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Author Topic: Alex Going To Court  (Read 13982 times)


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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2014, 07:28:49 PM »

Bawb's reaching for the tums right now but sidestep ate them all..... ;D

chris gadsden

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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2014, 08:59:27 PM »

Bawb's reaching for the tums right now but sidestep ate them all..... ;D
;D ;D ;D


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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2014, 11:33:04 PM »

Piscine reovirus appears to cause heart damage in farmed salmon in Norway.  Scientists warn a wild salmon infected with the virus might not be able to swim up a river, or even reach the river.  If Piscine reovirus affects Pacific salmon this way, the risk to Canada is incalculable.  There is already evidence it is spreading in BC.  BC government pathologist, Dr. Gary Marty reported he could not detect piscine reovirus in young wild salmon in the Broughton Archipelago in 2008 (Saksida et al 2012), but it is common to find it there today (my work, ongoing).

If PRV causes HSMI and Morton is finding that it is "common" to find PRV then what has she done to see if HSMI is impacting these wild salmon she is sampling?  Where are the histological results?  Is she finding wild salmon with PRV and no signs of HSMI?  There is no mention of it in her blog (surprise..surprise).  In addition, HSMI generally impacts juvenile fish so how does it bypass the juvenile stage where it is known to impact then affects adult Pacific salmon migrating upstream? There is no mention of this conflict by Morton.  How do you tell if a salmon carcass lying on the river bank decomposing for God knows how long died of HSMI?  Has she sampled live fish on the spawning grounds (which are the best to sample for optimal results) or just mungers on the riverbank (what donkeys sample because they don't know any different)?  Is a "mushy" heart only indicative of some suspicious disease like HSMI or could it be the result of something else?  What natural processes happen to adult salmon as they migrate upstream, spawn and then die?  Not saying that PRV shouldn't be looked into but fear mongering doesn't help either.

chris gadsden

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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2014, 03:44:49 AM »

If PRV causes HSMI and Morton is finding that it is "common" to find PRV then what has she done to see if HSMI is impacting these wild salmon she is sampling?  Where are the histological results?  Is she finding wild salmon with PRV and no signs of HSMI?  There is no mention of it in her blog (surprise..surprise).  In addition, HSMI generally impacts juvenile fish so how does it bypass the juvenile stage where it is known to impact then affects adult Pacific salmon migrating upstream? There is no mention of this conflict by Morton.  How do you tell if a salmon carcass lying on the river bank decomposing for God knows how long died of HSMI?  Has she sampled live fish on the spawning grounds (which are the best to sample for optimal results) or just mungers on the riverbank (what donkeys sample because they don't know any different)?  Is a "mushy" heart only indicative of some suspicious disease like HSMI or could it be the result of something else?  What natural processes happen to adult salmon as they migrate upstream, spawn and then die?  Not saying that PRV shouldn't be looked into but fear mongering doesn't help either.
Of course if Alex and others had not brought this issue forward to the public, including many of us on this site the last few year and continues to do in keeping the heat on so to speak nothing would have or will happen.

Governments would have just done what they wanted. The work Brian and Miller are doing now would not be happening even thought I am a bit concerned if they are being controlled by some extent with the way the present federal government is acting and doing these days.

I know Brain has high standards as Dave says and you would say the same so we hope for a good report although apparently it will take a few years to report.

Then the Cohen's 26 million dollar budget really did not bear much fruit so far like many other studies and commissions in the past.


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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2014, 03:13:27 PM »

"Marine Harvest said it is Dr. Gary Marty  “opinion” is that piscine reovirus is not a disease agent.

Dr. Marty is a pathologist hired by the province of BC.  He is not a licenced veterinarian in BC,  his “opinion” has not been published and contradicts research papers published by government, academic and company scientists in Norway.  This work is an outlier made public only in this courtroom"

Sounds about right.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2014, 04:29:07 PM »

Any thoughts on the outcome of this court case tb?


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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2014, 08:17:56 PM »

From Salmon Facts are Sacred:

Can salmon farm activist Alexandra Morton really call herself a “doctor”? According to the University who gifted the degree, the answer is no.

In 2010, Alexandra Morton was gifted an honorary degree “honoris causa” for her “dedication to science communication [emphasis ours]” from Simon Fraser University (SFU). For those who don’t know, an honorary degree means you do not attend a single day of class. It may be gifted to an individual for many reasons – Ms. Morton’s was based on her activism, which apparently aligns nicely with many faculty at SFU. 

Since receiving the award, she refers to herself as “Doctor” Morton and even asked lawyers at the Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River to refer to her as such.

We know she has a big ego, and because of that we can usually laugh it off. We also are well aware she often exaggerates her credentials in an obvious attempt to bolster her credibility as an “expert”. But as numerous reporters began to parrot this BS, we grew tired of it. So, last week, we contacted SFU to ask what the rules were in regards to a recipient of a “honoris causa” referring themselves as a doctor. The following is SFU’s response;

“SFU honorary degree recipients (HDRs) are addressed as “Doctor/Dr.” in all correspondence from the university and while at SFU events or on campus. However, it is not [emphasis ours] correct for HDRs to refer to themselves as Dr., nor should they use the title on business cards or in correspondence. However, the recipient is entitled to use the degree title behind their name, for example: John Doe, LL.D. (Hon.)”

So, journalists, it’s up to you to stop the nonsense – because we know she won’t. Ms. Morton is not a doctor; she is not a professional biologist; she has no formal education in biology, virology or pathology; and is certainly not a veterinarian.

But let’s give her some credit. She is a dedicated communicator.

Gary Marty has an actual Doctorate degree (hence the name Dr. Gary Marty). On the other hand, Alexandra Morton has a Honorary Degree from SFU which as you can see above is not the same thing. Are you following so far, TB?

Dr. Gary Marty is a board certified fish pathologist who has published numerous papers on the topic.  On the other hand, Alexandra Morton is not a board certified fish pathologist, nor a virologist and nor a veterinarian.  In fact, she is no longer a Register Professional Biologist in BC.

Hmmm...seems to me Dr. Marty is much more qualified to be offering his "opinion" than Ms. Morton HonD who has no formal training, education or experience with the topic.

Morton reminds me of Brian Fellows from SNL:


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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2014, 02:10:16 PM »

From Salmon Facts are Sacred:

Can salmon farm activist Alexandra Morton really call herself a “doctor”? According to the University who gifted the degree, the answer is no.

In 2010, Alexandra Morton was gifted an honorary degree “honoris causa” for her “dedication to science communication [emphasis ours]” from Simon Fraser University (SFU). For those who don’t know, an honorary degree means you do not attend a single day of class. It may be gifted to an individual for many reasons – Ms. Morton’s was based on her activism, which apparently aligns nicely with many faculty at SFU. 

Since receiving the award, she refers to herself as “Doctor” Morton and even asked lawyers at the Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River to refer to her as such.

We know she has a big ego, and because of that we can usually laugh it off. We also are well aware she often exaggerates her credentials in an obvious attempt to bolster her credibility as an “expert”. But as numerous reporters began to parrot this BS, we grew tired of it. So, last week, we contacted SFU to ask what the rules were in regards to a recipient of a “honoris causa” referring themselves as a doctor. The following is SFU’s response;

“SFU honorary degree recipients (HDRs) are addressed as “Doctor/Dr.” in all correspondence from the university and while at SFU events or on campus. However, it is not [emphasis ours] correct for HDRs to refer to themselves as Dr., nor should they use the title on business cards or in correspondence. However, the recipient is entitled to use the degree title behind their name, for example: John Doe, LL.D. (Hon.)”

So, journalists, it’s up to you to stop the nonsense – because we know she won’t. Ms. Morton is not a doctor; she is not a professional biologist; she has no formal education in biology, virology or pathology; and is certainly not a veterinarian.

But let’s give her some credit. She is a dedicated communicator.

Gary Marty has an actual Doctorate degree (hence the name Dr. Gary Marty). On the other hand, Alexandra Morton has a Honorary Degree from SFU which as you can see above is not the same thing. Are you following so far, TB?

Dr. Gary Marty is a board certified fish pathologist who has published numerous papers on the topic.  On the other hand, Alexandra Morton is not a board certified fish pathologist, nor a virologist and nor a veterinarian.  In fact, she is no longer a Register Professional Biologist in BC.

Hmmm...seems to me Dr. Marty is much more qualified to be offering his "opinion" than Ms. Morton HonD who has no formal training, education or experience with the topic.

Morton reminds me of Brian Fellows from SNL:

Bawb, Sidestep  and Dave , having a tactical meeting ;D ;D ;D



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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2014, 04:22:01 PM »

Funny post, you put some effort into this one Nova ;D


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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2014, 04:38:38 PM »

Funny post, you put some effort into this one Nova ;D

I'm glad you have a sense of humour Dave! I expect Steve will be along soon with a post full of vitriolic 5 dollar words, staring down his nose. Nothing new there. Good on ya!

I'm board certified ya know! ;)


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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2014, 05:17:43 PM »

I'm glad you have a sense of humour Dave! I expect Steve will be along soon with a post full of vitriolic 5 dollar words, staring down his nose. Nothing new there. Good on ya!

I'm board certified ya know! ;)
I wouldn’t be dissing Steve, Nova.  He is more aware of the science behind fish farming issues than most who post here, including me, and especially Almo.  I know and respect him, and throughout this whole fish farming debate he has always said do some research yourself before you believe the claims of others.
Afaik, he has never claimed to back fish farming, but he does seem to have a ton of common sense :)


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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2014, 05:43:35 PM »

I wouldn’t be dissing Steve, Nova.  He is more aware of the science behind fish farming issues than most who post here, including me, and especially Almo.  I know and respect him, and throughout this whole fish farming debate he has always said do some research yourself before you believe the claims of others.
Afaik, he has never claimed to back fish farming, but he does seem to have a ton of common sense :)

Respect is earned Dave.  If he didn't play the "I Am Superior" card, it would garner a bit, although a minute amount, of respect from me. Read his posts in his profile."B*&^n" is a KEYBOARD WARRIOR! (Another board member told me a lot about "Steve", his pseudonym, none of which I would disclose) Show me where he's shown me or a few others an iota of respect after you read his posts.   Or any for the anti farm people, other than a minimal amount to Chris.He is extremely disrespectful.  I make my comments on the industry because I've witnessed first hand the havoc the farms have caused back home, or the record of the same companies that feedlot here in other jurisdictions. A case of the wolf in sheep's clothing. I don't believe a word of their stream of bovine scat- (see Bawb's constant one sided, feedlot produced agenda)
I respect you for the work you put in for the Vedder steelhead. You've earned that. And you have the ability to admit the industry has screwed up on the eastern end of the world. That too garners some respect.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 06:12:14 PM by Novabonker »


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Re: Alex Going To Court
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2014, 10:53:26 PM »

Respect is earned Dave. 

You should see how much pork roast steve can knock back. #madrespect