The thing is that people like Don and Alexandra can still have their beliefs, but when they are a participant in a judicial process there is an expectation for them to act respectfully and abide by the rules of the court (or commissioner in the case of the Cohen Inquiry). If you or I were in court or part of a judicial inquiry we would be expected to behave a certain way also. Nature activists may push societal boundaries, but they do not play by their own rules once they are in the courts. This latest judgement regarding court costs reaffirms that. Activists cannot turn to the courts to reaffirm their beliefs then decide to disrespect them because their cause is somewhat “just” and “noble” in their own minds.
Of course a person like Don thinks he is immune. That’s why he acted the way he did. He used the court as his own stage. That’s why people like him go right away to social media because they feel like once they are out of the confines of the court they are free to do as they please. Fortunately for Don and Alex the courts and commissions have been quite forgiving and have allowed them some leeway with their beliefs; however, when someone like Don flagrantly disregards court instructions and disrespect for the court proceedings he should be rebuked financially. Although this recent ruling on costs is out of the norm, the important thing to note is that the rules of the court allow the judge to do this and it has been done before. Of course Don will see this as a victory because he needs to frame this in such a way to make it appear like he is some small crusader against the big multinationals; instead, he is just an “unreliable reporter of the facts” who “ignores and disdainfully dismisses peer-reviewed science”.
The real folks losing in this are the ones that are paying Don’s costs. Will Don learn from this? In my opinion, Don is too arrogant to fully understand why the judge did what she did. In order for Don to fully learn from this his own supporters need to hold him more accountable. Good luck there as Don is seen by his supporters as a positive voice for their cause. There are many worthwhile fisheries projects out there run by volunteers that could use $8,300; instead it is going to someone that cannot keep his big mouth shut – even just for a little while during a trial. It seems like money is not a limitation for Don so perhaps he should be happy and see this as a victory.