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Author Topic: Help Stop Fish Farms Seeking to Double Production  (Read 19110 times)

chris gadsden

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Re: Help Stop Fish Farms Seeking to Double Production
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2009, 10:01:12 AM »

Please vote where Alex has indicated. Thanks


The Courier Islander paper in Campbell River is asking for us to vote again, this time to on whether or not we think the two Grieg fish farm applications in Johnstone Strait should be approved or not.  They are two of the largest fish farm applications made on this coast and will be placed opposite one another in a narrow channel where it meets Johnstone Strait. In years when there is warm water off shore 1/3 of all BC wild salmon will pass these farms on route to their southcoast rivers. In spring millions of juvenile salmon will have to run through or along these farms to reach open water.

The two most vulnerable moments in a salmon’s life are saltwater entry and seawater entry and these farms and the many farms east of them expose a significant percent of BC’s wild salmon to whatever pathogens are in the farms from sea lice to viruses. 

No other feedlots are allowed to come into such close contact with wild species  and no other farmers in Canada are allowed to never deal with their wastes and simply release them into one of Canada’s most valuable fishery.

Despite the science and resistance form local communities, the same three Norwegian companies just keep applying for more and bigger fish farms in BC. 

The voting box is on the upper right hand side of the page at

The public has never been given this opportunity to voice its opinion such before format.

If you have not done so please sign my letter ( asking that the Fisheries Act be applied to fish farms as it is to all other marine activities.  If there are enough people raising their voices reason will be brought to bear on this situation.  The solution is simple apply the laws of Canada, support the Canadian fish farmers who want to reinvent their industry on land and restore the wild salmon using their own remarkable biology.

Alexandra Morton

chris gadsden

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Re: Help Stop Fish Farms Seeking to Double Production
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2009, 10:35:25 AM »

My response to Alexandra's note from above. I sent it to some other groups as well.

Thanks once again Alexandra, I have posted this on I have been thinking for some time we that are involved in environmental issues be it fish farms, run of the river projects, urban encroachment, gravel mining on the Fraser River, loss of precious agriculture lands etc., the list is long I know.  I believe we need to get all the environmental groups in British Columbia and beyond to come together as one big group to tackle our British Columbia and Federal Government that is really not listening to us as they continue on their agenda at the expense of our fish.


I know this may be hard to do as there can be politics involved between some groups but if we are going to preserve our fish stocks and their habitat for future generation we must band together before it is too late. Comments welcome from all if this would be visible and worth exploring in the near future.


Thanks once again for all your continuing hard work on behalf of so many of us.


Kindest Regards,




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Re: Help Stop Fish Farms Seeking to Double Production
« Reply #32 on: June 23, 2009, 07:35:31 AM »

You really think the NDP will get rid of them? Be serious now. A cash cow like the fish farms is not going anywhere from either government.....

the libs got rid of a cash cow known as photo radar vans so your argument is puerile; just because it makes money does not mean it cant be removed..all depends on public commitment to a cause.


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Re: Help Stop Fish Farms Seeking to Double Production
« Reply #33 on: June 23, 2009, 08:09:59 AM »

My Vote is in...

As for the 'Cash Cows' - The removal of Photo Radar was purely an easy 'Election Promise' to keep - not many jobs on the line.  As for fish farming - a lot of jobs are at stake.  Neither party would keep this promise. 

The best we can possibly hope for is a moratorium on any new open water fish farms and restricting any new fish farms to an on-land containment system.  However - I can foresee a legal challenge siting an unfair cost disadvantage from any company who would think of building such.
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Re: Help Stop Fish Farms Seeking to Double Production
« Reply #34 on: June 23, 2009, 07:58:56 PM »

With the ongoing disaster in Chile from the fish farms, they no doubt want to increase production where the major fish farmers can. It's about keeping their part of the profit not protecting any natural resource.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?