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Author Topic: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation  (Read 13294 times)


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2021, 03:34:30 PM »

Interesting turn of events...

Opponents of gun control bill are denouncing Trudeau and no longer want him at Polytechnique commemorations


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2021, 01:02:05 PM »

It appears Sock Boy is caving to the threatened photo op loss.

Nothing grabs a narcissistic personally harder than denying them their moment of virtue signaling fame...

Trudeau hints at openness to gun bill changes after criticism from victims' families​

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he is confident the Liberal government's approach to gun control is the right one, but added he's open to hearing suggestions for improvement.

The families, survivors of the mass shooting and witnesses said in a letter to the prime minister this week he would no longer be welcome at annual commemorations unless his government strengthens the bill."


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2021, 01:37:08 PM »

Bill C-21 Is ‘Harmful’ to Olympics, Shooting Federation of Canada Tells Blair

The Shooting Federation of Canada said the government’s new draft law to criminalize federally licensed gun owners is “harmful” to Olympic and Paralympic disciplines and “will fundamentally choke our sport off at the roots.”

Bill C-21’s measures to eliminate handgun ownership in particular will end athletic careers in one of the world’s most-inclusive sports, SFC President Sandra Honour told Minister Bill Blair in a March 3 letter.

“As the President of the SFC, it is my duty to inform you that your latest proposed firearm legislation Bill C-21 is harmful to the Olympic and Paralympic disciplines, our cultural heritage, and a blow to the many aspiring athletes that have dedicated thousands of hours in the hope of representing Canada on the international sport stage,” Honour said in the letter. Letter to Minister Bill Blair regarding Bill C-21 for web posting EN.pdf


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2021, 12:29:40 PM »

Regardless of which side of the fence you sit on, the following video well addresses the issues and the underlying reasons for them quite well. If the anti's in the crowd can get over who the messenger is long enough to try and understand the message, I do believe you will discover some enlightenment here:


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2021, 01:27:09 PM »

Baby Steps, but steps nonetheless:


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2021, 03:27:12 PM »

Getting a gun has never been easier for criminals in Toronto

More than 2.2 million Canadians have a firearms licence and very few of those people are using them in crimes. But nearly every gun seized by Toronto police that is involved in a crime is unregistered and in the hands of people who wouldn’t qualify for a gun under current Canadian regulations.


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2021, 01:42:27 PM »

No silver bullet: Bill C-21 won’t stop Canada’s illegal gun problem

Bill C-21 aims to curb gun violence through stricter regulations, but it won’t work — at least not according to police, victims, gun rights’ advocates, former gang leaders and convicts.


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Federal Court Orders Liberals to Hand Over Evidence for May 2020 Attacks

31 May 2021

Canada’s Federal Court ordered the government to hand over all documents leading to its May 2020 political attacks against licensed gun owners and businesses, in a major procedural win for the teams fighting the crackdown.

30 Day Deadline

Associate Chief Justice Jocelyne Gagné gave the Attorney General of Canada (AGC) 30 days to give her the evidence, she said in a decision dated May 27 and received by lawyers today.

The governing Liberal Party previously refused to share materials behind its 01 May 2020 Order in Council (OIC) criminalizing honest citizens and ordering them to surrender their suddenly blacklisted rifles and shotguns by April 2022.

‘Landmark Decision’ — Burlew

“In this landmark decision Justice Gagné has required that AGC provide the court with all documents, being the evidentiary record before cabinet that were used in deciding to enact the OIC banning firearms that became SOR/2020-97,” Edward Burlew, one of the lawyers challenging the crackdown, told today by e-mail.

The Department of Justice in Ottawa didn’t respond immediately to our invitation to comment.

Rule 317, Under Court Seal

The notes, reports, emails and other documents to be produced under Rule 317 of the Federal Courts Rules will be viewable only by the court at first.

Gagné’s decision said the court will analyze the material to decide “whether the public interest in disclosure outweighs its secrecy.”

She rejected the government’s claim to cabinet confidentiality under Section 39 of the Canada Evidence Act.

What the Documents May Show

    The political and ideological motivations for the Liberal attacks on honest citizens.
    Why the Liberals developed the crackdown in secret and hid their plans from parliament and the public.
    How the Royal Canadian Mounted Police supported the attacks, in particular the role of Murray Smith.
    The cost of the crackdown, estimated at hundreds of millions or billions of tax dollars.
    How the Liberals and RCMP invented the tactic of “nullifying” firearm-registration certificates to criminalize lawful owners.

‘Democratic Principles Prevailed’ — Generoux

“I am deeply relieved that democratic principles prevailed in this situation, and very happy that the judge will get a fuller picture of what went on behind the scenes in the secret drafting of this OIC,” Christine Generoux, a gun owner who’s representing herself in Federal Court, told “I feel confident that any existing empirical evidence will support our arguments and exonerate gun owners.”

Memos, Emails and More

Annex A of Gagné’s decision starting on Page 19 is eight pages of the types of documents to be handed over.

They include “Certified copies of all records, research, analysis, policy papers, briefing reports, studies, proposals, presentations, reports, memos, opinions, advice, letters, emails and any other communications that were prepared, commissioned, considered or received” by the government.

Seeing the Evidence — Ek

“We are confident that we will get to see much more than what the government wanted us to see, which was nothing!” said Nils Ek, a national pistol competitor and one of the court applicants.

The entire Federal Court Order to Produce Evidence can be found here:


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2021, 02:33:03 PM »

Gun lobbies, gun control advocates favour end of latest Liberal bill as Commons recess nears

The absence of a controversial firearm bill among priority bills the Liberals want to get through Parliament over the next few weeks has both gun lobbies and gun-control groups relieved.

When Public Safety and National Security Minister Bill Blair tabled Bill C-21 in the House of Commons last February, the legislation was likely intended to take pressure off the government after its even more controversial firearm prohibition order last year.

The measure sparked a Federal Court challenge by gun owners and businesses and the court case continues.

As the Commons nears its scheduled recess date nine sitting days away, June 23, it appears unlikely Bill C-21 will make it into the Public Safety and National Security committee for close scrutiny and evidence.

“C-21’s lack of inclusion in the government’s agenda demonstrates the bill’s lack of necessity,” said Tony Bernardo, executive director of  Canadian Shooting Sports Association.

“Sport shooters are not using their firearms for evil, but gang crime is sweeping the country,” Bernardo said Friday in an email exchange from Oshawa, Ont., which is located east of Toronto.

“It is abundantly clear that gang violence is where the government needs to prioritize its efforts, not legislating against RCMP-approved and licensed firearms owners,” he said, reflecting common views of gun owners that have been prevalent through the Liberal government’s gun control program since 2015.


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2021, 01:26:35 PM »

Lieberal government defies court orders:


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2021, 01:18:58 PM »

Gun buyback could cost nearly four times Liberal estimate: PBO

A taxpayer rights group is demanding that the Liberal government immediately end its gun buyback program after a Parliamentary Budget Office estimate pegged the program’s cost at  $756 million, nearly four times what the Liberals originally claimed.

“Today we learned the gun buyback could cost hundreds of millions more than Canadians have been told and the government still doesn’t know the full costs,” said CTF Federal Director Franco Terrazzano.

“This is a huge sum of money and the people on the front line say the buyback won’t make Canadians safer.”

“Like the first Liberal government gun registry, the firearms buyback program is yet another billion-dollar boondoggle that does nothing to truly address increasing violent crime, gun smuggling, and gang violence in our communities,” Stubbs said in a statement.

“The simple fact is that every dollar spent taking a firearm away from a law-abiding firearm owner is a dollar not going to fight the true issue of firearm crime in Canada – illegally smuggled guns.”

“The government’s initial figure was a joke,” he said. “Anyone familiar with the Liberals’ track record on firearms policy knew it. Yet that hasn’t stopped this government from politicking on the backs of lawful Canadian gun owners, no matter the cost.”


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2021, 04:21:14 PM »

The entire point of this conversation may soon be moot.
Trudeau has managed to really tick off the judge presiding on the matter, and she has noted there will be repercussions. What will those be...

Firearms ban enacted without justification

In May of 2020, the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau announced a sweeping and immediate ban on more than 1,500 types of firearms that it deemed too dangerous for ordinary Canadians to use and possess. Firearms included in the ban range from semi-automatic sporting rifles like the AR15, which is prevalent in shooting competitions, all the way to high-end, bolt action hunting rifles.
Those cynics among us would have looked at then-recent events in Nova Scotia, noted the timing of Trudeau’s announcement, and correlated the two. They would also have attributed the Trudeau Liberals’ actions to political opportunism. And now it seems they were right.
The last year has seen numerous court battles and legal actions brought against the Trudeau government over and arising from the blanket firearm ban instituted by the order in council of May 2020.
One of these legal actions involves firearms retailers fighting the validity of the order in council directly. As a result of their efforts, on May 27, a federal court judge ordered the Trudeau Liberals to produce the evidentiary backing for their decision to unilaterally ban and plan for the confiscation of the firearms affected by the order in council.
Given that the Trudeau Liberals have always claimed themselves to be open, transparent and committed to sound, evidence-based policy, one would assume that they would be more than willing to produce any evidence that supports their policy directive that is the order in council in question. And one would be wrong.
Just recently, the Trudeau Liberals made it known that they were suddenly invoking Section 39 of the Canada Evidence Act; something that I’m sure most of us have never heard of. Not only that, but they did so after they were ordered to produce the evidence and after having previously stated there would be no need to introduce Section 39 into the proceedings.
However, now that they have invoked this legal clause, Trudeau and the Liberals are using it as a shield to effectively claim that whatever evidence was used in their decision to ban and confiscate the legally owned and used private property of law-abiding Canadian citizens is so sensitive as to be a state secret and threat to national security should anybody outside of cabinet be allowed to see it.
 Even though the Trudeau Liberals may have currently brought proceedings to a halt, the use of Section 39 may yet prove damaging to their case. Justice Gagne may not look favourably upon its exercise and view it as nothing more than legal gamesmanship.
If she is of this opinion, she may draw an “adverse inference” and allow proceedings to continue. An adverse inference would not be favourable to Trudeau and the Liberals as it effectively means the court has taken the view that the government has nothing with which to back themselves up; or that what they do have is indeed damaging to their case and so they don’t want it made public.
As previously stated, it’s doubtfully a matter of national security. Thus, one is led to the inference that they either have no evidence at all, or what evidence they do have is damaging to their position.
In either case, it paints a picture of a government that enacted policy without justification for political gain, and upon a segment of the population deemed expendable in the pursuit of votes. So, yes, we are left with the very real possibility that the Trudeau Liberals’ OIC and firearms ban of May 2020 represents little more than an exercise in political posturing to secure votes.


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2021, 10:47:04 AM »

Interview with Brian Sauvé - the President of the National Police Federation and the union that represents the RCMP:


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Re: Trudeau government poised to introduce new gun-control legislation
« Reply #29 on: July 18, 2021, 02:13:05 PM »

Gun lobby tells Ottawa to crack down on illegal gun owners

With a handful of long-delayed gun-control measures now in place after cabinet regulations finally took effect last week, a prominent firearm lobby wants the government to put illegal weapons in its crosshairs.

Like all four major Canadian gun lobbies that have opposed virtually all new firearm laws passed through Parliament by the Liberals, the Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA) wants the government to shift its target from sport shooters and hunters to illegal guns and shootings.

CSSA executive director Tony Bernardo says a shakeup is necessary of the section of the Criminal Code that pertains to the prohibition orders for different types of weapons, and the association has come up with a plan it wants the government to adopt.

“Canadians don’t care about target shooters and duck hunters; they want the daily cycle of gang violence to stop,” Bernardo told iPolitics in an email. “Pursuing laws that only impact the law-abiding is a fool’s errand, doomed to fail simply because it is based on an erroneous premise. Let’s give our police and judges the tools they need to stop the problem.”