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Author Topic: Bar Fishing The Fraser Today, July 30, 2010  (Read 3162 times)

chris gadsden

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Bar Fishing The Fraser Today, July 30, 2010
« on: July 30, 2010, 12:16:13 AM »

The Leaf Craft was tuned up by Doc Ernie and Chad yesterday and is excited to be making her first trip to the Fraser for 2010 this morning. I hear her purring in the yard at this minute. ;D She has asked Gary to come along as well.

She was very angry that she did not make the 9 day trip to the ocean that ended yesterday as she would have liked to had a few of the fish taken come aboard. (I have to find the time to write The Journal along with some pictures of the trip to Winter Harbour)

I heard at least one chinook taken on Maple Leaf Bar yesterday so that, or Maple Leaf Bar #2 will be the destination to fish the good Doctor, #0.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 12:35:38 AM by chris gadsden »

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Re: Bar Fishing The Fraser Today, July 30, 2010
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2010, 01:00:32 AM »

Hate to tell you this Chris, but the purring that is emanating from your backyard isn't your Leaf Craft. ;D

chris gadsden

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Re: Bar Fishing The Fraser Today, July 30, 2010
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2010, 01:10:33 AM »

Gary and I were on the water by 9 o'clock after paying $100 for a pass that I thought would let us park overnight if we decided to camp out later in the season. While we were launching Rick and his wife were also putting in for their first trip of the season, while talking they said the overnight pass was for Friday and Saturday nights only. ??? Not impressed as they did not tell me that before I got the pass.

We decided to head to Maple Leaf Bar # 2 as it was empty of any anglers. Besides CEJ said that is where we should go. Rick's boat headed to Maple Leaf Bar proper.

Gary and I quickly set up our two rods and put up a sun shade of a tarp as it was already fairly warm. Boat traffic was fairly light but I saw a lot of rods at Wellington Bar while crossing over from the launch where there was about 50 boat trailers parked.

It was good to be on the bar again as we settled in with anticipation of hearing the bell toll but by 4 when I had to leave to attend the Bodman's 50Th anniversary party things were silent. :o

The only excitement when having one of two naps my phone rang just as I was dozing off. It was Rodney, what a time to phone..;D but he was just returning my call of earlier.

Anyway just as we started to talk Gary said " Chris, Chris" in a fairly loud voice. Thinking I had a fish on I said "Rodney I got one on got to go" as I dropped the cell phone in the rocks and sprang from my temporary bed on the rocks. As I looked at the rod I saw it still sitting comfortably still in the rod holder, in the Leaf Craft. It turned out it was just someone in a boat just stopping by for a chatand Gary wanted to let me know, I could not see the baot because of the tarp. As I was still groggy from my short power nap I donot even know who it was. I got a full nap later and Rodney called again but this time I did not hear the phone ring. I returned the call later and of course he wanted an update on the so called fish I had on, he laughted when I told him what it was. ;D ;D

We saw a number of sockeye jumping, close in too and when a friend dropped by later he said a few people that were flossing where getting lots of them.  ??? ::)I was not impressed with that, especially when they were not open. Should be bar fishing in my books.

Also heard through the grapevine 2 or 3 hooked at Wellington and one landed at MLB, sounded slow today for the bar guys.

After we packed up and on the way out I got the $50 refunded on the overnight pass as I would not be staying out on bar on the weekend. Will give bar fishing a rest for a few days and try another flow, after the long weekend, the Thompson maybe as the rainbows will be biting the grasshoppers Rodney  ;D ;D and maybe the odd jack will be in.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 01:15:04 AM by chris gadsden »


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Re: Bar Fishing The Fraser Today, July 30, 2010
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2010, 11:37:10 AM »

They are a bunch of crooks at Island 22.
Not to long ago, I let them know as I was going through that I just wanted to take a quick drive to the boat launch to see what's going on and talk to the person who was recording the fish harvest.
They insisted on charging me money.....I didn't even have a boat with me. I had to park outside the park and walk in.....I mean a walk is good for me but that's not the point.

Up until about 10 years ago or so, Island 22 was a real nice place to do a variety of things....Now it's just another touristy gongshow. Not to mention you used to be able to drive into (for free) and fish the west shore (no longer exists) which had really good fishing at times.


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Re: Bar Fishing The Fraser Today, July 30, 2010
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2010, 03:58:56 PM »

My sentiments exactly. I haven't launched my boat there for the last two years. It used to be a great place to go in the evening , talk to anglers and meet friends. Now it's $$$$$$$$$ and for what? One lousy out house.


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Re: Bar Fishing The Fraser Today, July 30, 2010
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2010, 04:37:42 PM »

I thought you would have cleaned the river out!! oh well, the curse of the leafs continue!


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Re: Bar Fishing The Fraser Today, July 30, 2010
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2010, 08:13:47 PM »

With regards to Island 22,  are people really that surprised. Listen if there were people on the Chilliwack city council that actually cared about that park I would be suprised. Aside from the boat launch and the equestrian club what else is out there? The campground fell into the Fraser River, because no one had the forsight to build up the rip rap to protect that land and with that went a fair chunk of their revenue from the park. Now their mandate is to nickel and dime everyone who tries to use the park.  The park could have been a great place, but how does that saying go, "how can you soar like an eagle, when you are flying with a bunch of turkeys".

chris gadsden

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Re: Bar Fishing The Fraser Today, July 30, 2010
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2010, 08:14:55 PM »

They are a bunch of crooks at Island 22.
Not to long ago, I let them know as I was going through that I just wanted to take a quick drive to the boat launch to see what's going on and talk to the person who was recording the fish harvest.
They insisted on charging me money.....I didn't even have a boat with me. I had to park outside the park and walk in.....I mean a walk is good for me but that's not the point.

Up until about 10 years ago or so, Island 22 was a real nice place to do a variety of things....Now it's just another touristy gongshow. Not to mention you used to be able to drive into (for free) and fish the west shore (no longer exists) which had really good fishing at times.

We have entered the days of user pays, saying that BB ers  should pay double. ;D ;D

chris gadsden

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Re: Bar Fishing The Fraser Today, July 30, 2010
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2010, 08:18:04 PM »

I thought you would have cleaned the river out!! oh well, the curse of the leafs continue!
That soon will change, good fishing and the Stanley Cup go together we soon will be Rolling, Rolling, Rolling Right Along.  ;D ;D ;D Boy it feels good to say that again. ;D ;D