you are so bitter.  Have a scotch.

or this

Don't let facts get in the way of you're drone of propaganda  ;)

This thread is called, "Get your facts straight" so maybe you should.  Reid is so ridiculous.



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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1082 on: October 05, 2014, 08:25:08 AM »
  Yup, another site that does not provide a link for the reader to make up their own mind on what they are reading. Looks like a good site for the loyal listening club. Just taking the sites word as fact is commonsense??? Your stiring pot is still empty Nova. :)


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1084 on: October 05, 2014, 08:38:15 AM »

The feedlot manipulation methods exposed......( smells like bawb amd brian)



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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1085 on: October 05, 2014, 09:23:25 AM »

The feedlot manipulation methods exposed......( smells like bawb amd brian)
"The companies themselves are not local, but are almost all part of a transnational industry which is as likely to rear fish off the coast of Norway, Canada or Chile as Scotland."

More US poopaganda Nova. They left out Alaska, Washington and Maine. Just another site for the loyal listening club. Does "transnational industry" mean from wild to farmed? Seems to me that all the big farming companies use to be and some still are, in the wild catch business that was not sustainable to the growing population demand. Tis why your home province is utilizing both.
 Perhaps you should take the time to read your own post links before you waste your time stirring your empty pot. :)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 09:40:59 AM by Fisherbob »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1086 on: October 05, 2014, 11:58:07 AM »

Why keep harping about the states? I live in Canada, BC so I'm more concerned about the affect of fish farms here. We could go on talking about some of the disasters in Chili if you want Bawb I don't want that happening here. Looks like enough farmed fish here are heading for the dump Bawbby. Your on the pot without a stir stick.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1087 on: October 05, 2014, 12:27:32 PM »

Why keep harping about the states? I live in Canada, BC so I'm more concerned about the affect of fish farms here. We could go on talking about some of the disasters in Chili if you want Bawb I don't want that happening here. Looks like enough farmed fish here are heading for the dump Bawbby. Your on the pot without a stir stick.
I see you are blowing smoke again TB and its not from fanning the flames. You really need to put a log on your fire lol. You can start by telling us all where in BC salmon farming has harmed wild salmon. All I can see is it hurt the price of wild caught aka farmed Alaskan salmon.  Nothing wrong with competitive prices and consumer choice I say. :)
   Food for thought. :)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 06:03:44 PM by Fisherbob »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1088 on: October 05, 2014, 08:05:57 PM »

Why keep harping about the states? I live in Canada, BC so I'm more concerned about the affect of fish farms here. We could go on talking about some of the disasters in Chili if you want Bawb I don't want that happening here. Looks like enough farmed fish here are heading for the dump Bawbby. Your on the pot without a stir stick.

It's all about diversion TB. Bawb knows full well about his hero companies and the atrocious records elsewhere , but deflection and diversion  is a tactic common amongst the feedlot group. I've got a $10 bill to help Bawb go to visit the Alaskan legislature and straighten them..... Maybe Washington to address congress, because when Bawb speaks no one listens.

Red herring Bawbster, but it takes less courage or conviction than to really look at the issues, instead of putting up self serving bull$*&! spoon fed and written by his masters- try again Sonny!


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1089 on: October 05, 2014, 08:33:18 PM »

It's all about diversion TB. Bawb knows full well about his hero companies and the atrocious records elsewhere , but deflection and diversion  is a tactic common amongst the feedlot group. I've got a $10 bill to help Bawb go to visit the Alaskan legislature and straighten them..... Maybe Washington to address congress, because when Bawb speaks no one listens.

Red herring Bawbster, but it takes less courage or conviction than to really look at the issues, instead of putting up self serving bull$*&! spoon fed and written by his masters- try again Sonny!
You may want to try some prune juice Nova. You seem a little on the cranky side of life. Really not sure why you would feel that way when folks back home are doing so well. :)

If that did not cheer you up Nova this may. Life really is not to bad when you break free of all that doom and gloom poopaganda of yours. :)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 10:33:26 PM by Fisherbob »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1090 on: October 05, 2014, 11:55:08 PM »

I agree with aqua, not sure where you are coming from as many farmers lease land to other farmers to use.  Farmers don't have to sell the land if they want to move.  That means that some farmers don't own the land they raise their crops or livestock on - someone else does. My late father-in-law was a farmer and leased out land to others.  Does the cattle rancher that has his cattle grazing on Crown Land (most land in BC is Crown Land) own that land? The fact is that grazing in BC is authorized under the Range Act. Do you think we should be concerned with livestock-caused changes to water quality, stream bank erosion and riparian habitat?

It is not the same because they are not responsible for it the same way a livestock farmer would be? are right it isn't the same...actually salmon farming deals with more regulations and legislation.

 Whether leasing or owning the farmer  has more expense via land cost to run his business,part of the risk of running the business making it a failure or a success.
 Grazing on crown land is done in addition to land the the farmer already has,he does not raise his cattle exclusively on crown land with no bldg.
 He would have to have land and bldgs to house,feed and store his product.
 This is part of extra expense that he would incur,something the salmon farmer does not have to.
 Fact is that cattle would not do damage to the environment on such a large scale that the fish farms would.
 Thus the need for more regulations.
 Certainly a different business model ,many independant local farmers not 3 main large corporations,exporting products and profits out of our country while polluting our water with little regard.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 12:06:14 AM by salmonrook »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1091 on: October 06, 2014, 05:57:43 AM »

A new word for you to learn all about today Bawb! (Hint - it means not selling your soul for a few trinkets or whatever compensation the feedlots toss your way there, Ms. Mary Ellen)

noun: integrity

    the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
    "he is known to be a man of integrity"
    synonyms:   honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness
    "I never doubted his integrity"
    antonyms:   dishonesty
    the state of being whole and undivided.
    "upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty"
    synonyms:   unity, unification, coherence, cohesion, togetherness, solidarity
    "the integrity of the federation"
    antonyms:   division
        the condition of being unified, unimpaired, or sound in construction.
        "the structural integrity of the novel"
        synonyms:   soundness, strength, sturdiness, solidity, durability, stability, stoutness, toughness
        "the structural integrity of the aircraft"
        antonyms:   fragility
        internal consistency or lack of corruption in electronic data.
        "integrity checking"

« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 06:00:48 AM by Novabonker »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1092 on: October 06, 2014, 08:21:08 AM »

I do admire your strong stand Nova and I must say I find it very entertaining watching you run in circles trying to catch your own tail. :)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 08:43:59 AM by Fisherbob »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1093 on: October 06, 2014, 03:21:19 PM »

Been discussed before....

The 60 minutes program was actually pretty fair and not a condemnation of salmon farming as spun by

However, Morton was incorrect when she said that nobody was looking at the wild fish for ISAv. Well, the fact is that the US and Canada have already been conducting surveillance of wild fish for the past 4 years.  No spin,...these are facts unless some folks think the WDFW is now involved in some conspiracy also:

Secondly, Morton still doesn't understand how virus testing works and continues this ignorance during the interview.  Been thoroughly discussed before, no time to go over it all over again.

Thirdly, Alaska is being held up like some shining model of fisheries management in the program when in reality there are some serious questions being raised by recent research about the release of billions of smolts (mostly Pink) by Japan, Russia and the US (i.e Alaska). None of these are touched on in the program. No mention of Alaskan wild Chinook stocks either.  No mention that ranched salmon account for about 40% of the commercial harvest. The program says that the state enjoys the biggest salmon fishery in the world; however, the program should have clarified what ranched salmon really are - they are not wild. They are artificially propagated.  Adult broodstock are selected by humans.  They are also held in ocean net pens (not as long as farmed fish), fed food pellets, and could be given antibiotics and vaccines.

Its not that I am against salmon ranching totally, but sometimes too much of good thing may not be so good. Also, let the viewing public see all sides of this instead of giving them only one angle to judge. Calling these ranched salmon as "wild" is misleading.

Lastly, as for presence of ISA or ISAv off our coast it's all contained in the Cohen Final Report (Volume 2: Declined Related Evidence and Findings). Expert testimony which included Dr. Kristi Miller, Dr. Fred Kibenge and Dr. Are Nylund all weighed in on this and said there is not sufficient evidence at this time to conclude the presence of either ISA or ISAv.  Folks do not have to take my word for it - they can read it for themselves.  Following the inquiry, viral surveillance programs (ongoing) by the US and Canada mentioned above did not find ISAv or ISA.  There was also no mention of the thousands of samples tested on BC fish farms which showed no ISA or ISAv - not to mention that if ISA were present on BC fish farms there would be mass mortality just like the Chilean example that Morton loves to use. Not sure why they interviewed a lawyer for that sort of question. That was a waste of time. All they had to do was call up Dr. Nylund and he would have told them.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 11:05:51 PM by shuswapsteve »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #1094 on: October 06, 2014, 03:56:41 PM »

Whether leasing or owning the farmer  has more expense via land cost to run his business,part of the risk of running the business making it a failure or a success.

I am not sure about the figures in this regard however you seem to know.  Do you know what the difference is?

Grazing on crown land is done in addition to land the the farmer already has,he does not raise his cattle exclusively on crown land with no bldg.
 He would have to have land and bldgs to house,feed and store his product.
 This is part of extra expense that he would incur,something the salmon farmer does not have to.

You are right that part of the raising of cattle is done on both (Although again most land in the province is Crown Land…When you go hunting and fishing you will see cattle free ranging), but that is really not different from aquaculture where part of the raising of fish takes place outside of net pens in buildings that incubate eggs before they hatch.  Smolts are reared in tanks, in buildings, before being introduced to the ocean pens.  Salmon farmers would also have to have buildings to store feed and product.  It’s the coast of BC where rain is a common occurrence so why wouldn’t they have buildings?  Fish feed needs to be kept in freezers (which would require some sort of building) so that it doesn’t spoil.  I used to work at fish hatchery as a student.  So in a nutshell, yes, even salmon farmers have expenses in this regard.

Fact is that cattle would not do damage to the environment on such a large scale that the fish farms would.
 Thus the need for more regulations.
 Certainly a different business model ,many independant local farmers not 3 main large corporations,exporting products and profits out of our country while polluting our water with little regard.

Well, I will refer you to the Cohen Final Report where salmon farming was no more of a leading factor as other impacts which includes land-based agricultural practices.  If salmon farming here is creating large scale damage please show me your evidence (but this could turn into another circular argument).  I believe the need for more regulations is combination of things such as the environment fish farms are located in where multiple agencies are involved as well as the public concern over aquaculture and governments reaction to it.  I don’t believe the regulations are in place necessarily because aquaculture does more damage, but more for the potential of damage.  When you think about it more focus is put on aquaculture where other activities are presently flying under the radar and are likely doing more harm.  It’s a case where the squeaky wheel gets the grease, in my opinion.