Should never be allowed as all it is, is a gravel grab just like on the Fraser River. One day when we stop the distruction of fish habitat on the Fraser we must tackle this too. Just think of the fish that come into these ponds and say "hey this looks like a nice place to raise a family". After they have laid there precious eggs the water level comes up with the Fall rains, the rising water caves in the sides of these destructive ponds and the eggs are lost being covered with many feet of gravel.
Also all this loosing of gravel cause the gravel to move around more than it should covering other spawning beds as well.
If it would not be for the Chilliwack River Hatchery the river would soon be devoid of fish and of course there would be little or no fishing opportunity.
Once again it is big business and some political parties that push for this every two years.
I donot know how those that allow this to happen and should be in charge of protecting fish habitat sleep at night, I know I could not but once again it seems money is more important than anything else, to some.