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Author Topic: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.  (Read 6367 times)


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Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« on: February 02, 2019, 02:58:46 PM »

Well it's been a few days so....surface surface surface the hatch.  ;D
Honestly very surprised with the new Food Guide. It actually contains TRUTH about nutrition. It steps on the toes of ranchers / beef pork chicken ...the junk food companies...even Coke Pepsi & fruit juice & drink companies...also less sugar,salt & unhealthy oils.

Plus less dairy cheeses whole milk cream ice cream it contains lots of dairy fats. Of course less pies cookies potato chips,cheesy corn chips...processed foods full of bad fat,sugar & salt.  Margarine is not good including Becel. Butter in moderation is better than margarine. Extra virgin olive oil is a healthy oil but not good for high heat cooking. Medium heat at best. Low smoking point.
Guide directs us to drink more water!

Get protein more from protein foods guide says.
Wow...the butcher shops & beef ranchers & fast food burger joints are not too happy about that info.
Meats chicken pork just have too much bad fat. The way it sounds they want us to eat meats 2x a week only & max. hand palm size portions. Oprah Winfrey years ago on tv said something negative about beef & Texas took her to court. She won. Gee so much for free speech. Well this guide really tells us to eat less burgers  ;D

What's wrong with fruit juice with no sugar added ? Well fruit juices have lots of natural sugar in high amounts. Fruit drinks are a joke. Water sugar & fruit flavourings.
Diet drinks are even worse! Aspartame & other artificial sweeteners are proven to be bad for the brain & other things in the body.
Processed meats hot dogs hams sausages are loaded with fat nitrates salt...fat equals clogged arteries. Nitrates equals cancer. Salt equals high blood pressure / bad for kidneys...( we need some salt daily though but not in excess. Salt & sugar is in nearly everything including msg. Ketchup soups mustard etc..
Why has there been such a push to get people to stop smoking?
Gov did some adding & subtracting. The tax profit we get from cigarettes is less than the hospital costs they spend on medical bills created by smoking ( cancer )
Now if cig tax was more in the gov purse than the medical costs...there simply would be no push for people to stop smoking.
Think it's the same thing in the case of nutrition. The gov. has found that heart kidney diabetic cancers dementia arthritis costing it's health care to sky rocket. So they do not care that the cattle farmers & McDonalds restaurants will possibly lose $$$ if people truly buy into the new guide. Save $ in health care costs. Maybe we need warning labels on junk foods,like they put on cig packages.

There just may be another super big problem the food guide totally misses out on!!!
If this is true & factual even this new food guide will have us have major health problems!!!
The other possible truth of the "shoe drops" is GMO foods. Compared to farmed or wild salmon kinda idea.

GMO foods are modified. Seeds tampered with so the plants can with stand high doses of "roundup" /pesticides herbicides creates unhealthy soil...kills the insects...corn sprayed that a song bird eats one kernel & the bird dies.
GMO foods some researchers say cause cancers..& wreck havoc in our gut/intestine/digestion system. People are having all sorts of allergies / digestion problems / brain fog....
More & more foods are becoming GMO. Canola & Soy & Corn crops are 99% GMO now.

The company that makes these sprays / GMO seeds are pocketing the big $$$.
There's a youtube vid "Seeds of Death" that if factual have us all walking time bombs.
Ladies avoid soya /corn/canola products that are GMO as if the warnings are true it could cause breast cancers. ( read some where or heard these GMO companies have invested in pharmacy products people turn to after they get sickly from eating these foods. Maybe I'm wrong but think I heard or read this in the past )

Look for non GMO or certified organic stickers on your produce.
Think if the sticker has the number 8 it is GMO.  That vid/film ya can watch for free on youtube is shocking if factual. Worth your time. Vid again is "Seeds of Death". Plus cattle chickens pigs are eating GMO feed plus getting all sorts of needles/antibiotics ...which in turn goes into it's flesh. We then eat the burger chicken or bacon with these within. What can we eat or drink??? Peanuts bananas I give up. More red wine I guess  ;D
Plus these sprays are killing the insect populations in which birds or fish would eat in streams/rivers/lakes. Less birds & fish.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 03:21:08 PM by A-BOATER »


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2019, 04:15:49 PM »

Nice post, lots in that to digest. (Pun intended)

Haven’t read it, but curious what’s in there regards to portion control and size of meals? With obesity at all time highs and costing the health system billions in ORI’s, surely sizing meals is just important as what’s in them.

Thanks for posting, sad to see about the recommended cutback in dairy :(

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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2019, 04:21:49 PM »

Will you be forego your daily glass or two of red wine and drink water A-BOATER ? Will you be dousing yourself with water instead of champagne when the Canucks hoist the Stanley Cup ?  ;D ;D


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2019, 04:33:05 PM »

Typical of this federal government. Left wing governments the world over are leaning towards an all vegan diet for it people.  It's no surprise. People who dont have animal protine are weaker. Mentally and physically. Smoke some weed, dont eat meat and soak in that new 5g radiation. That'll tame the public might well


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2019, 04:48:25 PM »

Typical of this federal government. Left wing governments the world over are leaning towards an all vegan diet for it people.  It's no surprise. People who dont have animal protine are weaker. Mentally and physically. Smoke some weed, dont eat meat and soak in that new 5g radiation. That'll tame the public might well



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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2019, 05:06:30 PM »

Typical of this federal government. Left wing governments the world over are leaning towards an all vegan diet for it people.  It's no surprise. People who dont have animal protine are weaker. Mentally and physically. Smoke some weed, dont eat meat and soak in that new 5g radiation. That'll tame the public might well


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2019, 05:13:28 PM »

It's a guide. Nobody is forced to eat anything. Most people aren't even aware of what the guide recommends if they know there is one at all.Every 20 years or so it get revised for changes in what is the current understanding of good nutrition practice and changes in public eating habits. Some people have claimed that segments of the food industry has had undue influence over what gets recommended. The claim is this time they relied more on recommendations by registered dietitians.

Personally I rely more on what my Doctor recommends and what my wife wants to cook! I have treated hi BP and hi-ish cholesterol. Still I seldom go through a day without eating some type of animal protein be it dairy fish or meat. I had snapper and pulled pork for lunch. I put cheese on the pork as I couldn't stop myself. LOL!

More and more people are avoiding meat - adopting vegetarian or even vegan diets. There are practical reasons to do so. Others complain some grains give them digestive problems. Some significant % (40% or so) of the world population can't digest many dairy products. Some of the Asian people I know are lactose intolerant.  I guess the guide should reflect those needs?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 05:32:07 PM by RalphH »
"Two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity... though I am not completely sure about the Universe" ...Einstein as related to F.S. Perls.


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2019, 05:28:35 PM »

Will you be forego your daily glass or two of red wine and drink water A-BOATER ? Will you be dousing yourself with water instead of champagne when the Canucks hoist the Stanley Cup ?  ;D ;D
Tell ya the truth when thirsty I boil water & have some instant coffee / green tea / or skim milk. So ya get my favoured water.
Ya water in most places has it's contaminates bleach bugs mercury & what's that stuff they add in for your teeth? ( some say is bad. ) ever drink Regina city water out of the tap on a hot summer day.
Ya can smell the bleach & water really tastes bad. Water comes from Buffalo Pond. Tastes like 1000s of Buffalo's are bathing in the water !!!
Personally like eating chicken & beef but try not to deep fry & trim off fat/skin.
One comment mentioned size of meal. How true. Too many over weight / eat too much carbs / lack of exercise. Some people are just really super big 100-200 lbs over weight kinda idea & that is torture in just doing any activity.
Think most of us should eat healthy 6 days a week & then eat whatever on day 7.  ;D within reason.
Let's eat a cheese burger with whole milk & some potato chips.
But folks if you find time do view that vid on youtube "Seeds of Death" should the info be true what they are saying then our body is being DESTROYED literally by GMO !!!
Makes climate warming a non issue if this GMO dangers are fact. One simple test a scientist did was feed a GMO potato & non GMO potato to mice. The mice eating GMO had weak small organs / were smaller mice/ & they developed tumours. Mice that ate natural potato ( non GMO ) grew to so good size & no health problems.
Youtube "Seeds of Death"  really unreal.
20/20 had a story on Friday. ( last night. ) on a serial killer.  These GMO companies if warnings in this film is true & the evidence & argument looks very convincing...will be the biggest serial killers of history.
Maybe that's their goal to reduce the population growth but knowing human nature it's the billions & billions they are the cost of our health. ( scary )   
Edit In : if you are busy do not even try to view "Seeds of Death" as it's over 60 minutes long.
I had to watch it 2x to really focus on all the info & hear the argument in full & truly hear what the alarm they are trying to get across. 

« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 01:23:12 AM by A-BOATER »


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2019, 05:36:36 PM »


Maybe. I do not know. The global trend is Veganism tho. Fast food chains offering Vegan options and updated government food guides. That is a trend.

Could there be a future where people meat shame others ? I can see that. It's possible. I like to question a lot of things that's just my nature. In no way am I a conspiracy theorist. I just question things. I think we dont do enough of it these day. We live in a time where we have access the unprecedented knowledge but at the same time it feels like we are drowning in misinformation.

Eating meat 3 days a week works for me. I'm healthy. My wifes vegan friend is emaciated. She turned Vegan on the advice of her holistic doctor. That's all the evidence I need.


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2019, 06:01:33 PM »

Could there be a future where people meat shame others ? I can see that. It's possible.

I can also see that happening, if it isn’t already happening :o

I hope a fishing forum is somewhat of a safe haven from that ever happening....... It’d be scary times indeed if you’re being meat shamed on a public fishing forum.

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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2019, 10:49:52 PM »

As Hike_and_Fish noted, it's all about trends. Take for example, gluten. There are gluten free baked goods, drinks and sausages etc. Not convinced there are that many gluten intolerant people out there. Food manufacturers are capitalizing on this trend to increase their bottom line.


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2019, 12:07:36 AM »

I can also see that happening, if it isn’t already happening :o

I hope a fishing forum is somewhat of a safe haven from that ever happening....... It’d be scary times indeed if you’re being meat shamed on a public fishing forum.

pretty soon u will see people shaming people for goin to the Keg !


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2019, 04:40:22 AM »

Honestly it's well known now for years now at Universities across the United States young conservatives are shamed for their political views. Protests from social justice warriors who plain old dont like the way someone thinks has really changed our society. I really believe meat shaming will be a thing. Hunting a fishing will also be nonexistent in the not to distant future. All in the name of global warming and saving the enviroment. Save the Wales dude.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 07:46:56 AM by Hike_and_fish »


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2019, 08:25:19 AM »

But what I don't understand is shaming others for exercising their rights to choose what they like to eat or dress is a violation of human rights and I thought these liberal folks are all for human rights, aren't they? Lol.


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2019, 08:45:39 AM »

I've known a considerable number of vegans & vegetarians. I've been over to their place for supper. I've eaten in restaurants with them (both vegan only and normal fare) and had them over at our place. I have never experienced or witnessed 'meat shaming'. Quite the opposite. Most vegans etc I know have tolerated considerable mostly good-natured ribbing over their diet choice. They are not at all 'in your face' about it. For most it's a personal choice they know most people don't hold and likely won't adopt all too soon.

The new food guide doesn't say no to animal protein. So I don't quite get the hysteria. There are a lot of ways to get good protein into your diet.

People who enjoy meat, fish and poultry etc need to start talking about what is good about it. Managed right it's healthy and it can in combination with plant agricultural reduce the overall impact of food production on the natural environment.

A lot more land has to be cultivated to produce the same amount of protein than could be gotten from free range animal farming. That means we can keep more of the earth in a more natural state by eating some animal protein than by relying on plant based food alone.

I also always remember what Anthony Bordain said about vegans. He said 70% of the people on the planet are vegans. It is not by choice and they are not too happy about it.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 10:50:55 AM by RalphH »
"Two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity... though I am not completely sure about the Universe" ...Einstein as related to F.S. Perls.