“I am hoping that everyone with a fishing license be it commercial, personal, sport or First Nation will consider signing this.”

I enjoy sport fishing. I put a line in the water hoping to catch a salmon. I have many pictures of my friends and I holding nice size Springs that we “caught, killed, gutted and cleaned.”
This forum has raised my eyebrows to the fact that that there may be some radical activist groups with their marry band of cheer leaders out there that are promoting Alaska cultured salmon.
My point is. How can Alex point a finger at “one” industry, which she thinks is the cause of a speculated decline in salmon runs. An industry that does not make money from wild stocks. Yet she is asking all of us who “KILL” salmon to jump on her band wagon.
“As salmon returns decline in the lower mainland, increasing numbers of Lower Mainland rec fishers will turn to the BC Interior for a "fix" to their fishing addiction.” This comment is just a new scare tatic to me. Would it at all harm the BC Interior to benefit from the tourist trade that the BC coast has enjoyed for many years?
Don’t get me wrong. I care about the enviroment and believe all industies have to do their part in conservation. I enjoy fishing, I know many commercial fishermen and sport guides. It appears I now know a Hypocrite or two.