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Author Topic: Get your facts straight?  (Read 1566301 times)


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #60 on: April 26, 2013, 09:38:47 AM »

Perhaps you should try reading it before declaring it supports Gillis and his misrepresentations.


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2013, 09:53:18 AM »

Surprise...surprise....AF not reading the whole article?  Say it's not so!


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2013, 11:24:26 AM »

It sure looks like we are all full of propaganda TB. And this is why Morton will no longer see my donations.

"Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented."
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 11:34:32 AM by Fisherbob »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2013, 12:18:03 PM »

I see the cheering section has arrived....  ;D

I did read the BC Government produced stats, Did you boys read it or are you just reading the links Fisherbob is providing?

Gillis statement: "For instance, in 2011, according to DFO and Stats BC, sport fishing produced revenues of $925 million, contributing $325 million to BC's GDP and 8,400 direct jobs."
BC government statement: "Sport fishing contributed $325.7 million to the province’s GDP in 2011, a slight decrease (-0.2%) from the previous year.
. Approximately 8,400 people were employed by the sport fishing industry in 2011, up from 8,000 in 2010.
. Sport fishing revenues were estimated at $936.5 million in 2011, up 0.8% over the 2010 value."

Gillis statement:"Salmon farms specifically contributed just $8.5 million to our GDP."
BC government statement: "Gross domestic product in the aquaculture industry fell 7.2% to $61.9 million in 2011, driven by a decline to $8.5 million in the salmon farming industry (-7.3%), ......."

It's a shame that we allow a business that contributes a measly $8.5 million to BC's GDP, while allowing it to destroy an industry that contributes $325 million to BC's GDP!

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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #64 on: April 26, 2013, 01:13:03 PM »

As suggested, if you really want to understand the information being presented you need to read the paper, not just the summary. Apparently Gillis didn't feel the need to read it before pronouncing either and though you both proclaim to be experts on the industry, he looks the bigger fool since his pronouncements reach a much larger audience.

Top of page 32:

"Salmon farming, the largest industry within aquaculture, generated $58.5 million of GDP in 2011..........".

Also worth noting is that freshwater fisheries accounted for $400 million of that sport fishing total and 1/3 of the GDP attributable to sports fishing arises from non-angling activities so we aren't really talking about revenues of $925 million or GDP contribution of $325 million from saltwater related fishing.

As important as the numbers this particular report provides is an understanding of the methodology used to arrive at them. While numbers for aquaculture, seafood processing and capture fisheries are reasonably precise estimates based on contribution defined by specific industry classifications (ie. the GDP arising from the processing of the fish raised by the aquaculture industry are included in processing rather than attributed to aquaculture), the sports fishing industry is a rather nebulously defined sector and therefore the GDP contribution attributed to it is estimated. Those estimates include such things as non-angling related shopping, transportation, food services, accommodation and travel. Since these spinoff effects are not included in determining the GDP contribution of any of the other three industries in the sector, the comparison is not apples to apples and the numbers must be looked at in that context.


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2013, 01:24:55 PM »

No need to start throwing insults and causing another perfectly good thread to be shut down....

In most circles people would agree that the summary of a report summarizes the contents of the report. Gillis is absolutely in his rights to quote the summary of a BC stats report.

Neither he nor I are fools for doing so.....
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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #66 on: April 26, 2013, 02:08:47 PM »

Gillis is absolutely in the wrong as are you to quote information he has neither confirmed nor given any thought to simply because it supports his point of view. Even a modicum of critical thinking would suggest that the number of $8.5 million GDP arising from an industry with revenues nearing $500 million is not realistic and requires further investigation. What makes it worse is that the correct information was available immediately following the obvious typo at the small cost of a bit more reading.

The obvious course of action when presented with proof of your error would be to acknowledge your error. Instead, you try to justify it...........


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #67 on: April 26, 2013, 02:24:17 PM »

Gillis is absolutely in the wrong as are you to quote information he has neither confirmed nor given any thought to simply because it supports his point of view. Even a modicum of critical thinking would suggest that the number of $8.5 million GDP arising from an industry with revenues nearing $500 million is not realistic and requires further investigation. What makes it worse is that the correct information was available immediately following the obvious typo at the small cost of a bit more reading.

The obvious course of action when presented with proof of your error would be to acknowledge your error. Instead, you try to justify it...........

I suggest you take your protests to the BC Stats office.....

The report was published in 2012...  if there were "errors" in the report it highly likely that they would have been corrected by now. Besides if there was such an error, isn't it likely that someone from the feedlot industry would have picked it up by now????

I know the truth sometimes hurts....
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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #68 on: April 26, 2013, 03:32:57 PM »

There is no need to complain to the statistics office. The correct information is available in the body of the report. The error is on YOUR part for not taking the trouble to read the report; for assuming that reading an executive summary would make you an expert and for making untrue claims without doing the required due diligence.

I don't care why you made the error; that is completely irrelevant. The relevant point is that you did and the claims you posted about salmon farming contribution are undeniably incorrect.


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #69 on: April 26, 2013, 03:37:07 PM »

If that's the end of your tantrum, let's turn this thread back to Fisherbob so he can continue to post content from sources you may feel are more reliable than BC Stats.....
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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #70 on: April 26, 2013, 03:40:50 PM »

"Ottawa is sparing the aquaculture sector from austerity measures, extending for another year a program launched in 2008 aimed at enhancing “regulatory certainty” and “improving the conditions for a sustainable aquaculture sector.” The price tag for the renewal is $57.5 million over five years starting in 2013-14.

Mary Ellen Walling, executive director of the BC Salmon Farmers Association, welcomed the funding earmarked for aquaculture."
Fisherbob and all tax paying Canadians are giving money to the Fish Farmers though. I would take that off any revenues that the fish farmers say their making.

another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #71 on: April 26, 2013, 03:57:15 PM »

"Ottawa is sparing the aquaculture sector from austerity measures, extending for another year a program launched in 2008 aimed at enhancing “regulatory certainty” and “improving the conditions for a sustainable aquaculture sector.” The price tag for the renewal is $57.5 million over five years starting in 2013-14.

Mary Ellen Walling, executive director of the BC Salmon Farmers Association, welcomed the funding earmarked for aquaculture."
Fisherbob and all tax paying Canadians are giving money to the Fish Farmers though. I would take that off any revenues that the fish farmers say their making.

Government handouts would be subtracted from the GDP generated by the feedlots, so perhaps that is the reason the GDP is a measly $8.5 million....
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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #72 on: April 26, 2013, 04:49:35 PM »

If that's the end of your tantrum, let's turn this thread back to Fisherbob so he can continue to post content from sources you may feel are more reliable than BC Stats.....

Again you are trying to shift your responsibility.

The problem is not that the data from the stats office is unreliable. The problem is that you didn't bother to confirm your claims by reading the data they provided before you started spouting off and you aren't able to stand up and take responsibility for that.

It's not BC Stats that has a credibility problem.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 04:52:59 PM by absolon »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #73 on: April 26, 2013, 08:16:57 PM »

If that's the end of your tantrum, let's turn this thread back to Fisherbob so he can continue to post content from sources you may feel are more reliable than BC Stats.....
Thank you AF. The messengers best defense is knowing what is said of them. Trust should be there to the end. But not from me. Scroll up on this one.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 08:33:07 PM by Fisherbob »


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Re: Get your facts straight?
« Reply #74 on: April 26, 2013, 09:33:46 PM »
