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Author Topic: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st  (Read 10680 times)


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As some of you have already read today's notice by DFO regarding Southern BC sockeye openings. Fraser River recreational sockeye fishery is not scheduled to open until sometimes next week due to concerns of intercepting the last batch of Early Stuart sockeye salmon that are still coming in.

At our last meeting with FN, we explained to them the current status of ES sockeye stock, and we asked them to possibly hold off any net fishery for sockeye until next week like us. Well, the first FN sockeye opening is scheduled to start this Saturday.

My thoughts: FN has priority access but conservation is top priority. I guess by allowing this FN opening, there is no longer a conservation concern? ???

Anyways, there IS still a concern, so the opening was cut from 72 hours to 48 hours. ::) There will be a set net fishery taking place from 18:00 Saturday to 18:00 Monday. In addition, (!) A sockeye drift net fishery has also been given from 08:00 to 20:00. *

In addition, there is also a dry rack fishery taking place during daylight hours in the canyon. *

* I have to reconfirm these as I am not exactly sure the dates (I think it's Saturday). Maybe CG can find out first and post them tomorrow.

These openings will take place between Port Mann and Sawmill Creek. While we may not like the netting, please respect the participants in the fishery as it is, after all, legal. In the meantime I suggest that you put your concerns forward to those who can make a difference.

Please also report all net fishing outside these hours to the ORR line, which is 1-800-465-4336.


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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2005, 11:25:15 AM »

Some update: The driftnet fishery is taking place tomorrow (Sunday) from 08:00 to 20:00 between Port Mann and Sawmill.


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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2005, 11:50:54 AM »

I guess there won't be too many chinook salmon being caught on the bar fishing rods this weekend and fishing will probably not pick up until mid next week, since any by-catch chinook salmon would be kept too in the nets. This is a sockeye net fishery, not a selective fishery for chinook like they had in the last few months. The net mesh size would be smaller.

The latest test fisheries suggested 90% of the Early Stuart sockeye salmon have passed through Mission, but there are still some fish coming through. Normally a FN net fishery is 72 hours long. Since there are some concerns, the opening time has been reduced to 48 hours.

This part is the best one. :) Since they will not be able to catch as many fish in 48 hours to meet their requirement, DFO also granted an additional 12 hour driftnet opening to the FN.

Methodology in question

In tidal Fraser River, a drift gill net causes minimal impact as the river is wider and deeper. A 250 foot drift net equipped with lead line dragging along the bottom as it drifts down the Upper Fraser River certainly does not have mercy. On the other hand, a set net allows fish to swim by, but any by-catches such as sturgeon can easily die from drowning as the nets are usually left in the water for hours.

Anyways, good luck if you are out there this weekend. Send in your concerns if you observe actions that you do not approve on the river.


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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2005, 06:58:42 PM »

this is simply shameful and a smack in the face to those of us that have refrained from "non selective" methods for the past weeks. I urge all those that feel similar to start firing off letters to dfo, mp's and such. Perhaps someone can post the addresses of those powers that be that these complaints should be directed to.


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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2005, 08:08:57 PM »

Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa K1A 0A2

Honourable Geoff Regan
House of Commons
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Parliament Buildings, Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON   K1A 0A6

Jim Wild, Lower Fraser Area Director
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Area Director's Office
100 Annacis Parkway, Unit 3
Delta, British Columbia
Canada V3M 6A2


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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2005, 08:36:13 PM »

excellent, thanx Rod
perhaps some of us sporties should send letters to the Indian Affairs ministers as well and let them know what a black eye the cheams are giving our countries first nations groups.
they are showing thier true colors by requesting and acting on this current opening.

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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2005, 09:32:37 PM »

excellent, thanx Rod
perhaps some of us sporties should send letters to the Indian Affairs ministers as well and let them know what a black eye the cheams are giving our countries first nations groups.
they are showing thier true colors by requesting and acting on this current opening.

While you may feel better after venting your frustration to the Indian Affairs Minister, it would do little good because they are not mandated with that responsibility. The letter will simply be routed to the Fisheries Minister for response.


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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2005, 09:45:52 PM »

your probably right.
I wonder how the local media will present this if they cover it all. I know i sound like i'm ranting but i can't fathom why an opening would be given for sockeye, gill net fisheries, when the early stuart fish are under the 50% run size projection and still in the waters listed in the opening. Can't they wait..... do they not believe in conservation ??? this is what troubles me. I'd love a face to face with the FN reps that are at these meetings that Rodney and others have been attending. I can accept the chinook openings with the large gill mesh requirement so as to avoid sockeye bycatch but this opening for sockeye, after the forcasts, predictions and explanations that came out in the department letter, july 29, should not be happening. By the time any letters can go off, it'll all be over that's what pisses me off the most.
oh well, not trying to entice a riot or nothin
and thanx for letting me rant  ;D

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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2005, 09:51:28 PM »

Totally agree with you Thomas . It certainly defies any logic.


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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2005, 11:15:40 PM »

Expressing your concerns here is also very constructive as many DFO staff who are responsible for the above mentioned areas read these posts (hullo there! ;) ). Those concerns will hopefully be taken into consideration for future decision making.


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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2005, 08:18:02 AM »

if the natives want fish for the future then why fish a fishery when the numbers are so low? greed i'd say .

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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2005, 09:33:06 AM »

Could it also be, nobody has the ballz to stand up to these people? This IS 2005. This IS Canada! Play by the rules of the majority or leave....( I didn't say go home)

I for one (and not just because of fishing) am tired of laws for only a select few. And enforcement of laws against a select few. I had nothing to do with the few settlers that made Canada what it is TODAY... I work and earn everything I have. I don't blackmail the tax payers and/or the government every time my nose starts to run. I am damn well fed up with people that don't want to move on and do what is in the best interest for ALL the people of this fine Country.

PS: come on...can we not be a "united" country. We have been split for to long.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2005, 10:40:05 AM by DragonSpeed »
The Green Horn


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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2005, 11:39:31 AM »

Like most recreational fishermen, most First Nations individuals would like to see the resource that they rely on sustainable. The unfortunate part is, when three groups (recreational, commercial, First Nations) compete for the same waters to catch the same fish, the stocks deplete without being noticed.

The problem is not that simple. Shutting it down completely is not the answer. Who are we to tell the First Nations to stop fishing for the fish that they have depended on for thousands of years because of conservation concerns after most of the stocks were originally wiped out by us in the early part of last century?

Please don't suggest that they should harvest by using traditional methods in a canoe too, when there are hundreds of jet boats roaming around during the season. This is a case of traditional values clashing with industrialization.

It's not about the sportfishing sector is not getting more fish than First Nations. Anglers go fishing because we look for the recreational aspect of it. We request for openings so we have longer fishing time. First Nations fish for food, it's a way of life and quantity of fish is what they are looking for.

This is about decisions being made by DFO based on reasons that contradict each other. If conservation is a concern, then all sectors should be closed. Why is the recreational sector not allowed to fish due to these concerns while an opening is granted to First Nations, especially the amount of fish harvested by the recreational sector is only a small percentage of what First Nations will take out this weekend? We accept the fact that net openings will take place, but we don't accept the fact that they cannot wait for a few more days.

There are other concerns that we have about the First Nations fisheries. Please voice these issues when you decide to send your letters in:

  • Management of First Nations fishery should be based on allocation limit, not frequency and length of opening time. The methodology employed by First Nations fishers is a lot more effective than a rod and reel. Once allocation limit (number of fish that can be harvest by a group) is reached, the fishery should remain closed.
  • Better monitoring system is required. Currently monitoring and creel recording is done internally by trained First Nations staff. We would like to see a better fish tracking system designed and all monitoring should be done by a third party (ie. DFO) for the purpose of conservation.
  • Illegal netting outside of the fishing hours (ie. during closures, at night) should be strongly dealt with. The good news is thre has been improvement on this since last year's episode.

At our last resolution dialogue meeting with some of the chiefs, they also brought up concerns that they have. One of them is fishing access issue. There's no doubt that participations in the recreational angling sector have grown tremendously in the last ten years. This growth has direct negative impact on their fishery. When openings are granted to First Nations, they find it hard to fish as most desired waters are usually lined up with boats or shore anglers. Often they end up drifting a net through the middle channels where the water is deeper. As a result, less fish are in fact caught during the openings.

This is a very valid concern. How do we expect them to net when the waters they plan to fish are already taken up by other boats?

Based on this concern, bands in the Fraser Valley have put forwarded a proposal to DFO. The proposal requests that recreational angling on some of these bars should be closed (I am unsure of the exact proposal, but there are three bars being proposed, one of them is Grassy). That's all the information i have about the proposal at this point, but I will provide updates whenever possible.

Eventually, compromises need to be developed. Conflicts will continue to occur if the management puts two different groups with the same common interest in one area at the same time. Maybe the opening periods need to alternate between the two. The solutions are not easy, but they will emerge eventually.

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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2005, 02:46:40 PM »

That is all fine too Rod!
But, what about the FN folks that are selling fish out the back of the truck??

I told a woman that bought fish from a FN person every year that she should report that was illegal!

As far as commercial fisheries...they should not be aloud to place a net within so many meters of the mouth of the Fraser river.

Just more of my venting!

The Green Horn

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Re: First Nations Fraser River Fisheries July 30th - August 1st
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2005, 03:01:59 PM »

One more said...." most First Nations individuals would like to see the resource that they rely on sustainable"

Good for them...get into this century! I want to buy a house for 8000 buxs like my folks before me! I want to raise my family on MY income alone and keep my wife home to raise the children! Like my folks before me! I want to buy a NEW truck for 3500 buxs like my folks before me!

Need I go on!

Let's stop living in the past!

The Green Horn