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Author Topic: BC Lions 2017  (Read 36476 times)

Fish Assassin

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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2017, 10:14:35 PM »

Quarterback Trevor Harris injured in Ottawa. If he's out of the lineup for an extended period the RedBlacks are going to be in a world of hurt.


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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2017, 03:10:34 PM »

Quarterback Trevor Harris injured in Ottawa. If he's out of the lineup for an extended period the RedBlacks are going to be in a world of hurt.
Drew Tate the back up is now the starter & he possibly will play well.
Redblacks & Als both lost in their recent games & they will face each other in Montreal.
Als are in 1st place even though they have a losing record  ;D
Honestly do not like Durant's QB style of play. Tate proved in the past that he can "Put it together".
He seems to get frustrated fast if the offence is stalled.
He starts yapping & shaking his head.
Als should win only because they have lost too many. They will put in the extra energy to get the monkey  ( & media/fans ) off their back. The teams in the east are not very good & honestly they all have QBs that are not that good. Too much back drop style & they have to rush their passes.
Hamilton QB change though is an improvement. He moves & scrambles well when he feels "heat"
CFL's games 90 % of them are quite dramatic & exciting nevertheless.



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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #32 on: September 16, 2017, 07:17:16 PM »

Horse vs Lion
Lion should win everytime.
Sadly Lions were declawed  & teeth pulled out.
Horrible horrible horrible one sided game.
Lions defeated themselves thus Stamps just kinda cruised along.
Lions only reply was dishing out some hard hits.
Jennings was back to his old ways.
How does a guy with a good arm & having good recievers only manage 10 pts ?
Put Lulay back in ( back leg & all )  :o
Or put Wally B in at QB.  :o
They lost but it was the way they lost.
Looked like a pre season game with 2nd stringers.
Even Wally looked totally out of it.
He just had a blank look & lip twitching.
Lions are in last place.

Fish Assassin

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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #33 on: September 16, 2017, 08:18:13 PM »

Didn't expect the Lions to win and they didn't. Defence played well but the offence couldn't muster any offence. Jennings was very hesitant, after throwing his first interception. (threw 3 picks for the night). He had "happy feet" and held onto the ball too long. Stamps sacked Jennings 4 times in the game, 3 in the first quarter alone.


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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #34 on: September 16, 2017, 08:40:37 PM »

Didn't expect the Lions to win and they didn't. Defence played well but the offence couldn't muster any offence. Jennings was very hesitant, after throwing his first interception. (threw 3 picks for the night). He had "happy feet" and held onto the ball too long. Stamps sacked Jennings 4 times in the game, 3 in the first quarter alone.
Yep your right.
Offence was terrible.
Sacks & intercepts.
Jennings was rushed on most pass plays.
If plan A is not working go to plan B.
Quick hitters / short passes, screens, pass to the running back,scramble left or right immediately after the snap.  After a lot of short passes,draws,screens then surprise them with longer throws.

Fish Assassin

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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #35 on: September 16, 2017, 08:47:10 PM »

Quick hitters / short passes, screens, pass to the running back,scramble left or right immediately after the snap.  After a lot of short passes,draws,screens then surprise them with longer throws.

You would expect that to negate the pass rush but NO. Lions didn't throw a screen pass the entire game.  Have never been impressed with Khari Jones play calling. They had the running game established in the 1st quarter but inexplicably they went away from it. I'm a firm believer in Ron Lancaster's mantra that if something works, keep doing it until they show they can stop it.


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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #36 on: September 17, 2017, 09:51:59 PM »

Went into a sauna in Regina SK & who is in there...Ron Lancaster in the buff.
He had recently retired from being a SK Roughrider QB.
He even tried his hand at being a local Regina CBC newscaster.
If memory serves me correctly he was a coach for Edmonton & Hamilton. Did he coach the Sk Riders? Not sure but believe he did not.
Yes the Lions did not throw any screens & as mentioned why did they get away from the run game?
Gotta mix it up. Brutal game & I bet even the hometown Alberta fans wanted a bit more action or fight from the Lions thus to make the game more interesting.
Als QBs Durant again bombed. Thought they would do better & get a W to get the monkey off their back.
Now they have a gorilla on their behinds.
Ottawa wins with their 2nd & 3rd stringers at QB.
The 3rd stringer really looked poised. Moved the ball well.
TO wins over Esks. Challenge flags helped TO big time but failed the Esks.
Head hit on Esk QB & not called !!!!


Fish Assassin

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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #37 on: September 17, 2017, 11:00:52 PM »

Lancaster never coached the Riders.


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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2017, 12:59:25 AM »

Lions lose a close game.
Seems they are having too many plays where they send out the entire recievers core down field for those 15-30 yd passes.
Why not more draws screens 7-8 yard passes????
Tigercats RB guy called Green was the player of the game tsn pick.
That guy ran hard busted tackles made cuts & ran for big time yds.
Both teams tried hard & both were going for the win so it was an exciting game.
Hamilton just made the plays at the end with so little time left for the Lions to make a comeback.
Big time 3 pts on a pressure kick to take the lead & win.
Really thought the Lions would win this one by 2 TDs but...nope.
Coach change QB change & a few other players brought in & Tigercats look like a very good team.

Fish Assassin

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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2017, 01:03:22 AM »

To get beaten by a 2-9 team and a running back that hasn't played for 3 years is downright embarrassing. Best thing for the Lions is for them to miss the playoffs. Then and only then will meaningful changes be made including the entire coaching staff. Buono needs to go. What worked 10 years ago is no longer working.


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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #40 on: September 27, 2017, 12:49:46 PM »

To get beaten by a 2-9 team and a running back that hasn't played for 3 years is downright embarrassing. Best thing for the Lions is for them to miss the playoffs. Then and only then will meaningful changes be made including the entire coaching staff. Buono needs to go. What worked 10 years ago is no longer working.
The BC Lions need a kick in the butt.
They have lost a series of games thus they with the team they have should of willed a W against Hamilton.
Kinda like we will win this game "no ands or buts".
Where was the intensity?
Wally also looked like a frog put in the pot of water.
He should of been more intense & started to yell & scream at his players to wake these guys up by the middle of the 2nd Qter.
They should of been getting 5-7 yards on running plays, 5-10 yds on quick hitter passes,every 5th - 8 th play as they March down field send two players for deeper plays but throw only if open,& have 2 guys on a short route...
As it was the norm in this game were plays like "drop back 3-4secs & throw 15-25 yards".
The Tigercat D are just going to pin their ears back & rush hard.
A QB having to rush his pass will have not as good judgement on his throw.
Too high too low ,not on target...or try's to make the perfect pass ( little open window )
Lions I'm sure will win the next few games because Wally surely must be "turning the heat on his players"
Wally is easy going but after losses he will finally start to take out the whip.
Stamps head coach takes his whip out on any single play that he thought his players were at fault.
He will not stand for any lazy type bonehead go thru the motions playing.
Zero tolerance.
But that only means lots of wins & always the added pressure to have to win the big games during the play offs. The other team going against the Stamps comes in with less pressure & possibly gets the W in the western final or Grey Cup.


Fish Assassin

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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #41 on: September 27, 2017, 04:29:15 PM »

Buono's time has come and gone. What worked 10 years ago is not working now. Stale and predictable offence. If I hear Buono's excuse that the Lions lost because lack of execution I'm going to puke. Always lay the blame on the players. How about the coaching staff ? Schemes.  Teams know what we're going to do because it's so predictable. Defensive backs are jumping our routes and picking off the ball.


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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2017, 07:38:11 PM »

As we entertained a couple their 3 yr old daughter I could only glimpse at the tv.
When they left their was not much time left in the Ottawa / Lions game.
Ahead 19 pts only to lose.
30-25 something like that.
Murphy's Law in this game.
At least the Canucks are leading 2-1. Will they keep it up.
GM Buono should fire coach Buono. 

Fish Assassin

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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #43 on: October 07, 2017, 10:43:56 PM »

As we entertained a couple their 3 yr old daughter I could only glimpse at the tv.
When they left their was not much time left in the Ottawa / Lions game.
Ahead 19 pts only to lose.
30-25 something like that.
Murphy's Law in this game.
At least the Canucks are leading 2-1. Will they keep it up.
GM Buono should fire coach Buono.

And David Braley should his General Manager. Time for wholesale changes starting at the top.


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Re: BC Lions 2017
« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2017, 01:48:35 PM »

BC Lions on this Sat Oct 14 ( getting to the end of the season ) are in Winnipeg & losing 10-0.
They need to get wins if any chance to get into the playoffs.
At least they look motivated & Wally walking back & forth on the sidelines is a good sign. He normally just stands like a statue.
Go Lions Go