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Author Topic: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge  (Read 19015 times)


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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2005, 07:03:35 AM »

i can feel the love.


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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2005, 07:55:16 AM »

 :o get them purses ready(CAT-FIGHT) ;D ;D


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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2005, 07:58:21 AM »

I can understand the emotion/passion presented in several different posts thing we all agree on is that there is a problem that needs to be addressed.  Sitting back in our arm chairs is no longer never was.

To the guys with the attitude of "if DFO doesnt care, why should I", well I'll ask you this: are you happy with what you see on our rivers?  If DFO wont aggressively attack the problem and neither will you as an individual, then where do you think our fishery is headed? 

Someone on this site decided that DFO doesnt do enuff for stream/habitat restoration and from that the Vedder River Clean group was formed. 

So to the people who think they can't make a differnce so why bother.  Well, your inaction makes you as neglegent as the DFO - we all can be advocates and have a positive impact on our sport and the resource!


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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2005, 10:01:58 AM »

Nice pic. That should increase the yahoo factor on the weekend by a few hundred. I was there yesterday, everyone, young
and old is doing the drift and lift trick. You expect this stuff every year from the  young kids and the gang of locals on the grass. Not cool to yell across the river and threaten to throw guys in, but if you choose to fish in a circus, expect clowns.
Fun for a few hours but stressful if you are alone. You will be muscled out of the very small productive area. When this happens, stand on the bridge and watch the antics for real entertainment. Many fish are dagged up on the grass by the dorsal, coated with mud and thrown back down on the logs. If DFO cared about fish being molested, they would simply post the area closed.


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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2005, 12:52:32 PM »

Something does need to be done but i don't think there is any one thing that is going to make a significant difference,yes better dfo enforcement would be a start combined with mandatory education of the resource , also some friendly advice to newcomers occasionally wouldn't hurt either,i know not all people on the river take kindly being told what not to do etc but if only a small portion of these people listen and learn we are still better off.The main problem is the rising population in the mainland which contributes to more people on the rivers ,the more people on the river results inevitably in more undesirables and newcomers to our systems and its only going to get worse as time goes by.I remember twenty years ago on the river there were significantly less fisherman and poaching and the lack of ethics was still there but not to the extent it is today.As for closing down kwb ,i disagree , this type of fishing goes on all over the river , maybe not as bad but if you start closing down parts of the river were do you stop we don't need this to be a common form of fisheries management, :) :D
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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2005, 01:20:32 PM »

easy to solve...have that section of the river closed to fishing.  Lots of rivers have such places closed where the fish get totally stacked up and are too easy of a target.


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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2005, 01:38:46 PM »

I had to delete a couple of posts this morning. Just because you have a different opinion on an issue, it doesn't make those who disagree with you any worse than you. This issue obviously can get people involved emotionally, but I would suggest to minimize the personal attacks and focus on the issue if anyone wants changes.

Although I employ different fishing methods to those who fish at the more popular locations, my main concern is not how fish are caught on the Vedder River. Who am I to tell other people how to fish? Who am I to tell people that my way is the correct way, when people are simply doing what the regulations allow them to do? The last thing I would do, would be to venture down to Keith Wilson Bridge and start preaching to each individual on the "correct fishing method". Why not? Well, I'm do not wish to be yelled at, beaten up, stabbed over a fishing method. Instead, I prefer to share what has been successful for me to others, who have the intelligence to choose whether they would like to try it or not.

Please don't confuse the above view with snagging, which involves repetition of strong rod jerks in short intervals. Under those situation, a call to the ORR line would be your best option.

My main concern is the treatment of released fish.

Yesterday while waiting to have lunch with Chris, we ventured down to just below Keith Wilson Bridge to get some photos that I wanted. Several observations that we made, seem very consistent and strange. The thoughts will follow this series of photos below.

Itosh and I had the same question. Why do people start walking back, and REALLY far back, when there is still so much line between the rod tip and the float? Wouldn't it make more sense to reel some more line in so you can reach the fish more easily?

The fish are usually dragged onto the mud bank. Once the fish stops flopping, the individual walks back to the fish, casually takes out the hook and nudges the fish back into the water with his foot.

If this was a fish to be kept, I would not question the actions. I personally do not mess around with a fish that I intend to harvest. It usually gets scopped up onto the beach with my hands or legs, before a quick bonk on the head to end things as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, if a fish is to be released, I will do my best to make sure that fish remains in the water at all time. Usually I bring the fish into the shallows so it would turn sideway slightly. This provides me an opportunity to tail the fish. The rod and reel usually go in the water if two hands are needed, the least I can provide a released fish is to ensure its safe return into where it belongs.

Improper release is an violation of the fishery regulations, which can lead to fines and confiscation of the angler's fishing equipment. The actual physical damage to a fish when its body is scrapped on the mud and sand is unknown, I think it is often exaggerated by those who condemn these actions. Salmon are tough, if they can withstand and escape from predation by seals, killer whales, bears, and the pounding of river rapids then a brief moment on land should not do a great deal of harm. However, is it necessary when you have the opportunities and equipment (waders) to avoid these stresses?

An easy way to prevent this from happening is to ask the angler if assistance is needed when he or she is attempting to land a fish. Usually the response would be positive. The message of proper catch and release will eventually be passed on.

A couple of years ago, I wrote up an article on proper catch and release, you can find it here.

The other main problem with crowded fishing spots. as mentioned before, was the accumulation of garbage. I hope, those who are so concerned about the mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge, will attend our Vedder River Cleanup on Sunday after some first light fishing action. A few words make some noises, a few actions make some differences. I'll see you on Sunday.

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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2005, 02:08:12 PM »

Itosh and I had the same question. Why do people start walking back, and REALLY far back, when there is still so much line between the rod tip and the float? Wouldn't it make more sense to reel some more line in so you can reach the fish more easily?

I often see this with beginners. Perhaps they aren't well versed in the proper technique of fighting a fish. My .02

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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2005, 04:47:23 PM »

OK so I will start with this, I was quite teed off when I read the post from fishfreak.  Now I have read his report again as well as what I had posted.  Fishfreak, you have some people in on this site that will vouch for your fishing ethic, and while I may not agree with it at times, who am I to judge if I don't see it first hand.  So, I will give you the benefit of the doubt.  I am sorry for coming down on you like that.  You may have just meant that "why should the OTHER fisherman care if dfo doesn't".  But the way it was posted made it sound like that was your view as well.  So if that is not your view, then I am sorry.  I do know that I myself many times have tried to "inform" fisherman of the regs, and that you don't have to snag/floss to catch fish.  Some cared most didn't.  As for making fishing an elite pastime, I know that I couldn't afford much more in the line of courses or extra tags for specific salmon. There has to be a better way of reducing the amount of indecent behavior on the river, not just at that spot but at limit hole, and Allison pool among others.  But for know I will just have to take my cell and make calls everytime I see something.  Maybe with enough outcry from the real fisherman, dfo won't be able to sit and do nothing.
  To everyone else, sorry about the earlier post, I'm Scottish.  I get fired up sometimes!!!!!
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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2005, 08:44:54 PM »

It won't be long before this river is flyfishing only.


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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2005, 10:12:53 PM »

I can understand the emotion/passion presented in several different posts thing we all agree on is that there is a problem that needs to be addressed.  Sitting back in our arm chairs is no longer never was.

To the guys with the attitude of "if DFO doesnt care, why should I", well I'll ask you this: are you happy with what you see on our rivers?  If DFO wont aggressively attack the problem and neither will you as an individual, then where do you think our fishery is headed? 

Someone on this site decided that DFO doesnt do enuff for stream/habitat restoration and from that the Vedder River Clean group was formed. 

So to the people who think they can't make a differnce so why bother.  Well, your inaction makes you as neglegent as the DFO - we all can be advocates and have a positive impact on our sport and the resource!

so what would you do? you see an infraction, report it to a dfo present at the time and place of the offense, then he does nothing about it..... honestly. what can you do?

things always seem easier in hind sight, but unless you've been in that situation before, you can't possibly know or say how you would react.

if keeping the peace is negligent, does that mean you'll be the first to go to KWB and confront those who are guilty of breaking the rules?...sounds like that's where you're coming from.  does it also mean that if dfo doesn't enforce the laws, that it's our responsibility to take it into our own hands?

big difference between a coalition of river cleanup...and a posse out to enforce the law.


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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2005, 10:52:37 PM »

Hey let them fish there more clowns away from my spots. Yes it's bad and someone needs to report to DFO. But if we were to close down the canal portion of the river they would find alot more places to abuse the fish. That's not the only spot where they stack up.

Birdman, please READ!

Quote from: me earlier
One suggestion.

Quit the stereotyping, develop solutions that may improve the current state of the fisheries. Keep fighting like that on the internet, which has been going on for years, will result in nothing but higher blood pressures.

That is a selfish and disappointing attitude coming from a young fisher such as yourself. >:( You do realize when people first get into fishing, they often need others to teach them the proper way to do it? It does not benefit anyone by being ignorant. The angling community is a small one, and requires the cooperation of EVERYONE to sustain the quality it should have. If all continue to act by displaying the "I'm better than you" attitude, then you might as well kiss the future of fishing goodbye.

Harsh words, but need to be said. You're fishing the Vedder on Sunday right? I expect to see you and your family attending the cleanup in between the fishing?

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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2005, 09:47:05 AM »

Rod I will be out on the river on sunday, I will be picking up allot of garbage bring extra garbage bags for it, but I am not driving so I will just clean up the areas that we fish.  I don't know if my buddies are going to the meeting place or not.  Besides, I'll have plenty of time for clean-up.  I'm gonna get my fish early!!!!!! RIGHT like that's gonna happen.  Anyhow, I'll give a report, and clean up.  I know that one spot we go to get pretty bad sometimes on the trail in.  Campers I guess.
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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2005, 09:51:29 AM »

Oh ya and I might even stop down at KWB and yell at some people, throw them around you know.  NOT, I will stay away from there all year. ;) ;)  I have a bad temper and the best way for me to stop the temper is to stay away from those spots.  Besides I love being in a good mood.  KWB, along with a couple other spots doesn't help that out so much. ::) ::)
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Re: Mayhem at Keith Wilson bridge
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2005, 10:04:46 AM »

hey big steel im heading to the ved sunday too. im gonna just clean the areas i fish. hope to see you out ther :)