February 2nd, 2005: Southeastern Vancouver Island Trout and Bass Survey

The British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (WLAP), is investigating ways to improve sport fishing opportunities for anadromous (sea-run) cutthroat trout and smallmouth bass on southeast Vancouver Island from Campbell River to Sooke. My job is to compile and summarize sport fishing information from local anglers, which will then be used to make recommendations for the fisheries.

Attached are two surveys, one for anadromous (sea-run) cutthroat trout anglers, and a second for smallmouth bass anglers. If you angle either of these species on southeast Vancouver Island, please fill out the appropriate survey form and return it to BioScape Environmental via email, mail or fax.

Mail: Box 1051, Royston, BC V0R 2V0
Fax: 250-334-0050

Please note that you can fill the survey out electronically by typing in the grey fields and clicking the grey boxes. Make sure to re-save the file before emailing it back. The surveys are due back by FEBRAURY 16, 2005. Feel free to forward the surveys onto other anglers.

Any information that you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your participation in this important survey.

If you have any questions please call or email me directly.

Michelle Roberge MSc RPBio CPESC-IT
BioScape Environmental
Fax/Phone: 250-567-6930
2619 Lampitt Avenue
PO Box 2584
Vanderhoof, BC
V0J 3A0

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