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Author Topic: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation  (Read 13280 times)


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2021, 02:12:03 PM »

Feds spend over $2 million on gun buyback before buying a single gun

The federal government has already spent over $2 million dollars on its gun buyback scheme even though it hasn’t even started buying a single firearm, according to records obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s gun buyback has all the makings of a taxpayer boondoggle,” said Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director for the CTF. “This is going to cost a lot of money, but police officers are making it clear that it won’t make Canadians safer.”

The federal Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness confirmed that $2,017,334 has been spent on salaries and operations for the buyback to date. It also confirmed no firearms have been purchased.

The cost of reimbursing gun owners could cost up to $756 million, according to the Parliamentary Budget Officer. However, the PBO did not include staffing and administration costs due to a lack of program details.


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #31 on: October 14, 2021, 02:18:40 PM »

OFAH report examines hunting firearms

What firearms are reasonable for hunting is the focus of a report released today by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH).

The 68-page document, titled What Firearms are Reasonable and Proportionate for Hunting in Canada: An examination of previously non-restricted firearms prohibited under SOR/2020-96, was authored by OFAH Director of Programs and Policy Matt DeMille.

The report examines the relationship between hunting and firearms and analyzes firearms prohibited by order in council (OIC) on May 1, 2020. Canadian firearms owners identified these firearms as being used for hunting, prior to being prohibited, the OFAH stated in a release.

Of the 64 firearms examined that were previously non-restricted, almost all of them were used for hunting by Canadians. The report concludes that there is nothing that separates these now-prohibited firearms from other non-restricted firearms available for hunting in Canada.


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2021, 01:38:23 PM »

On Oct. 8, 2018, Robert Michael Mero, who has Métis heritage, was convicted of possession of a loaded, restricted firearm and possession of heroin for the purpose of trafficking.

Police had seized a number of items when they searched Mero’s home in Prince George in 2016. Those items included a .38-calibre pistol, ammunition, 23 grams of heroin and a bulletproof vest.

B.C. Supreme Court Justice Joel Groves sentenced Mero to 40 months in jail.

Released upon appeal due to his aboriginal background...


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #33 on: November 04, 2021, 03:01:08 PM »

Let drug dealing, illegal gun toting criminals walk.

Then turn around, over-react, and shoot a 70 year old gunsmith.

Man shot in police incident was gunsmith, neighbour says

“They shot a gunsmith,” Pringle said Thursday. “You have to put that in there. He has guns because he’s a gunsmith. He had a customer with him too. That’s what Rodger has always done. He was a gunsmith. He kept to himself. He was harmless.”

“Those who knew Rodger knew he was as threatening as a toothless puppy or a declawed kitten. This situation causes great concern for all legal firearm owners.”

Donnell said Kotanko had expertise in the care and upkeep of both long arms and handguns. He said Kotanko occasionally did work for members of the Norfolk OPP.




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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2022, 11:50:16 AM »

Judge Sides With Gun Owners, Allows Hearings to Fight Trudeau’s May 2020 Attacks

Alberta judge allows Section 74 hearings, says “nullification” of firearm-registration certificates “did not occur by operation of law.”

In the absence of proper process and an express statement that previously issued registration certificates were revoked, and in the absence of any other provision in the Criminal Code or the Firearms Act mandating revocation in these circumstances, the revocation (nullification or invalidation) of the registration certificates did not occur by operation of law.


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2022, 12:46:06 PM »

That presents rather interesting news.

The original opportunity to file a Section 74 Challenge came with a government issued edict on the amount of time one could do so following the date OIC was let. Quite restrictive actually, and most affected missed the time period as a consequence. This new Decision reverses that, and now allows any who did not previously file the right to do so if they wish. Already there has been a rush of Section 74 Challenges launched in the short time since this ruled was made. Expect a heck of a lot more, now including mine.

I strongly suggest that if you are affected, you file ASAP. The tide is shifting and the more weight we can collectively put behind that the better chance we might yet prevail.


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #36 on: March 18, 2022, 11:42:15 AM »

Cabinet Admits Hunters’ Ban

Cabinet yesterday for the first time acknowledged its national ban on “military style assault weapons” includes hunting rifles. Enforcement of the ban proposed by Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair is now delayed 18 months amid Indigenous complaints and cost overruns: “To misguide and mislead Canadians is disingenuous.”
Liberals admit their “military style” gun ban includes hunting and sporting rifles

The Trudeau government has finally confessed that its now-delayed gun ban on so-called “military style assault weapons” also applies to hunting and sporting rifles.

No creep you say...


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Buckle Up!!

New federal firearms bill will be introduced on Monday: Lametti

Federal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino will table new firearms legislation on Monday, according to his colleague Justice Minister David Lametti.

On the Monday, May 30 "notice paper" — the document where MPs and ministers signal plans to soon table bills and motions — Mendicino has given notice of a new bill titled "An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms)".


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National handgun ‘freeze’ among new firearm regulations proposed by Ottawa

Text of Bill C 21 is now up:

More pointless virtue signalling restricting honest, law abiding firearms owners. And once again, entirely useless in controlling criminal firearm use. Pathetic.


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Trudeau's new gun law doesn't target gun crime

The only thing the Trudeau Liberals know about guns is how to use them for political advantage.

There is a measure to increase the maximum penalty for gun smuggling and gun trafficking from 10 years to 14 years, which is a good thing, but this same government is lowering sentences for these same offences in another bill. In fact, they are scrapping the mandatory minimum for a number of serious gun crimes in Bill C-5.

Currently, importing a gun illegally carries with it a mandatory minimum of three years on the first offence and a five-year minimum on the second offence. The Trudeau Liberals are scrapping that along with mandatory minimums on using a firearm in commission of a crime, possessing a restricted or prohibited weapon, possession of loaded handgun, possession of weapon obtained through crime, weapons trafficking and using a gun to commit robbery or extortion.

This bill focuses on guns, it focuses on licenced gun owners, but it doesn’t focus on crime. It’s a classic distraction tactic from Trudeau and his government that makes it look like they are doing something to tackle an issue when they aren’t.


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #41 on: June 02, 2022, 11:37:48 AM »

14 top cops and policing experts who doubt the effectiveness of the proposed Liberal gun ban

Police officers and police departments across Canada have voiced their opinions on the Liberal government’s gun bans.

In 2019 the Liberals made a decision to ban “assault-style” rifles and earlier this week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a ban on handguns and even further restrictions on law-abiding firearm owners.

Current and former officers have voiced their concerns about Trudeau’s gun bans and its effectiveness in combatting illegal crime.

Here are 14 police officers and policing experts who have gone on record speaking out against the proposed ban, in their own words:


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #42 on: June 04, 2022, 01:30:05 PM »

Canada does not have a ‘gun problem’; we have a ‘crime problem

Dear editor,

Re: June 1 editorial – Gun control a shared issue

What happened at that Texas school was a gut-wrenching tragedy. One of the things that makes it even worse (if such a thing was possible) is when opportunistic politicians and ideologues try to exploit the tragedy and the fragile emotional state of its aftermath in an attempt to thrust forward their agenda. “Never waste a crisis,” they cry.

One of the first obstacles to having a ‘conversation’ about ‘gun control’ (a very broad subject which does not lend itself to finding specific, effective solutions) is that the people crying loudest for gun control are almost all ignorant. Ignorant of the facts – particularly regarding the current, extremely strict laws in Canada.

It’s not my intent to be insulting, it’s just a fact. Legal gun owners in Canada, some of the most vetted citizens, face criminal prosecution if we make even the slightest error related to storage, transportation or paperwork. As such, we make it a point to fully educate ourselves on all those pitfalls so as to avoid jail. In my experience, the average legal gun owner in Canada understands the minefield of Canadian gun law better than the average police officer (unless he/she too is a private, legal gun owner – many are).

Justin Trudeau is just such an opportunistic politician/ideologue. He and his colleagues cannot stand the private ownership of guns and are constantly on the lookout for tragic opportunities to exploit. He did it with the Nova Scotia murders and he’s done it again with the Texas tragedy. He has metaphorically climbed onto the bodies of dead children to manipulate your emotions. It’s absolutely disgusting.

Nothing he announced on May 30 would have any effect on a similar incident nor is any of it even related to that particular horrific event. It’s all just posturing and virtue-signalling – Trudeau’s particular specialty. Naturally, the media gobbles it up and regurgitates it back to its ignorant audience, further misinforming them.

We do not have a ‘gun problem’ in Canada. We have a ‘crime problem’ in which unlicensed criminals misuse illegal handguns in support of their illegal drug trade. How is freezing the legal commerce of handguns going to fix that? It won’t. Contrary to the Black Press editorial, ‘straw purchases’ by licensed gun owners and theft of legal guns only accounts for an extremely minor source of crime guns. It is well known that over 80 per cent of crime guns in Toronto are illegal, smuggled handguns.

I haven’t the space to correct the rest of the misinformation in the editorial but I’ll mention two other misleading statements: a. There has not been 30 x K – 12 ‘school shootings’ so far this year. That figure covers all gun-related activity in the environs of a school. Included in that are incidents not related to a school or on school property. In fact there have only been 13 incidents in the past 60 years that meet the criteria for a ‘school mass shooting.’ (Yes, I agree, one is too many.) And b. The US does not lead the world in murder, gun crime or school shootings. These are facts you can verify and not just parrot the talking points of the anti-gun lobby.

Herein lies a major problem. As long as we are distracted by ever increasing restrictions on the legal gun community, we are wasting time and resources that should be spent on the actual root causes of our crime problem. Yet, following a tragedy, the politicians and media parade out the ‘usual suspects’ of the anti-gun lobby who spew false statistics, half truths and outright lies while giving no time for comment from calm, articulate and factual speakers like Rod Giltaca of the CCFR. We can’t have that valuable ‘discussion’ if one side ignores all the facts and screams at the other side.

So why does Trudeau keep attacking legal gun owners? Simple. Because he can get away with it. Removing guns from private ownership is a pillar/cornerstone of leftist ideology. It has been for over 50 years. Trudeau is determined to pursue that ideology regardless of public safety or the actual facts. His main aim, however, is not to sacrifice any power in the pursuit of that ideology.

Enter 2.25 million licensed gun owners. We are lost to him. We will never vote for his party so we don’t matter. He can toy with us as he wishes and appear to be ‘doing something’ when actually he is doing nothing meaningful. All while never losing a single vote. He gains votes among the ill-informed general public and boasts about it in his party’s re-election propaganda.

Remember, more criminals vote liberal than legal gun owners. So, rather than go after actual criminals in a full court press, he wastes resources and tax dollars attacking a safe minority group. This clouds the real issues and nothing of any efficacy gets done.

Finally, to all those who cry, “why does anyone need a (insert handgun, semi-auto rifle etc). Much of the private property we own in Canada is not needed. Why does each household need more that one car? Particularly when cars kill more than 10 times the people than guns (suicides account for more than 60% of all gun-related deaths). A killer in Toronto murdered 10 people using a white van (5 times more victims than those shot and killed on Danforth). Where are the cries to ban ‘assault vans’? Why do we need motorcycles that can exceed 200kms/hr? What’s the fascination with ‘scary’ dog breeds that intimidate pedestrians and attack children?

‘Need’ has nothing to do with it. If, in pursuit of ideology, politicians decide, on a whim and contrary to all logic and facts, to outlaw the legally-obtained private property of citizens who have done no wrong, the onus is on them to prove their case. They have failed to do so. So what’s next? Ban antique cars in the name of climate change? Ban the aforementioned ‘scary’ dog breeds? Why not? Most of the rifles on his banned list from 2020 have never been used in a crime and are only on the list because they are ‘scary-looking.’

D.J. Vernon,


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #43 on: June 23, 2022, 02:58:56 PM »

RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki tried to ‘jeopardize’ mass murder investigation to advance Trudeau’s gun control efforts

RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki “made a promise” to Public Safety Minister Bill Blair and the Prime Minister’s Office to leverage the mass murders of April 18/19, 2020 to get a gun control law passed.

Shortly after the news conference Campbell, Asst. Commander Lee Bergerman, Leather, and Nova Scotia Communications director Lia Scanlan were summoned to a meeting. RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki and a deputy from Ottawa were on the conference call. Lucki was not happy.

The Commissioner said she had promised the Minister of Public Safety and the Prime Minister’s Office that the RCMP (we) would release this information. I tried to explain there was no intent to disrespect anyone however we could not release this information at this time. The Commissioner then said that we didn’t understand, that this was tied to pending gun control legislation that would make officers and the public safer. She was very upset and at one point Deputy Commissioner (Brian) Brennan tried to get things calmed down but that had little effect. Some in the room were reduced to tears and emotional over this belittling reprimand.

She should be immediately fired.



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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #44 on: June 23, 2022, 02:59:33 PM »

Trudeau interfered with RCMP in Nova Scotia shooting

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used the mass shooting in Nova Scotia to advance his political goals, and interfered in an active police investigation to do it.

The report, released Tuesday by the public inquiry into the mass shooting that took place in Nova Scotia on April 18-19, 2020, paints a grim picture.

It shows a national police force that is in disarray and clearly prone to political interference — something that should never happen.

Scanlan, in an interview with the inquiry, backed up what was in Campbell’s notes and said that Trudeau and then-public safety minister Bill Blair were interfering, “weighing in on what we could and couldn’t say.”

The killer in the Nova Scotia massacre did use an AR-15, but had purchased it illegally, after it was smuggled in from the United States.

He was not allowed to own guns in Canada, and had been under a previous court order ban on possessing guns. He had also been reported by neighbours to the RCMP, but they never acted until it was too late.

The massacre in Portapique was preventable if people had done their jobs properly. They didn’t and that is what the inquiry should be mainly focused on.