The reason for the brine is to put salt into the fish by means of osmosis (which the content of salt in the brine, dry or wet, is greater than the content in the fish so the salt moves into the fish threw the fish's membrane). Removing water is a "extra bonus".
The more salt the fish holds the less water it can hold.
This was done more so for preservative reasons but now there is less used as we now have fridges.
Wet brine's are nice because you can use stuff like whines and other liquid flavor.
Both are good, just different results.
I'm doing a dry and a wet and so far I really like how the dry is turning out. this is my first time with a dry and I'm very excited.
The dry brine is a more solid and a very nice looking piece of fish. And it appears to have less water or more salt, to make this solid piece of fish, but I don't know which it is although I suspect it has more salt content then my wet brine???
Will post back with results.