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Author Topic: Get your facts straight?  (Read 1566294 times)


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #3272 on: March 15, 2019, 07:18:57 PM »

Fish farms are going to stay in the ocean till buying a wild salmon is so expensive it makes on land fish farms worth it



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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #3274 on: March 16, 2019, 04:15:58 PM »

lol I was in such disbelief that I had to go find the op ed.

Dave I think here wrote this paragraph just for you, as you have been saying this for years

"Over 90 percent of the planet’s wild fish stocks are either fished to the maximum or overfished, yet demand for healthy sources of protein is increasing. Nearly half of fish consumed by humans now comes from aquaculture. It is clear the world needs aquaculture."

« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 04:18:13 PM by wildmanyeah »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #3275 on: March 16, 2019, 04:22:15 PM »

I also like how he linked the court case! lol wow

Looks like hatcheries won't have to worry about testing for PRV, unless DFO says they must. The courts are deferring to DFO Science,.

[370]  For the same reasons as in T-1710-16, I have concluded that the PRV Policy Decision is unreasonable and must be quashed.  The further declarations sought by ‘Namgis related to PRV, such as testing, are unnecessary and, in these circumstances, are not appropriate to the Court’s role.

wow boy was Mortan way off the mark by what she and others reported.

"[365]  The basis on which I have found the PRV Policy Decision to be unreasonable is that the Minister’s Interpretation of s 56 of the FGRs is unreasonable, the PRV Policy Decision derogates from the precautionary principal, and fails to consider the health of wild Pacific salmon.  It is not the role of this Court to make scientific findings, which, in essence, is what would be required to ground the additional declaratory relief sought by Ms. Morton."

[366]  And, although the PRV Policy Decision will be quashed, because there are many aquaculture facilities now in operation that will likely require and apply for transfer licences while the PRV Policy is being reconsidered, it is appropriate to suspend my judgment for a four (4) month period from the date of its issue to permit DFO time to complete its outstanding risk assessment concerning PRV and HSMI, as described in Thomson Affidavit #2, which presumably will include a comprehensive review of the current science concerning PRV and HSMI.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 05:14:23 PM by wildmanyeah »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #3276 on: March 16, 2019, 05:16:06 PM »

I think its important to note just how far off the mark the media was when they reported about this case.


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #3277 on: March 16, 2019, 05:37:07 PM »

This, and a Leafs loss tonight will be hard on Chris  ;)

Oh well, Almo made some more money for her lawyer buddies.  Wonder who pays court fees?


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #3278 on: March 16, 2019, 06:02:26 PM »

This, and a Leafs loss tonight will be hard on Chris  ;)

Oh well, Almo made some more money for her lawyer buddies.  Wonder who pays court fees?

Ms. Morton shall have her costs in the amount of $22,000.00, as agreed by the parties in the event of her success, payable as follows:

(a)  DFO shall pay to Ms. Morton the sum of $7,333.00, offset by   $1,500.00 for a total payment of $5,833.00 inclusive of all fees,   disbursements and taxes;

(b)  Marine Harvest shall pay to Ms. Morton the sum of $7,333.00,     inclusive of all fees, disbursements and taxes;

(c)  Cermaq shall pay to Ms. Morton the sum of $7,333.00, inclusive of   all fees, disbursements and taxes.

‘Namgis shall have its costs assessed pursuant to Rule 400(5) subject to this Court’s direction that:

(a)  All costs shall be assessed in accordance with Tariff B, Column   III;

(b)  The assessed costs shall be payable by the Minister to ‘Namgis.

(c)  All costs pertaining to T-744-18 shall be excluded.

6.  A copy of these reasons shall be placed in the files of T-1710-16 and T‑744‑18.


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #3279 on: March 16, 2019, 06:08:30 PM »

This, and a Leafs loss tonight will be hard on Chris  ;)

Oh well, Almo made some more money for her lawyer buddies.  Wonder who pays court fees?

Believe it or not it looks like she stuck the Namgis nation with a bunch of court bills that will not be paid because they lost part of the ruling.


The application for judicial review is dismissed;

There shall be no order as to costs;and

A copy of these reasons shall be placed in the files of T-1710-16 and T-430-18.

"[400]  I also agree with the Minister that, in essence, ‘Namgis made unfounded allegations of unethical behaviour on the part of counsel for the Minister to ground a claim of breach of procedural fairness, which claim I have found to lack merit.  I have also found that the ‘Namgis Expert Affidavits, which it submits demonstrate the Minister’s bad faith, to be inadmissible and, even if they were admissible, that they do not establish bad faith.  I agree with the Minister and Cermaq that those bad faith allegations added significant procedural steps and costs to the applications.  However, while this approach by ‘Namgis may have been ill advised, it was open to it.  That said, it is not apparent to me why ‘Namgis required three expert affidavits which are based on the same instructions and largely cover the same ground.  Finally, I would note that, as I have observed above, the bifurcation of ‘Namgis’ case between T-430-18 and T-744-18 was unnecessary. "
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 06:13:16 PM by wildmanyeah »

chris gadsden

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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #3280 on: March 17, 2019, 04:41:40 PM »

lol I was in such disbelief that I had to go find the op ed.

Dave I think here wrote this paragraph just for you, as you have been saying this for years

"Over 90 percent of the planet’s wild fish stocks are either fished to the maximum or overfished, yet demand for healthy sources of protein is increasing. Nearly half of fish consumed by humans now comes from aquaculture. It is clear the world needs aquaculture."
I had it posted above for you so you did not have to look for you. Notice in the picture the Minister is handling the sockeye with gloves, as all of us know that is not good.I guess he did not want to get the protective slime off the fish and onto his hands.

From FWR, 2009. Read Everday's post in page 1.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2019, 04:43:24 PM by chris gadsden »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #3283 on: May 12, 2019, 02:03:15 PM »
Thanks for this information Bob.  I had the pleasure of doing technical stuff for Simon; great guy and a well deserving honor.


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