We all know that a fish that didnt bite the hook is snagged. Snaggin is illigal but based on some pretty flimsy wording in our regs, a hook around the mouth is close enough duing sockeye season. Flossing isn't legal, it just isnt enforced during sockeye. Many people here know Marco, he and I shared a fishing budy in common. That idividual was tickets for keeping a flossed coho at the tamahi...like I have stated before, its a lack of enforcement. Its kind of like saying the speed limit is 120km on the #1 because thats what I drive and I have never been ticketed. We all know not being ticketed doesnt make something legal.
But heres the thing, I saw lots of fish hooked in the back, belly, etc that were kept... they weren't even close to the mouth. As Sterling documented in another post, wild coho were kept, steelhead, barbed hooks are being used, people double dip...this summer fishery of ours is truly a debacle.