Really sad that there are so many anglers out there that think bottom bouncing is synonymous with flossing/snagging. Poke your head outside the encapsulating bubble that is the lower mainland fishery, and you'll find bottom bouncing is an approved, effective method of fishing.
Go to Alaska, northern BC, Washington, Oregon etc.... You'll see people with slinkies or pencil lead bottom bouncing away and they aren't snagging, they'd probably look at you funny if you told them they were. Drives me nuts to hear people condone "bottom bouncing" like its some kind of parasitic disease.... Learn to differentiate between bottom bouncing and snagging/flossing before you blanket the method as unethical and petition to ban it.
To answer your question Rodney, I was a member of an organization that had representation on the SFAC (on the Skeena I should clarify), I had to resign my membership when it became clearly evident they had their own agenda and anyone not following it fell on deaf ears.