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Author Topic: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation  (Read 13285 times)


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The Liberal government is poised to introduce legislation as early as next week aimed at strengthening gun control.
The long−promised bill would flesh out last spring’s ban of many firearms, propose stricter storage provisions and target gun smuggling.

The government outlawed a variety of firearms by cabinet order in May, saying they were built for the battlefield, not hunting or sport−shooting.

The ban covers some 1,500 models and variants of what the government considers assault−style weapons, meaning they can no longer be legally used, sold or imported.

The bill is expected to propose a program to buy back these firearms at fair market value, but allow owners to keep them with strict conditions.

The government has long signalled its intention to empower municipalities to manage the storage and use of handguns within their individual jurisdictions, given that they have different needs and concerns.


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2021, 10:47:40 AM »

As expected:

From this article:

"Newly tabled gun legislation would allow municipalities to ban handguns through bylaws restricting their possession, storage and transportation. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says today the measures will be backed up with serious penalties to enforce these bylaws, including jail time for people who violate municipal rules."

Municipal Bylaws are now to circumvent the Federal Firearms Act, The Canadian Criminal Code, and the Constitution? You thought he was facing serious legally oriented backlash over the OIC, just wait until you see the line-up of Legal Beagles jumping at the chance to bite into this mess!

CTV's spin doesn't mention the handgun aspect, but does address the OIC Prohibitions:

Feds table firearms legislation with optional gun buyback program

"The federal government is moving forward with its promise to impose stricter gun laws today and will implement a voluntary buyback program to purchase now-prohibited firearms in the "coming months."

Owners of any of the 1,500 firearm models and their variants that the government reclassified as "prohibited" last May will have the option of keeping their weapon under strict storage rules or selling it to Ottawa.

Owners will be first be required to properly license and register their weapon, so authorities know how many are in the hands of the public and whether conditions are being followed.

The government did not provide a clear estimate of the cost of the program."

There is a hell of a lot to question right there...

If these weapons are so damned dangerous they had to be prohibited via a knee jerk OIC, why the hell would they be allowed to remain in legal owner's hands?

Why would anyone who owns a previously unrestricted firearm that landed on the Prohibited List run to inform the government of their ownership? What level of compliance do they think will be achieved here?

They can't produce a budget? More likely they don't want the public to become aware of the millions upon millions this fiasco will cost in an all for naught fumbling of dealing with firearm violence & criminal use in Canada.



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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2021, 12:42:20 PM »

Vancouver mayor wants handgun ban if legislation passes

Vancouver’s mayor says he plans to ask council to implement a handgun ban in the city, if the federal government gives municipalities the power to do so.


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2021, 03:04:50 PM »

The actual Bill at First Reading for any who might be interested:

Interesting creep. Now AirSoft "guns" have made the list...



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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2021, 03:07:06 PM »

'The vast majority of gun crimes are committed with illegally obtained firearms': Conservatives respond to Trudeau gun ban

"Taking firearms away from law-abiding citizens does nothing to stop dangerous criminals and gangs who obtain their guns illegally," a statement from the Conservatives says.


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2021, 10:50:49 AM »

Why the Liberals insist on a handgun ban that nobody wants

"In a Throne Speech mostly devoted to far more important matters, the Liberals committed to pressing ahead with the least rational and most disposable of their election promises on guns: their promise to empower cities to ban handguns.

Gun control organizations tell us this is a dumb plan: Any gun laws we make must be uniform across the country, lest we follow the United States in creating an ineffective patchwork of laws and loopholes. Canada’s gun lobby is also adamant that it is a dumb plan, for the same reasons. Minister of Public Safety Bill Blair deserves congratulations: He has achieved the impossible, crafting a gun control proposal on which both sides agree.
The Liberals can take comfort in that favourite refuge of politicians, the middle-ground fallacy. If everyone is dissatisfied, you must have arrived at a fair and reasonable balance. Alas, it’s also possible that you have come up with a bad plan.

It’s not even clear how cities can ban handguns. No such ban in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver can succeed without provincial co-operation. But the provinces have joined other stakeholders in the consensus that this is not a wise plan. Doug Ford and Jason Kenney have voiced public opposition to any ban on handguns, and the Saskatchewan government has even made a law to stop its cities from regulating firearms.

Any attempt to work around the provinces can only lead to the Supreme Court. If nothing else, it’s a laudable job creation plan – someone has to keep the nation’s hungry lawyers in buttons, bows and BMWs.

And gang violence will continue, and Canadians will continue to die, but we will all rest assured that we have done something."


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2021, 11:53:09 AM »

An analysis of Bill C - 21:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Yesterday  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Public Safety Minister Bill Blair,   Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland and Justice Minister David Lametti took to   the airwaves to announce their sweeping new ‘gun control’ election   platform, Bill C-21.       

Before we look at what’s in Bill C-21, it’s important to take note of what’s not contained in this draft legislation.                                             

Firearm Confiscation Compensation                                            

Both  the Prime Minister and the Minister of Public Safety said this  legislation was required in order to implement their much-talked-about  Firearm Confiscation Compensation program.                                             

Not  one line of Bill C-21 deals with funding for a compensation package for   firearm owners who agree to surrender their legally-acquired firearms   to the government.                                             

Quote: “Details of a buyback program will be announced later.”                                             

New Safe Storage Requirements                                             

The   federal government appears to leave any new firearm storage   requirements in the hands of individual municipalities. Bill C-21 says   an individual must store their firearms in compliance with any municipal  storage requirements that may be issued.                                             

Quote: “comply with strict storage conditions (to be prescribed) and confirm periodically they are still in compliance.”                                             

So what’s in the bag?                                             
Now we can get to what’s included in Bill C-21.  This legislation will, if passed, redefine ‘replica firearm’ to include pellet and BB guns.                                             

OnTwitter, Doctors for Protection from Guns moronically called these   items “gateway guns” in their effort to demonize childhood. [ii]                                             

Make it a criminal offence to unpin a “high-capacity” magazine:

Possession  of a “high-capacity” magazine was already a crime. No explanation was  offered for why we need a new criminal offence for these magazines.                                             

Allow anyone to make an ‘ex parte’ application for a Firearms Prohibition Order against another person: 

After  decades of dealing with the current Firearms Act ‘red flag law’ we know  many complaints are made to “get back at” or “punish” a former intimate  partner, not because there is a legitimate fear for personal safety.  The ‘ex parte’ application contained in Bill C-21 will likely see this  percentage of abusive and baseless complaints rise significantly.                                             

Allow police officers to enter your home without a warrant.

Bill  C-21 will allow police officers to enter a home without a warrant to  “search for and seize any such thing, and any authorization, licence or   registration certificate relating to any such thing, that is held by or in the possession of the person.”                                             

Note  the legislation does not say the subject of these invasive measures  must be a gun owner. All that’s required to set this train wreck in  motion is for someone to lodge a complaint.                                             

When  the state can enter your home – “search for and seize any such thing” –   without a warrant, we no longer live in a nation of laws. We live in a   nation of cancel culture, wokeness and second-class citizens where   anyone, not just firearm owners, can be attacked using this provision.                                             

Increase the maximum penalty  from 10 to 14 years for some Criminal Code offences.                                             

Since  the current penalties for Sections 95, 96, 99, 100 and 103 are almost   certainly unconstitutional (the primary reason Private Members Bill   C-238 was defeated last week), this change seems pointless since the   penalties will be tossed out by the Supreme Court when they are   eventually challenged. [iii]                                             

Municipal Handgun Ban   
The   primary emphasis of Bill C-21 is to allow municipalities to ban   handguns within their municipal boundaries and possibly the creation of so-called “central storage facilities” using existing firearm   businesses.                                             

(a)  the individual must not — within the boundaries of a municipality —  store a handgun at a place other than a business that is the holder of a   licence that authorizes it to store prohibited firearms or restricted   firearms, in the case where                                             

(i) a by-law to that effect is in force in the municipality,                                             

(ii) the municipality has notified the federal Minister, in the prescribed manner, of the passing of the by-law, and                                             

(iii)  the municipality has provided the prescribed information to the federal   Minister, or a person designated by that Minister, in the prescribed   manner;                                             

The   municipal handgun ban cannot take effect until 180 days after a notice   is sent to the Minister “in the prescribed manner” and includes “the   prescribed information” – neither of which is defined in C-21.                                             

No Explanation for Constitutional Overreach                                            

The   federal government has no jurisdictions over cities as they are the   creation of provincial authorities. The federal government does not   explain how their patchwork handgun bans will survive a constitutional   challenge.                                             

These are some of the provisions contained in the Liberal Government’s pre-election platform on firearms.                                             

Not  one line of this legislation addresses criminal misuse of guns. It  focuses entirely on licensed, RCMP-vetted, firearm owners – AGAIN!


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2021, 12:18:36 PM »


As an American, I enjoy your sharing of news and commentary on this issue because it is gives perspective to the situation down here.  Here's my thoughts:
I agree that the US experience shows you can't effectively ban guns in one city when they are just going to be brought in from the county.  While I don't think the American prevalence of firearms, and handguns, is healthy, it is clear that piecemeal solutions don't work.  One of the biggest differences between fishing in BC vs. fishing in the US is that in the US there is a good chance that multiple anglers on the river bank with me are carrying a handgun, regardless of how remote or urban the location is.  If I were in Alaska or Montana then it may make some sense to carry large caliber handgun to the risk of brown bear attacks, but to me our black bears don't justify packing heat.

As to the "ex parte" firearm prohibition order  - I have seen this both ways.  As a young attorney (back when I did divorces - never again) I represented a young man whose estranged wife sought a restraining order that resulted in him losing his firearms, and he therefore had to miss a hunting season.  She later admitted to me that she didn't really have a subjective fear for her life, and she only did it to get back at him.  On the other hand, a young woman who used to date my brother-in-law was shot and killed by her boyfriend who had PTSD from serving in Afghanistan and should not have had a firearm, shortly before he killed himself.  Or when I was 7, a classmate of mine was locked outside of his house while his mother was shot and killed by her boyfriend inside. That is the real risk we run when we do not have mechanisms in place to remove firearms from those who are mentally unwell or just plain abusive.

I do also wonder how much of the gun crimes in Canada are caused by the illegal flow of firearms from the US, and if Canada's existing laws would be more effective if it were an island (or at the very least didn't have a limitless supply of firearms next door).


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2021, 12:42:03 PM »

That is the real risk we run when we do not have mechanisms in place to remove firearms from those who are mentally unwell or just plain abusive.

Thanks for your reply Sir. Well thought out & presented.

In relation to this first comment, I agree. However that mechanism already exists here.
What the liberals are now presenting is that anyone, anywhere, with no knowledge of who you are or what your standing is, may file requesting your firearms be removed. And that any such filing must be taken seriously and acted upon. Over-reach in other words.

I do also wonder how much of the gun crimes in Canada are caused by the illegal flow of firearms from the US, and if Canada's existing laws would be more effective if it were an island (or at the very least didn't have a limitless supply of firearms next door).

It has been repeatedly proven that the vast majority of firearms used in criminal offenses within Canada originate from the the US, illegally smuggled by criminals into Canada. The new proposed legislation pays but little lip service to this, and a pittance of tax funding to address (substantially less than what is actually required).

On the other hand is does set the taxpayer up for a bill that will exceed a Billion dollars. Funding that would serve a much better purpose in actually benefiting Canadians were it to be employed in a myriad of alternative directions. This for a vote pandering exercise that will result in no real effect whatsoever on gangs, drugs, smuggling and criminal use of firearms.



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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2021, 10:33:06 AM »

The devolving of the handgun issue to municipalities is going to be a much larger undertaking than they thought.
Municipalities are the creation of, and the jurisdiction of the provinces.
More and more this is being recognized, and steps taken to prevent their attempt to download the matter there.

Alberta's Minister of Justice and Solicitor General Kaycee Madu is but one example, stating:

“We are also bewildered by the supposed provision for municipal bylaw gun bans. Albertans are smart enough to know that made-in-Toronto calls for city gun bans are futile, since criminals flagrantly using guns won't follow such a bylaw anyways. In addition, a patchwork approach of policy varying by invisible municipal boundaries would create obvious confusion in enforcement, and the federal government clearly knows that.

“The Constitution is clear that municipalities fall under the jurisdiction of the provinces. In fact, municipalities in Alberta are a creation of the provincial government. The federal bill has just been introduced, but should it pass, Alberta would vigilantly defend its jurisdiction.

“I'd also note that MLA Michaela Glasgo has introduced private member's Bill 211, which would limit municipalities' ability to pass bylaws on these matters. The Government of Alberta will expedite that bill, and remains on track to appoint Alberta’s Chief Firearms Officer.”

The Bill is extremely poorly written, and will face substantial legal challenges if passed. More and more it looks like the liberals didn't really intend for it to pass, but rather were hoping the Conservatives would rise to the bait and offer them an opportunity to leverage that response for the purposes of their impending election call. Apparently that isn't quite working they way they thought it would.

Cheers - Nog


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2021, 11:22:56 AM »

And in their latest spin the bottle move, the liberals tabled C - 22...

Trudeau reduces sentence for serious gun crimes

"Two days after saying growing gun violence is 'unacceptable'

Mandatory minimum sentences are being removed for a long list of offences including:

– Use of firearm in commission of offence

– Possession of restricted or prohibited weapon knowing possession is unauthorized

– Possession of loaded handgun

– Possession of weapon obtained through crime

– Weapons trafficking

– Unauthorized import/export of firearm

– Illegal discharge of a firearm with intent

– Robbery with firearm

– Extortion with firearm

The government put these changes into a bill they described as dealing with systemic racism in Canada’s justice system and making sure that people who make simple mistakes don’t pay for them for the rest of their lives.

“These are people with health problems. These are single mothers. These are young people who perhaps have made a couple of mistakes,” Justice Minister David Lametti said while introducing his bill.

It sounds nice and it pulls on the heartstrings, but it’s also a load of BS."

There is more in that article, including a poll on C - 21.

In this matter I firmly agree with the author.

From this ironic action, the Trudeau government well indicates they are not serious about dealing with firearm crime, and in fact are simply deflecting from their problems of late, while pandering once again for votes.




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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2021, 03:16:57 PM »

A Lawyer speaks out regarding AirSoft gun prohibitions:


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2021, 02:41:28 PM »

The Canadian Bar Association: The government has failed to make the case that banning legal handguns is a solution to tackling violent crime. "PAL holders are less than half as likely as the average Canadian to commit homicide"

Irrational lawmaking


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2021, 02:06:54 PM »

Record petition in support of gun rights presented before the House of Commons