Well a big OUCH !
My faith in the Lions to come up with a big game cost me $$$ ( bet & lose )
13-10 loss.
A lousy 10 pts at home.
In the red zone & picked off.
2 interceptions.
How many times was Reilly sacked & also roughing the passer....
Honestly staying in the pocket works only if your O line can protect the passer. 9-10 the pocket protection collapses.....
So why stay in the pocket?
Reilly has to drop back & then roll to his right....
The other night (Thurs) the Raiders D line was bringing in the rush but the Green Bay QB ran to his right to buy time. If he did not roll out he would of been steam rolled on every passing down.
Raiders were just totally busting thru the O line with ease. Exhibition game played in Winnipeg.
If I knew the Tigercats would only score 13 pts my conclusion this game is a Lions win.
Honestly give Reilly 2 weeks off to rest his body & mind & put O'Brian in. Possibly he could jump start this team. Anything just anything.
This team is rock bottom.
Bright spot was the D played a very good game.
It's amazing the Lion fans are not booing loudly.
Guess they have pity on the players & coaches.
Hate to say this but maybe big changes coming this week?

Firings or big trades or players let go...something has to be done to shake up this team.
Jennings Lulay QBs got pressured a lot but they rolled out of the pocket to buy time & throw down field.
Yes the O line should allow Reilly time to set up & throw but if they cannot then Reilly smell the coffee & scramble time. Better than sitting in the pocket & getting crushed over & over.
2nd down 3rd down punt...
They missed a field goal that was not far away & threw a pick when in the red zone.
10 pts right there that wins this game 20-13. OUCH.