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Author Topic: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities  (Read 247514 times)


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1020 on: May 31, 2020, 10:36:57 PM »


I really shouldn't laugh... but you're so gullible and disconnected with reality, it's both sad and funny.
Laugh all you want.
Because your a fool to fall for the devil's first trick.
His first trick is to have you believe demons do not exist !!!
Lucifer is laughing at you as you laugh at me....but I will have the last laugh but tears of sorrow for those that died in their sin and were transported into an eternal place of torment and nashing of teeth...and cries of sorrows...

You guys must of mis understood Robert.

You guys are either so negative you can not see his simple point or you are on purpose just wanting to argue.
Simple as 1 plus 1 = 2

Namely if a Protestant or a Catholic truly has had an encounter with Jesus thru prayer and they feel the Holy Spirit within their life...they will have a love for the Word and knowing what the Good Book says.
Catholic mass they have 1st and 2nd reading of scripture....
The Apostles Creed is a very powerful prayer...various denominations say that prayer.
Catholics also have priests who are given permission to do exorcisms.
Scripture commands not sujjestion to spread the gospel world wide.
We are His ambassadors ...the church is people ....we make up the body of Christ....
Both main denominations ....have radio internet tv missions ....telling /sharing to people  about the Saviour !!!
So here it is : a man and a woman are married.
The man is not a Christian and the wife is a Catholic or Protestant anyways a believer.
Ok let's say they have a good marriage. Fine .
They love each other etc...and care for each other.
But the wife if she is a true born again Holy Ghost Spirit filled Catholic or Protestant ....she will want her husband to believe too one day before he dies.
Why would it be important to the wife?
Because she knows knowing Jesus in your heart is the only way to heaven.
She loves her man she wants him to go to heaven and not to hell !!! 
« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 10:39:20 PM by A-BOATER »


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1021 on: May 31, 2020, 10:41:45 PM »

Nah I think you don't know anything at all, you're the one who's going to hell. ;) :-*

Good thing we have security guards to keep lunatics away from public figures. Safety first.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1022 on: May 31, 2020, 10:44:05 PM »

Thanks bigfish. Yes 31 years, two fantastic daughters and one amazing granddaughter. Both our daughters were introduced to the Catholic Church and were free to come up with their own conclusions. Neither one is a believer. We are a very close family. How’d we pull all that off when most of us are apparently going to hell in a hand basket ??


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1023 on: May 31, 2020, 11:25:21 PM »

Thanks bigfish. Yes 31 years, two fantastic daughters and one amazing granddaughter. Both our daughters were introduced to the Catholic Church and were free to come up with their own conclusions. Neither one is a believer. We are a very close family. How’d we pull all that off when most of us are apparently going to hell in a hand basket ??

There are lots of fine moral  / not perfect people / couples / families who are great wonderful people.
They try to be good , and have a close family !!!
That is super in today's world with all it's problems and vices...

Me I am just saying there is a real God behind this big universe.
Google Food for Life ...the catholic weekly tv program ..
On web it says they want people to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Not a religious brainwashed head info programmed one.
A personal relationship with  Jesus they  are talking about is knowing God in a living alive way...where ya can feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit.
It is no more looking at the faith as a history lesson rather it is Jesus living right now !!! He really exists !!! He sends His invisible Holy Spirit to this earth right now...
Anyways as your wife Iblly is a Catholic you may both from the comfort of your living rm check out Food for Life at 11:30 am on a vision tv.
You can view it on youtube too.
Father Goring has youtube vids too...his own channel.
Mind you he. Is a charismatic renewal priest....speaks in tongues ...if ya ever heard about that ?
But his faith in Jesus is sincere.
I mean if Jesus is for real ( know He is) we should give him glory and have daily prayer  ( in our own words or Our Father Prayer from our heart...ya can get to walk with God without stepping into a church building.
Maybe in time ...ya will.
Me I'm not twisting no one's arm....just hoping one day you unbelievers will pray one day down the line ......


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1024 on: May 31, 2020, 11:48:10 PM »

 'A Christian telling an atheist they're going to hell is as scary as a child telling an adult they're not getting any presents from Santa.'

Ricky Gervais


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1025 on: May 31, 2020, 11:50:04 PM »

Funny how someone keeps repeating no warm twisting, yet can't stop himself from telling people what's real.

Who the F are you to tell a happily married couple what they should watch on TV and how they should live their life? If you are that unhappy, go deal with it.

Me I am just saying I THINK there is a real God behind this big universe.

Fixed it for you.

Imagine sitting around your whole life, waiting to die to go to heaven. I'd say do something constructive for yourself but for you it's too late, just a burden of this society and weighing the rest of us down.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1026 on: June 01, 2020, 01:23:52 AM »

Funny how someone keeps repeating no warm twisting, yet can't stop himself from telling people what's real.

Who the F are you to tell a happily married couple what they should watch on TV and how they should live their life? If you are that unhappy, go deal with it.

Fixed it for you.

Imagine sitting around your whole life, waiting to die to go to heaven. I'd say do something constructive for yourself but for you it's too late, just a burden of this society and weighing the rest of us down.

Up periscope ...oh what do we have here...seems to be a blow horn letting off some steam... ;D ;D ;D

Hope ya do not have a bad heart like in cardio.
Take it easy pal ...take it easy pal...

You remind me of Paul in the book of Acts before he got saved.

He was totally against the Christians .....then he got zapped by the Holy Ghost / modern language Holy Spirit and became one of the greatest Christians in history.

Yep FA that inmate by the sounds of it got " the real deal" ....saved.

Ya he was stabbed but lived !!!
...ya I think ya did mention yrs ago you worked at the BC Pen.

That BC Pen was fully operating ...when I worked for 2 yrs at a sawmill across the street ( Columbia St. )

There was hostages taken during that time...Mary  Steinhouiser or something like that a guard or two maybe... Mary was a classification officer. 3-4 inmates involved.
Guards /police decided to go in shooting and sadly Mary was killed by stray bullet.
1976-78 area of time.
Yes some inmates fake jailhouse salvation to score brownie pts with the warden or lawyers or judges...
But there are those who truly did have a true encounter with God.

And  big fish I never said they had to watch Food for Life ....I did say " they may want to. "
Using "you may want to" is not commanding them they have to......gee what a blow horn .... ;D

Goodnight to all including old grumpy ... ;D

Plus my IPAD is running out of gas....5% power.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 01:28:19 AM by A-BOATER »


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1027 on: June 01, 2020, 02:11:12 AM »

Not even close..... I didn't say which one she I didn't label her anything.

Anyone who calls themselves a Christian and is married to someone but doesn't give a crap if their spouse goes to hell or not is NOT a Christian.

Sometimes when you over use semantics, it comes back to bite you in the ***.  You don't have to spell it out word for word for people to know what you're implying. Sugar coating it by saying she cries herself to sleep is presumptuous and also implies that she lacks conviction as a Christian.

Just because Christians don't speak out like you do doesn't mean they're embarrassed or afraid to be rebuked. It only means they don't agree with your approach of "casting the first stone"....because really, that's what you're doing. I know I said I wasn't going engage you in argument, but you're now at point of murmuring and that my friend is something a true Christian will not put up with. You can recite all the verses you want, but if you only use them to win arguments then you truly do not understand the message behind those words.

Remember Matthew 7:3 ? You're always asking me about my beliefs...Now I'm asking you what does this verse mean to you?
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 02:18:21 AM by blaydRnr »


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1028 on: June 01, 2020, 07:57:44 AM »

If you went to a youth group as a teenager you have been brainwashed and should seek therapy.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1029 on: June 01, 2020, 08:19:51 AM »

Remember Matthew 7:3 ? You're always asking me about my beliefs...Now I'm asking you what does this verse mean to you?

that particular verse seems to be popular with some folks here.  :D
It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so!" ...Mark Twain


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1030 on: June 01, 2020, 08:36:04 AM »

global pandemic, locust swarms in india and anarchy in the streets

end of times...

this democratic experiment is really not all that old. it is really being put to the test as of late and unfortunately starting to show some cracks. unchecked capitalism is bring democracy to its knee's. when the two richest people made 60 billion combined since the pandemic started while 40 million people lost their jobs we have a problem. then throw in a police state that punishes the poor disproportionately and its bound to boil over and that's what were witnessing. the people at the bottom have no voice and that will not change under biden. some of his policies help create this mess. then theirs trump poring gasoline on the fire. a revolution is going to happen, its just a matter of time.

dr cornel west sums it up to a tee here
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 08:54:28 AM by bigblockfox »

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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1031 on: June 01, 2020, 09:24:45 AM »

It is said that Jesus was a fisherman too, but this tread has derailed a lot.  And has become a little un-friendly.  Rod where are you??? Oldtimers don't get  reprimande??

What if fishes can get Covid?


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #1032 on: June 01, 2020, 10:21:56 AM »

Well, this cheap entertainment has been fascinating to follow, it's getting a bit repetitive and boring, so back to regular programming. ;)

I kind of wanted to see how I take comfort that majority of the population are (still) rational and educated enough to choose the right individuals who can lead our communities. As someone who has lived in half a dozen countries and visited many more, I'd say we are doing pretty good here...