Sorry it's not my job to educate you. The papers are readily available to anyone on the internet. You could also try subscribing to a few journals if you're really interested, and besides, while you may lead a horse to water, you can't make it drink. I'm also not interested in arguing the merits of pro or anti-fish farmers. For the most part they both need a good bath with soap and a fire hose.
As for the rest of your arguments, most of what you're saying about disease is irrelevant to this discussion, or like your previous statements on reoviruses just plain wrong. The rest is just rhetoric about Don and Morton, and Routlage, and not worth the time to address. Yes, they are not my favorite researchers either, but neither is a government lab that has failed to find anything, and litterally has no suspects into the decline of CL sockeye. Again, it's irrelevant. The relevant facts are:
1. Routlage found PRV in cultas lake sockeye.
2. While PRV still needs to be isolated in cell culture, it has been linked as the most plausible cause of HMSI, by well respected and highly published biologists that have nothing to do with Morton et al. Here's your homework, go read: "Immunohistochemical detection of piscine reovirus (PRV) in hearts of Atlantic salmon coincide with the course of heart and skeletal muscle inflammation", the authors names are in my previous post if you have issues finding it. Spoiler alert, the title gives away the story.
3. PRV was sequenced to be more than 99% similar to Norwegien strains of the virus. According to your own post, Marty found it in 75% of farmed salmon tested. Sorry I didn't vet this source, I'll take your word for it.
4. The only source of Norwegian virus (or the most likely source, outside of aliens, act of god, or other) is the Norwegian fish farms. I doubt it swam here on it's own.
5. If a=b and a=c then b=c, or if PRV has been found in CL, and the PRV is from Norway, and fish farms stock is Norwegian in origin, then fish farms are the most likely source of PRV in cultas lake.
6. Just because something is infected with a virus and shows no obvious signs of disease, does not mean it is fitness to reproduce is not compromised. Until tests are done that show no effect on spawning fitness, this cannot be ruled out. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. This is why Marty's reasoning that no obvious signs of disease = no problem is flawed logic.
7. PRV has now been shown to be exposed to the CL Sockeye from both freshwater and saltwater sources, freshwater- due to the infected cutthroat trout (thanks again Routlage), which may be a simple reservoir for the disease, (though virology of the pathogen has not been studied in depth in this animal, and it may be more than a reservoir), and fish farms effecting both sides of their ocean migrations.
8. As you stated previously: "HSMI primarily affects juvenile fish. Think about
if most of them had this deadly virus they would not have survived past the juvenile stage." even if this is true, and HMSI only effects juvenile fish which has not been proved, (otherwise please point me to a study showing it only effects juvenile fish, or even a study on PRV's Virulence), we now know the cultas lake sockeye can be exposed to the virus through resident trout, and on outward migration as they swim past the farms. Even if it only effects juvenile fish, as you stated if most of them had this virus, they would not survive past this stage, though there is no research to support this hypothesis.
9. Until a study has been done on the virology of PRV, and how it relates to sockeye's fitness to reproduce and survive from egg to adult, it cannot be ruled out as a cause of the decline in sockeye salmon in Cultas lake, since it's now known that sockeye are exposed to the virus at all life stages.
Best bet would be for someone to do follow-up analysis on Millar's samples that showed the genetic signature for pre-spawn mortality. Hopefully her or someone like her is doing something like a Random Multiplex (RT)-PCR to try to determine the pathogen or pathogens responsible for the signature, and the most likely cause of the sockeye decline. They have a signature, they have samples, all that's required is to isolate the pathogen producing the signature, and they have the smoking gun.