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Author Topic: Fraser Pinks 2019  (Read 112451 times)


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #270 on: September 12, 2019, 01:32:41 PM »

Interesting. Can you fish on the dyke road below the train bridge or is this native land?

I called the BC Land Office after having been hassled by one drunken individual there - I never had a problem any other time. That was at least ten years ago. I called BC Lands and they told me the reserve line was in the centre of the dike. The area from the centre to the high water mark was public. That was the only time I was ever bothered. After the dike was upgraded in 2007, the gate at the southeast has been left unlocked. Whenever I have been there since I have chatted with some FNs since and no one ever bothered me. I also greet them as "Good Morning, how is the fishing?"
« Last Edit: September 12, 2019, 01:38:42 PM by RalphH »
"It is obviously, incontestably true that a senile president with a competent and ethical staff would be preferable to an authoritarian one who wants to fill his administration with guys who sound like school shooter manifestos " ...Adam Serwer writing in The Atlantic July 3, 2024


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #271 on: September 12, 2019, 01:41:49 PM »


anyways they opened the US test fishery back up interesting

your posts often remind of the saying:

"misery doesn't just love company, it demands it!".
"It is obviously, incontestably true that a senile president with a competent and ethical staff would be preferable to an authoritarian one who wants to fill his administration with guys who sound like school shooter manifestos " ...Adam Serwer writing in The Atlantic July 3, 2024


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #272 on: September 12, 2019, 02:01:13 PM »

The Scowlitz First Nation are very nice people. They have a brand new top of the line playground, water park and sports field. Better than any playground I've ever seen in......... well......... anywhere. They let the public use it. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for the dyke


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #273 on: September 12, 2019, 05:48:56 PM »

The  Fraser  River  Panel  met  Thursday,  September  12  to  receive  an update  on  the  migration of  Fraser  River  sockeye  and  pink  salmon  and  review  the  status of  migration  conditions  in  the  Fraser River  watershed,  including  an  update  of  the  rock  slide at  Big  Bar.  The rock  slide at  Big  Bar continues  to be  a  major  source of  concern  for  the Panel  as migrating  sockeye salmon  will  need  to pass this  area to reach their  spawning grounds. There  is  now  evidence of  natural  passage of  sockeye and pink  salmon through the  slide  area, and  as  a  result  helicopter  transport  of  fish  above  the  slide has  halted for  the  time  being. It  is  currently  estimated  that  approximately  468,600  sockeye  and  6,878,700  pink  salmon have passed  the  Mission  hydroacoustic  site.  Test  fishing  catches and  daily  escapements of  sockeye salmon  continue  to track  well  below  pre-season  forecast  expectations.  In-river test  fishing  catches and  daily  escapements of  pink  salmon  are  tracking  above pre-season forecast  expectations.  The Panel  adopted  run  sizes for  Early  Stuart,  Early  Summer, Summer  and  Late  run    of  26,000,  94,000, 360,000 and 20,000  with  associated  Area  20  timings  of  July  8, July  29,  and Aug  19  (for  both Summer  and Late  run),  respectively.  The  Panel  also  adopted  a  pink  run size  of  8,900,000 with  an Area  20  timing  of  August  17. On  September  11  the discharge of  the Fraser  River  at  Hope was  2,114  cms,  which is approximately  9%  below  average for  this date.  The temperature of  the Fraser  River  at  Qualark Creek  on  September  11  was  17.70C,  which  is  2.30C  above  average  for  this  date.  Fraser  River discharge  levels  and  water  temperatures  will  be monitored  closely  to  determine if  specific management  actions  are  required  during  the  in-river  migratory  period  to  help  achieve  sockeye escapement  goals


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #274 on: September 12, 2019, 06:05:56 PM »

Lol.... I just... what a year

The  Panel  also  adopted  a  pink  run size  of  8,900,000 with  an Area  20  timing  of  August  17.


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #275 on: September 12, 2019, 08:22:32 PM »

Almost 9 million pinks and we are not allowed to fish tidal Fraser but boats can keep 4. Hello? Can DFO explain this to the recreational fishing community if it is their hidden agenda to kill off recreational fishing? BC fishermen and MPs should push for Ottawa to let BC handle our own salmon management. DFO is not being fair to their fellow Canadians!!!


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #276 on: September 12, 2019, 09:22:16 PM »

Almost 9 million pinks and we are not allowed to fish tidal Fraser but boats can keep 4. Hello? Can DFO explain this to the recreational fishing community if it is their hidden agenda to kill off recreational fishing? BC fishermen and MPs should push for Ottawa to let BC handle our own salmon management. DFO is not being fair to their fellow Canadians!!!

In my limited fishing experience, I haven't done better than 24 pink in 3 hrs before. I thought my skill must improved significantly since the run was small. However, this fk board eventually admit there are 9 million fish. What a shame to ruin my self illusion.


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #277 on: September 13, 2019, 05:01:54 AM »

I thought something was off when you could ( almost ) walk on the backs of Pink salmon is some areas of the Fraser. It's crazy out there. We went Sturgeon fishing after catching our Limit and counted 16 floaters in an hour as well. Soooooooo many Pinks at the Sumas mouth. No wonder DFO isnt enforcing the regs.  This political game that's being played is circus show.


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #278 on: September 13, 2019, 05:57:03 AM »

By now, one thing that has become so obvious to fishing community is that majority of DFO decisions and enforcements have been based on political gains. It’s a shame that under the name of conservation they exclude rec fishermen from their natural rights. We learned this by having numerous meetings with DFO and Jonathan Wilkinson himself. They have been completely closing their eyes and ears and simply following their own agenda. It’s time for those of us who love the conservation and yet like be able to enjoy and practice using their natural resource to stand up educate and made aware not jut fishermen but the entire community of what is going on.
My apologies to bring this up in the report section but couldn’t help it.


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #279 on: September 13, 2019, 09:52:11 AM »

They are still coming.  Exceeding 8 Million today for sure.  ;)

08-Sep    373,400   HA   4,014,900   328   44.28   392   29.29   
09-Sep    616,800   HA   4,631,700   92   12.76   676   50.78   
10-Sep    1,402,000   HA   6,033,700   115   15.53   418   31.35   
11-Sep    844,400   HA   6,878,100   70   10.52   261   19.58   
12-Sep    848,400   HA   7,726,500   63   8.83   229   17.18   
13-Sep       No-Est      54   7.34         


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #280 on: September 13, 2019, 09:59:51 AM »

Fishery Notice
Category(s):COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
Subject:FN0921-COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine and Troll - Fraser River Pink - Area B and H - Area 29 - 2019 ITQ Demonstration Fishery

In 2019, Area B seine and Area H troll Fraser River Pink harvest opportunities
will be managed as Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) demonstration fisheries.

Key elements of the Fraser River Pink ITQ demonstration fishery are as follows:

1. The Fraser River Pink ITQ will be determined by DFO by dividing the Area B
Fraser River Pink allocation (82.5%) by the total number of licensed vessels
for Area B (169) or 0.48817% per licence. The ITQ percentage is multiplied by
the available commercial Fraser River Pink TAC (determined by DFO in-season) to
determine the ITQ in pieces of salmon. The Area H Fraser River Pink ITQ will be
determined using the same formula, i.e. by dividing the Area H Fraser River
Pink allocation (10.0%) by the total number of licensed vessels for Area H (77)
or 0.12987% per licence. The quota share will remain fixed in-season (subject
to amendments for seasonal quota transactions).

2. The available commercial Fraser River Pink TAC will be distributed over the
course of the fishery (in increments) rather than all at once and will be
announced by fishery notice and adjusted if necessary following Fraser Panel
meetings (usually Tuesday and Friday) depending on abundance and stock

3. Sockeye encounter rates will be assessed for both Area B and H fleets. The
Sockeye encounter rates will be based on independent At-Sea Observer data.
Different encounter rates may be used for each fleet (B vs H)and time (daily).
Note: The same encounter rates will be applied to all vessels in each fleet in
each Area on a given day, except those vessel with a stationary Observer that
have an encounter rate less than the fleet average.

4. Quota will be transferable in whole or in part within each licence area
(e.g. Area B to Area B or Area H to Area H) as well as between licence areas
(e.g. Area B to Area H or Area H to Area B). Transfers to other gears are not

5. Quota may be reallocated as a percent (for the season) or by pieces (e.g.
temporarily to cover an overage).

6. Overages must be covered by a quota reallocation within 24 hours of landing
and validation (the '24 hours rule'). Vessels are not permitted to recommence
fishing until all overages have been covered.

7. An increase in the TAC cannot be used to cover an overage. The quota being
transferred to a vessel in an overage situation must be quota that was
available prior to the TAC increase.

8. Overages as a result of a run downgrade must be covered by a quota

9. An overage occurring as a consequence of a decrease in the TAC will not have
to be covered if the fishery is closed for the duration of the season.

10. Licence eligibility holders are strongly encouraged to designate a signing
authority prior to the start of the fishery. This designation permits someone
else to authorize a quota transfer if the license eligibility holder is out
fishing and is unable to complete the required transfer application. The
designation and reallocation forms can be obtained by contacting:

A/Resource Manager Erika Watkins

11. Start and end fishing reports are a requirement for Area B and Area H and
must be completed according to conditions of licence.

12. Daily catch reporting for Area B and Area H must be completed according to
the conditions of licence (e.g. phone in by 08:00 hours of the day after
fishing for the previous day's catch, etc.).

13. Catch validation will be mandatory and individual licence eligibility
holders will be required to cover the cost of catch validation provided by a
salmon offload observer service provider authorized by the Department.

14. Catch prohibited on board the licensed vessel while fishing include:
- No salmon caught while fishing in a non-quota fishery shall be on board the
licensed vessel while fishing in a quota fishery.
- No salmon of any species that are not permitted to be retained under the
authority of this licence at the time and area being fished shall be on board
the licensed vessel.
- No quota species caught under the authority of another licence shall be on
board the licensed vessel. For clarity, all quota species on board the vessel
shall be counted again the vessel's Area B or Area H quota.
- Any fish that have been landed and validated.

15. Area B and Area H vessels will be permitted to move fish from one vessel to
another on the grounds. All vessels are required to document in the Offload
Catch Report section of the logbook or e-log, when fish has been pooled
(transhipped) onto another vessel or vessels. If a vessel transports and lands
fish from other vessels the catch is assigned to the landing vessel. Quota
reallocations must be made within 24 hours of landing if the landing vessel has
a quota overage.

A copy of the guidelines for the 2019 ITQ demonstration fishery is available in
Appendix 7 of the 2019 Integrated Fisheries Management Plan for Southern BC at
the following link.

IFMP Southern:

An Area B and Area H ITQ package is available at the following link and
includes the temporary reallocation forms and designation forms.

For more information regarding the ITQ package please contact Jessica Ottley at
250-627-3007 or by email


Christine Bukta 250-286-5888 or
Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0921
Sent September 13, 2019 at 0941



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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #281 on: September 13, 2019, 03:44:42 PM »

During the Panel meeting on Thursday the run size for Pink salmon was increased
from 5.0 million to 8.9 million with Area 20 timing of August 17. Recent daily
escapement estimates at Mission peaked at 1.4 million on September 10 and
decreased to 848,390 on September 12. At this run size international TAC
increased substantially resulting in the scheduling of additional US fisheries
that began today. During today's Panel meeting Canada announced the scheduling
of ITQ fisheries for Areas B and H in Area 29. See the PSC Regulatory
Announcement for details on the US fisheries and the individual DFO Fisheries
Notices for Areas B and H in Canada. First Nations fisheries for FSC purposes
will continue to be considered for Pink salmon. First Nations economic
opportunity and recreational opportunities for Pink salmon are also being
considered. Information on any recreational opportunities will be communicated
in separate DFO Fisheries Notices.


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #282 on: September 13, 2019, 03:49:08 PM »


So....... the rules that was never enforced will potentially be lifted. Goes to show their decision was political overall. Just a joke.


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #283 on: September 13, 2019, 04:38:27 PM »

Waters: Tidal waters of the Fraser River (downstream edge of the CPR Bridge at
Mission to the mouth).

Management measures: 

Effective September 14 until September 20, 2019:
- The daily limit for Pink salmon is four (4).
- The daily limit for Chum salmon is four (4).
- You may not retain Chinook or Coho salmon.
- No fishing for Sockeye salmon.
- You may not use bait when fishing for salmon.

In the tidal Fraser River, fishing for salmon is only permitted from one hour
before sunrise to one after sunset each day.

Variation Order numbers: 2019-RFQ-504, 2019-RCT-505


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Re: Fraser Pinks 2019
« Reply #284 on: September 13, 2019, 04:44:25 PM »

The Fraser will remain closed until Nov 1st. That won't change.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2019, 04:50:07 PM by wildmanyeah »