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Author Topic: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities  (Read 200965 times)


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #646 on: May 04, 2020, 11:34:23 AM »

A-B you're not bothering to understand what I wrote. A Christian (which Trump claims to be) cannot both love God and be a Christian and fanatically engage in the pursuit of wealth or money. I can recognize or accept your faith in God but not in Trump.

As for the Devil's tricks, who has been tricked?

Who has been tricked ?
The majority of earth's population for starters.  ;D
Since I had astral travel projection ( occult ) before my salvation ...know there's really a freaky realm that exists.
Anything supernatural it's source is either from God or mr Lucifer's side.
After my conversion in 1973 ( God's Holy Spirit encounter ) I never astral projected ever again.
Deuteronomy ch 18:10-12 is just one of 400 verses that warn on the paranormal.
There are 1000's of UFO sighting and 100's of 1000s of people claiming they have had alien abductions...or seen an alien in their bedroom!!!!
Don't call ghost busters or alien busters call DEMON BUSTERS.
It's nothing for mr lucifer / demons to transform themselves to look like an ufo or alien creature...
Word says "he's the prince of the air " a deceiver counterfeit father of lies....
Remember getting a newsletter from 100 Huntley St when David Mainse was still alive...told of a couple who seen aliens in their room ...but as this couple was also in the occult at the time...they concluded 100% they were demons.
Even a divining rod. Forked stick.
Practitioner grabs the two forked sticks and the other pointed end bounces up and down ....then stops.
They count the times the stick went up/down that is how many feet the water is located underground.
Farmers in the prairies so on had these guys come over with these divining sticks they were going to put in a water pump /well.
Divining rod from the word divination.
There's a big interest in the supernatural many reality programs on haunted locations...
Even on that Canada full time native channel there's a program The Other Side.
So called experts going to haunted locations in Canada.
I emailed them gave them a warning what they are really dealing with but no response. No problem ...did not expect a response. Natives are doing much better in recent yrs but there is a % still under many bondages....abuse drugs alcohol suicide prison population has high % of native so....they sure do not need to watch The Other Side tv program.
I meet so many into dabbing with ouija's totally demonic.

But as for recent comments...yep rev Copeland and all these $$$$ prosperity evangelists ( as Robert mentioned as well. ) are totally very bad examples !!!
Any bad press they get is deserved.

If these preachers were so loving so caring they would feel what the billion or so of the very poor's suffering.
Girls 10 yrs old giving themselves to men for $$$ to survive ( food $)

Billy Graham I consider one of the very best evangelist and who walked in integrity ...who is on lots of his vids on there warn about the devil demons his crusades.
But he started an organization for evangelists to become members.
It was for evangelists to have a salary and to have $$$ for needs and not greeds.
Rev. Graham was on a salary ...lived in a modest house and far from a mansion.

As for as Pres. Trump goes...he's a buissness man before becoming pres.
He was a rascal in the past ...ladies love for $$$ but he now has given his life to The Lord.
Ok to have $$$ but the LOVE of $$ is the root of all evil. To like $$$ to help others is ok.
As Jesus said ...give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and give unto God what is God's.
Then give to yourself ( family ) and help others in need.

Mrs Trump at one gathering ( airport in Florida ) read The Lord's Prayer.
Thought that was a indication of her faith she and her hubby have.
Oh no ....the democrats were so negative....complaining that she had to read from a paper, So what?
What's the big deal ?
The great part she said the prayer in public.
People's hearts are sooooooooo evil.
That vid laughing about Christianity the comedian ... ;D

Well check this out:
Ariana Grande says she was attacked by demon.
Hollywood life.    ( youtube vid )
If she was smart she's run to The Lord ...maybe she has who knows.

Yes satan is real and he's tricked the majority. I repeat.
It will be hard to mock Christianity when a person is in hell being tormented.
Check out vid: 20 Minutes in Hell . Bill Wiese. ( think that's his name )

But the latest news is China.
Reports are they knew how this virus spread so rapidly ...and should of closed off all travel locally / internationally ....but waited much too long ....on purpose ???
Looks like it.
It was like they did not care Covid 19 spread to other countries.
USA is looking at the fact China should be held responsible and thus cough up $$$$ to pay the bills costs the USA Canada Europe so on...



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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #647 on: May 04, 2020, 11:42:59 AM »

imagine living your entire life in delusion and not doing anything constructive like this lol... that's ok though, the after life will be better! ;D


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #648 on: May 04, 2020, 11:59:25 AM »

At this point, and after all this time and available information, if you support 45 or the GOP you're either dealing with mental/emotional issues or a terrible human being. The conversation here feels like a demonstration of a bit of both, which makes me sad. I would encourage you to seek out some help and make some attempt to open your awareness to information outside of the echo chamber you clearly live inside of.

I expect you won't, but I truly hope you and others who share your situation do. This is only a test run of the challenges that are to come for everyone and the best way through is for us to trust in science and each other. That's not going to be possible for anyone who is incapable of critical thought or a support system to help them through it.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #649 on: May 04, 2020, 12:27:25 PM »

imagine living your entire life in delusion and not doing anything constructive like this lol... that's ok though, the after life will be better! ;D
You have won a free ticket big_fish ...only you are allowed to watch this youtube video !!!

God of Wonders The documentary (2009) full length
Rachel Lubbe

( doc and with comments from scientists in this doc. )
I repeat only big_fish can watch this video NO ONE ELSE.
His ticket was drawn from the hat ...that had over 1 million tickets ( big hat )


And make sure ya watch the vid or story of "Ariana Grande says she was attacked by a demon"

It's amazing if ya share about God ..most scoff ...
But share about real stories  ..on demons ...and they run to God !!!

Like one priest said he wanted to give his life to God because he did not want to go to hell.
Well whatever works.

Catholic beliefs have great Truth Jesus .
But some doctrines or beliefs that are not in the Bible.
Pray to Mary ...confess you sins to a priests ....etc..
But they have lots of really good ideas.
Catholic reading :  the four last things ( think they call it ) death judgement heaven hell.

As for Covid 19 the experts keep saying....well we do not know the answer...
Then another question....we do not know the answer right now.
Then later ....we are thinking it is like this but we are not too sure...we are looking more into it...

So on. Gee just social distance vit C vit D rest sanitizer wash hands gargle with Listerine ( original ) drink hot drinks ( drink Lysol no no no just kidding )
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 12:29:36 PM by A-BOATER »


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #650 on: May 04, 2020, 01:12:33 PM »

Be glad that we live in a country where the leaders are constantly reassuring and reminding people to be kind and tolerant.

bobby b

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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #651 on: May 04, 2020, 01:56:30 PM »

...but he now has given his life to The Lord.


You have to be either joking or completely delusional!!


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #652 on: May 04, 2020, 02:00:09 PM »

Can we plz be done with the all bible and gawd hogwash already!

Believe what you like, but enough already..... 

bobby b

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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #653 on: May 04, 2020, 02:01:57 PM »

Be glad that we live in a country where the leaders are constantly reassuring and reminding people to be kind and tolerant.



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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #654 on: May 04, 2020, 02:28:57 PM »

The evangelicals sold their souls and made a deal with a godless megalomaniac.


in return, he advances a slate of socially conservative causes, from the defunding of Planned Parenthood, to restrictions on abortion, to the appointment of large numbers conservative judges at all levels of the court system, to restrictions on immigration, etc etc etc...

I think any sane person would give anything to have a leader in Canada do any or all of those things. Our useless leader does none of them.

Viewed in this light, I understand why the religious right back Trump and it's not because they think he's a believer.

Not all Christians believe Trump is a believer. I don't know him personally or well enough to make that judgement. What I do know is that his behavior since he put his name in the hat (2015) has aligned more and more with that of a Christian. He still has a long way to go, and so does every other Christian (If indeed Trump is one; I'm not saying he is or isnt).
All Christians are at different stages of their faith. If Trump is indeed a Christian, then he is a new one....spiritual maturity doesn't happen overnight.

They're trying desperately to retain political control in a country whose demographics have been shifting away from organized religion for decades.

Not true. True Christians end game is not political. We are commanded by God to protect the helpless and most vulnerable (top example being unborn children from being murdered).
By voting in the conservative choice (and in some cases the lesser of 2 evils), we will always vote in the choice that is closest to Christian  well as the choice that allows Christians the most freedom to live and proclaim the true Gospel of Christ.

in a country whose demographics have been shifting away from organized religion for decades.

Are you aware the most true Bible believing Christians (myself included) despise the institution of organized religion?
Real Christians first and foremost search out a lasting genuine relationship with Jesus Himself.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #655 on: May 04, 2020, 02:33:17 PM »

People like A-B and RG are the sheep they fleece.

Totally backwards Ralph. You are the guy top left. You are the one that believes everything the liberals feed you.

« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 02:43:35 PM by Robert_G »


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #656 on: May 04, 2020, 02:42:15 PM »

At this point, and after all this time and available information, if you support 45 or the GOP you're either dealing with mental/emotional issues or a terrible human being. The conversation here feels like a demonstration of a bit of both, which makes me sad. I would encourage you to seek out some help and make some attempt to open your awareness to information outside of the echo chamber you clearly live inside of.

You sir, just displayed the poster boy attitude of the 3 'I's; 'intolerant' 'ignorant' 'indoctrinated'.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #657 on: May 04, 2020, 02:52:33 PM »


You have to be either joking or completely delusional!!

Firstly Rod's link...
That is 1st degree murder for sure.
How senseless.

Yes Pres. D Trump has accepted The Lord ...he is a baby in Christ and is digesting the milk of the Word. he does his daily devotions ..learn to walk with God ..learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit ..he will be digesting the meat of scripture ...growing rapidly in his Christian character and soon you will see a decrease of Pres. Trump crazy ness to an increase of a Godly character...
Give it time folks  !
They did not build Rome overnight.
Ya plant seeds in a garden ...ya cannot eat produce the next day.
Plus only God is people are all at dif. stage of spiritual maturity.

bobby b ya say hogwash !!! Enough said already.
Why is it getting a little hot under your collar...all the lies deceptions you believed my info is starting to show you what real Truth is.
Ya have fallen the mr Lucifer's 1st trick.
Get your head out of the hole in the sand like the ostrich.
God bless you anyways.
Ya God .

Can you imagine having these two guys confronting the security guard ...and killing him as your in laws.
Hope they catch these guys because it's just a matter of time they get upset and kill again.
What if their dentist pulls the wrong tooth of one of these guys? Bang bang bang.
Or how about having these guys as your neighbour ?
Lord help us.
Of course if you are my neighbour ...I share The Lord with you  ;D
Well actually do share with neighbours but only at Christmas.
Do not want to arm twist.
Even here I never talk politics or religion.
But only respond when others bring it up the subject.  :o   8)
Only Robert and a few other FWR members have a 20/20 understanding on the subject.
We learn from each other.
If not learn hopefully your a little more open minded on the subject.
Have to untangle all the weeds satan puts in people's minds.
Weeding the minds garden I am.
Great cartoon Robert......sure makes a good pt too.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #658 on: May 04, 2020, 03:14:47 PM »


I think any sane person would give anything to have a leader in Canada do any or all of those things. Our useless leader does none of them.

maybe you should make that the platform for the conservatives in the next election. lets see any canadian politician bring in anti abortion laws. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. another trudeau win in the making.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 03:16:21 PM by bigblockfox »


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