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Author Topic: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary  (Read 9367 times)

Little Hawk

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Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« on: January 01, 2009, 10:09:05 AM »

Happy New Year to all of You!

Well can you believe it? It's been a year today since the Wild Salmon Alliance was born.

So, I thought it prudent to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who saw fit to jump on board this thing and support it.

First, a special thanks to Karen Jones, our web-master, for her efforts to keep the website up and running throughout.
And again, I take my hat off to the late Bob Jones for all his help, encouragement, and guidance, he so selflessly gave to help me organize this initiative.
I miss him dearly.

On a personal level, the last year has been a tough-go at times for me, especially those occasions when I upset WSA people and my fellow sport-fishermen (the very people whose interests' I've tried to stand up for) by allowing my big-mouth to run faster than my brain at times. To date this is my greatest regret, and I can only offer my sincere apology to any of you I've pushed away, and ask that we all now move forward and continue our battle against this environmental-holocaust that is, among other things, killing Wild Pacific Salmon.

So, realistically, after one year what has the WSA accomplished? We still have fishfarms and even as you read this the industry is moving to expand and consolidate it's environmentally-lethal purchase on our coast-line before the spring election. We still have a Premier with his head-up-his-my friend, and he along with other political forces - who could in a heart-beat stop this madness - are in all likelihood still being paid a hefty sum by the industry to keep their collusive-heads just where they are.

One could argue the WSA hasn't amounted to a hill-of-beans so far.
Perhaps, but I (we) are not done yet.

I'm in the last stages of trying to address some legal issues prior to the launch of what I intend to be a massive pre-election public-awareness campaign directed solely at implicating our Premier and his complicity in the fish-farming fiasco. In my view, our best chance to bring some immediate and much needed respite to Wild Pacific Salmon is to get these salmon-farms out of our waterways, and the most practical way/route to achieving this is by going directly for the snake's-head; namely, Gordon Campbell. He has the power to stop it; he has ignored the plea's and cries and countless letter's from the scientific community, sport/Native/commercial fishermen, First Nations' peoples', environmentalist's, and every-day Joe's like you and me.

So, now it's time to play ball - it's time to get him un-elected, and send a message - loud & clear - to all future would-be autocrats intent on messing with our fish (our childrens' fish) and Coastal marine ecology. Frankly, I'll gladly suffer through 4-years of potential NDP bungling to arrest Campbell and the vicious Liberal assault on Pacific Salmon and our precious rivers & streams.

When I have the last piece's in place for this campaign (legal council, trust-fund account for advertising expenditures) you'll be hearing from me again as I
ask for your help in raising funds to launch this campaign that will surely put fish-farming and Gordon Campbell's face on the same page in the public-eye, well before the spring election.

Standing for Wild Salmon,

Terry Anderson (

Wild Salmon Alliance

PS. If there are any 'FishBC' members frequenting this forum, please feel free to copy/paste this post to that forum. One or more of the Mod's there have taken issue with me and banned me from posting there.


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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2009, 01:24:46 PM »

So vote out Campbell because of fish farms? If you vote for a party based on one thing you are voting for the wrong reasons... If your voting for a party please make sure its for many reasons not just one reason.

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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2009, 02:22:57 PM »


Thanks for the response bbron...

If the fish-farming tragedy isn't enough to motivate you to take a hard look at any Liberal alternatives this spring, perhaps our illustrious Premier's assault on hundred's of BC's fish-bearing rivers & streams might.


I fish both in salt & fresh water and I truly believe Campbell could care less if there's any fish around for my kids.



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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2009, 02:29:53 PM »

I am saying that people should not vote solely on fishing and fish. Their are too many other issues that concern BC people that voting solely on the basis of fishing is not logical. Is the economy not an important issue to you at all? Being a small business owner I am voting the person that benefits my business and my family the most. As much as the salmon are important to me my family is more important. I have to make sure I have the money for my three children's college education, as well as have money for retirement etc etc..

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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2009, 04:03:07 PM »

I am sorry Brian but if you think the Liberals will help small business you are wrong. Liberals have always = big business. Now even more so then in the past. Gordo has always been big business even before he was mayor of Vancouver. He only got into politics because when he was building his last big project he got nailed by the city of Vancouver for not following his on plans. This was why he became mayor so that this would never happen to any of his BIG business friends of his, many of which are now donating to his party. You will soon see during this tough economic times it will be big business with the tax breaks and the poor small business owners like yourself will be left behind. Sadly it is already happening but it will only get worse in this new year.

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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2009, 05:39:12 PM »

I am sorry Brian but if you think the Liberals will help small business you are wrong. Liberals have always = big business. Now even more so then in the past. Gordo has always been big business even before he was mayor of Vancouver. He only got into politics because when he was building his last big project he got nailed by the city of Vancouver for not following his on plans. This was why he became mayor so that this would never happen to any of his BIG business friends of his, many of which are now donating to his party. You will soon see during this tough economic times it will be big business with the tax breaks and the poor small business owners like yourself will be left behind. Sadly it is already happening but it will only get worse in this new year.

You think the Union friendly NDP well do anything for small business Jeff?

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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2009, 07:34:15 PM »

I am sorry Brian but if you think the Liberals will help small business you are wrong. Liberals have always = big business. Now even more so then in the past. Gordo has always been big business even before he was mayor of Vancouver. He only got into politics because when he was building his last big project he got nailed by the city of Vancouver for not following his on plans. This was why he became mayor so that this would never happen to any of his BIG business friends of his, many of which are now donating to his party. You will soon see during this tough economic times it will be big business with the tax breaks and the poor small business owners like yourself will be left behind. Sadly it is already happening but it will only get worse in this new year.

You think the Union friendly NDP well do anything for small business Jeff?

  Sorry Brian but union friendly is a thing of the past. Yes they where union friendly in the 90's but not any longer. They have already stated that small business and not big business is what will bring this province threw this tough economic times as they collectivly hire more people then big business. They have also stated that they would give small business a bigger tax break then what the liberals did as they know that a small business owner needs it more then big business. But in the end you will see, and if the liberals get back in power( god help us all) big business will thrive, new small business will collapse and the envirnment will need more help then we can give.

<*((((((><                        <*(((((((><                       <*(((((((><Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will phone in sick to work and fish all day


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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2009, 07:34:42 PM »

Oh and sorry for the hijack

<*((((((><                        <*(((((((><                       <*(((((((><Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will phone in sick to work and fish all day


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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2009, 09:00:16 PM »

I guess if it came to choices, I would choose a less self serving reason to vote than whats in it for me finacially over the short term. Vote the bums out. No one likes a Sea Lice dinner. I'd take my chances with the NDP if thats what it takes.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2009, 10:39:26 PM »

I guess if it came to choices, I would choose a less self serving reason to vote than whats in it for me finacially over the short term. Vote the bums out. No one likes a Sea Lice dinner. I'd take my chances with the NDP if thats what it takes.

Wanting a college education for my children is a self serving reason?  Ya I guess I should vote to save the salmon instead of trying to provide for my family. Thats a brilliant idea  ::)

BTW if the NDP get in they will not get rid of the fish farms.


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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2009, 10:06:45 AM »

I guess if it came to choices, I would choose a less self serving reason to vote than whats in it for me finacially over the short term. Vote the bums out. No one likes a Sea Lice dinner. I'd take my chances with the NDP if thats what it takes.

Wanting a college education for my children is a self serving reason?  Ya I guess I should vote to save the salmon instead of trying to provide for my family. Thats a brilliant idea  ::)

BTW if the NDP get in they will not get rid of the fish farms.

Hope he dosen't run your "family" down :)

another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2009, 02:44:45 PM »

What does that DUI have to do with anything? Thats also VERY old news. It has nothing to do with BC politics....

Maybe you just have no clue about family and running a small business.

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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2009, 06:18:46 AM »



As a self-employed carpenter I can relate to your concerns about the viability of your business and your ability to provide for your family.
I'm confident I'll stay busy without Gordie around.

I also have a lot of empathy for the thousands of commercial fisherman who've lost there boats and their livelihoods as the salmon went.
Please don't forget, Wild Pacific Salmon are the life's-blood of the BC economy and growing fish in cages will never replace them. How soon we forget that historically, Mother Nature has shown us over 100,000 tons/annually of drug-free, disease-free, chemical-free, Wild Pacific Salmon grown right here in BC's rivers & streams!

Sadly, Gordie just doesn't get it: So goes our salmon, so goes coastal brown/black bears, eagles, killer whales, seals, sea-lions, First Nations communities, coastal sea-birds & small mammals, the forest's fed by salmon protein, the multi-billion dollar sport & commercial fishing & tourism business and on and on...

My family is 100% supportive of me in my scrape with the fishfarmers. They understand that in the bigger picture it's not just about 'us'.
It's about Gordon Campell's support of an environmental-holocaust called net-pen fishfarming and his latest assault on hundreds of BC's fish-bearing rivers & streams under the guise of 'Green' hydro-power.

My friend, the truth is: Gordon Campbell is as 'Green' as the EXXON VALDEZ!

All the best to you and yours.

Terry Anderson

Wild Salmon Alliance



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Re: Wild Salmon Alliance: Anniversary
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2009, 07:54:45 AM »



As a self-employed carpenter I can relate to your concerns about the viability of your business and your ability to provide for your family.
I'm confident I'll stay busy without Gordie around.

I also have a lot of empathy for the thousands of commercial fisherman who've lost there boats and their livelihoods as the salmon went.
Please don't forget, Wild Pacific Salmon are the life's-blood of the BC economy and growing fish in cages will never replace them. How soon we forget that historically, Mother Nature has shown us over 100,000 tons/annually of drug-free, disease-free, chemical-free, Wild Pacific Salmon grown right here in BC's rivers & streams!

Sadly, Gordie just doesn't get it: So goes our salmon, so goes coastal brown/black bears, eagles, killer whales, seals, sea-lions, First Nations communities, coastal sea-birds & small mammals, the forest's fed by salmon protein, the multi-billion dollar sport & commercial fishing & tourism business and on and on...

My family is 100% supportive of me in my scrape with the fishfarmers. They understand that in the bigger picture it's not just about 'us'.
It's about Gordon Campell's support of an environmental-holocaust called net-pen fishfarming and his latest assault on hundreds of BC's fish-bearing rivers & streams under the guise of 'Green' hydro-power.

My friend, the truth is: Gordon Campbell is as 'Green' as the EXXON VALDEZ!

All the best to you and yours.

Terry Anderson

Wild Salmon Alliance

How are you so sure that with an NDP government you will get rid of the farms or at the very least get them moved on land? The NDP wont do anything. They will just blame the Liberal government for allowing it to happen and that now we are stuck with it. Thats always the way the NDP has done things.

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