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Author Topic: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.  (Read 6348 times)


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2019, 11:45:22 AM »

Its gotten to this?
We need a food guide?

If you dont know whats healthy and what isnt then im sorry,a food guide probably isnt going to help.

We are lazy people and thats where most of the problems arise from.
Its much easier to drive thru some place and pick up a quick burger rather than go home and make that foo foo salad.

If i was loaded and had my own chef id probably lose a bunch of weight because i know how to eat but just dont out of laziness.

Food guide shmood guide......


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2019, 03:43:26 PM »

The new guide suggests that we eat more plant based protein and should cut back on meat and fat.

Why?  Good question.  Possibly because veganism and vegetarianism are being pushed as the most healthy diets and the most protective of the environment.  I believe both of these theories are suspect or at the least need more context. 

There is still a lot of outdated research and hysteria that fat and therefore cholesterol clogs your arteries and causes strokes and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Sure there is correlation between CVD and high cholesterol but no causation.  Cholesterol is an essential fat that the body manufactures in large quantities every day, in addition to what is consumed.  The body uses cholesterol to try and repair a problem, but it is not the underlying cause of the problem.  The problem is inflammation and the primary cause of inflammation is excessive levels of blood sugar, hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance.  What causes these problems, over consumption of carbohydrates, particularly processed carbohydrates.   Without excess carbohydrates, high cholesterol levels poses no increased risk of CVD or stroke (see videos referenced below).  Quite the opposite in fact.  When blood sugar is controlled and carbohydrate consumption is minimized, people with high cholesterol levels have lower life time mortality risks compared to individuals on the Standard American Diet (SAD), which is predominantly carbohydrate based.

Interested in following this subject matter down the rabbit hole?

Dr. Paul Mason - 'Low Carb from a Doctor's perspective'

Dr. Paul Mason - 'Saturated fat is not dangerous'

Dr. Gary Fettke - 'Is Fruit Good or Bad For You?'

The Widowmaker:

Coronary Calcification - and Fixing the Root Causes of Heart Disease

What if Heart Disease and Diabetes had the same cause?

An agricultural perspective of the benefits of ruminants:
KetoCon 2018 Peter Ballerstedt "Ruminant Reality Check"



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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2019, 04:44:23 PM »

Why?  Good question.  Possibly because veganism and vegetarianism are being pushed as the most healthy diets and the most protective of the environment.  I believe both of these theories are suspect or at the least need more context. 

Liberal Government, JT guide to living like a fruity west coast hippy


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2019, 05:10:32 PM »

the new food guide also recommends

 - eating foods made from scratch (ie a receipe) at home

- avoiding processed and fast foods

- eating in company. Taking time to have a meal 'experience'

- eat the foods that are consistent with your cultural background.
"Two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity... though I am not completely sure about the Universe" ...Einstein as related to F.S. Perls.


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2019, 08:04:52 AM »

KNN's got it right.

This food guide is littered with old 'science'.  Still too many carbs and the notion that saturated fats are bad.  Fat does not make you fat.

They are way off base.  Too much influence from agriculture lobbyists and pressure from the vocal minority vegans and vegetarian crowd.  Don't drink more water, drink when you're thirsty.  Don't eat small meals all day long, do the opposite.  Don't avoid fat, avoid sugar and all grains.

And why is the government telling us how to eat?  All we have done is get fatter and fatter.

They can't balance a budget, run effective social programs to provide mental health support that would in turn lessen the impact of social housing needs and drug addiction, the can't manage fisheries and oceans, maintain infrastructure, keep teachers employed/empowered, they even ran a provincial/socialist car into the ground. 

Inept people that checked out of the private sector to work for the government for that salary and fat pension with no motivation or incentive to do better.  I worked for a Crown Corporation, trust me, I saw it EVERYDAY.

If I want advice on something, I talk to my mechanic, dentist, doctor, accountant or lawyer.  Not the government.



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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2019, 01:59:41 PM »

Dave thank you & others for your recent comments. Ya say "Welcome Back" but really I did not go anywhere. My posts now are like a single shot handgun instead of machine gun  ;D
Space out my posts time wise. Sink outta sight for two days instead of 2-3 posts daily.
Honestly was just trying to get activity if posting was slow.
Anyways we all have to pull our weight.

Lots of good comments & variety of views.
Study the food issue & now I'm more mixed up what to eat than ever. Depends what expert ya believe.

Keto Diet ( Dr Don Colbert & others ) say eat lots of fats. Bacon beef burgers whole eggs cheese...with fruits & vegs. Like Damien & Knnn posted. Lots of meat protein is what the Dr Atkins Diet was all about. Doctors laughed at his views but possibly he was ahead of the times.
Inflammation is really a big time problem,agreed.
Too much sugars carbs pies donuts cookies sugar pop/fruit drinks,sugar itself put into coffee /tea...( sugar water for hummingbirds is ok not humans )
Lots of info about the importance of keeping your gut health in order with limiting the bad bacteria & increasing the good bacteria in one's intestines. That's one of the reasons doctors do not give out antibiotics like candy anymore. We get resistant to it & it totally wipes out the good & bad gut bacteria in our gut. ( intestines )
Leading nutrition researchers are shouting out the importance of having lots of good bacteria in one's gut to have over all health. Using antibiotics / white flour / pies cakes / sugar ...feeds the bad bacteria in a gut thus experts say it will lead to all sorts of diseases/ leaky gut ,irritable bowel syndrome,bowel cancer.. What feeds your good gut bacteria? Fermented foods...kefir,unsweetened yogurt,sourkraut,...

But if antibiotics kill good bacteria possibly eating too much chicken beef eggs not good for our gut health. Why? 2/3 of the worlds supply of antibiotics is feed or injected to our farm animals. Eat lots of eggs or beef etc..& we eat the antibiotics given to that animal. Of course if available there are healthy beef cows that were grass feed or free range chickens etc that were not given these drugs so it's more healthy to consume. But it's more costly. Moderation is key I assume.

Really like multigrain /whole wheat breads which are carbs that many say to limit but think it  's ok to eat as long we get out & exercise 30 minutes or 2 hrs after eating. Burn it off.
Worst is to have pizza or sandwich at 11 pm. & go to bed.

Heard a story in the local media where some guy went to buy herbs or something from some health speciality store. He got sicker & sicker. He went to the store in hopes to get well as he was sickly but he got more sickly instead. The herbs or whatever he bought had too much lead !!!
He was getting lead poisoned !!!

Definitely we have a high % of people with diabetes /heart problems(me), dementia,cancers ...
Many go by the "let's eat drink & be merry...not here for a long time but good time"
But we see people kicking the bucket in their 50's ( Elvis in his early 40's ...his fried peanut butter banana sandwiches loaded with melted or people lasting quite a good quality of life into their 90's ...
Was it the food,mental outlook/attitude/exercise/genes/proper sleep ????
One very very senior lady said she liked hot dogs a lot when asked what's her secret to live a long life.
 (Safeway wieners or maybe she meant real hot "dog" bark bark ..guess not ) :o
Tell ya one thing bet if we ate a farm salmon daily we will die earlier than later.
Get the fish farm owners go live on cam at 6:30 daily eating farm salmon ...& we will follow along & see what happens to the chap.

Most GPs or your medical doctor want ya not too healthy. Less visits = less $.
Pharmacy business do not want us to be too heathy. Too healthy then less visits to the drug store = less $.
One fellow worker ate one pound of butter daily at lunch break ( in the 1970s ..sawmill ) I told him that eating that much must be bad for his heart health. He just laughed & laughed like I was nuts /insane. Within 2 yrs he died by a heart attack. He was in his 50s my guess.
We are what we eat has lots of truth.
Ok just one glass of beer today. ( big 1 litre size glass ) ok I'll have double cheese burger large fries with thick gravy & a sugar free coke because I'm on a diet.....
But Canada Food Guide is good indeed as in our schools cafeteria donuts & fries are limited ....potato chips chocolate bars total junk food gone in the vending machines. ( so I heard )

QB Tom Brady who just won his ( New England team ) 6th Super Bowl game only eats non GMO foods.
He will not eat anything fruit /veg. that the seed was genetically modified in some laboratory by a lobbyist paid scientist.
He also eats grass fed /non chemical cow that walked in a pasture. Not in a barn & forced feed.
His diet 80% vegs/fruits & 20% protein from animals.
Hopefully some of you will watch "Seeds of Death " youtube. GMO food dangers as opposed to natural farming & good soil.


« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 02:07:10 PM by A-BOATER »


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2019, 02:42:28 PM »

If I want advice on something, I talk to my mechanic, dentist, doctor, accountant or lawyer.  Not the government.

Of course. You would never heed a travel advisory from Global Affairs Canada, or a small craft warning from Environment Canada, or a public health notice from the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Cuz that's just inept government bureaucrats giving more advice.       


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2019, 03:57:27 PM »

Those are reporting facts

The 'food guide' literally took in account feelings on the ethics of eating meat and somehow connecting a line between Canadians eating meat and climate change.

More negative on human health;

Soy & Grains >  Animal Fats

This food guide, while updated to reduce sugar and processed foods is great (and duh).  But they are missing where science is at NOW.  Vilifying animal fats and dairy is just way off.



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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2019, 04:27:50 PM »

This is their 'perfect plate'.  Laden with carbs. 

They even have the sweetest and highest carb vegetables (beets and carrots) there mixed in with fruit and grains taking up 3/4 of the plate.  Then add in potatoes and/or yams, wtf? 

Grains taking up a quarter of the plate is so poorly researched and frankly a dangerous thing to be promoting.  No surprise as what Canada grows and exports very well.

The plate should be half protein and the rest vegetables (not root and starchy vegetables).  There are hundreds of samples, here is one.  Notice virtually no fruit and grain free?

I only kind of know about proper nutrition as a friend is REALLY into it with a biology background.  I don't follow a strict diet, but I try. 

What I am saying is for something like this food guide to be taken by many without research as gospel is dead wrong and it will not help the population of Canada to live healthier lives.

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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2019, 04:59:40 PM »

Everything in moderation.


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2019, 06:10:10 PM »

not talked about much but the recommendations on drinking lots of water (the 6 glasses of water a day rule) were really 'cooked up' because it sounded reasonable. I don't think there is a lot of sound evidence to support the idea. Drink when you feel you need some is a better idea as it will match your liquid consumption to your activity levels etc. Prior to community water treatment and service, water was a bad risk and that's why we have developed our drinking habits around hot beverages, alcohol and some fermented drinks that have been cooked (ie beer and ale)

True vegetables are relatively low in carbs while tubers are 2 to 3x higher. Most fruits are relatively low in carbs; apples oranges, berries etc.

I think the message in the photo is to eat a balanced diet.

Personally I don't rely on youtube for much of anything except maybe how to fix my bike or re&re a kitchen faucet. Tying flies is ok though most of the time I'd rather just have the recipe.

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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2019, 07:29:41 PM »

couldnt care less about the food guide i'll continue to eat the way i do.


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Re: Canada's new Food Guide ...impressive indeed.
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2019, 08:53:38 PM »

couldnt care less about the food guide i'll continue to eat the way i do.

"Two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity... though I am not completely sure about the Universe" ...Einstein as related to F.S. Perls.