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Author Topic: Fukushima Radiation  (Read 3803 times)


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Fukushima Radiation
« on: August 27, 2013, 05:46:21 PM »

so the japanese gov't has raised the level of disaster from level one to level three and declared it a state of emergency, the company who owns the plant was allowed to deal with it themselves and have not done so... the earthquake which caused this was 2 and a half years ago and radiation has been pouring into the ocean since. 300 tonnes leaked recently and theres no signs of it slowing down.. the entire pacific ocean runs the risk of being contaminated and many species of fish are being found with strange lesions and growths. could this have anything to do with the lower returns of pacific salmon? has anyone caught salmon with any strange lumps? also how long before the fish start becoming a health risk to eat? this affects every one of us salmon fisherman who love it and hope to take our children fishing for generations to come...

this video shows somewhat what is happening (narrorator is a bit of a dweeb but u get the idea)

if anyone has any dfo connections do you know if this is even being talked about / considered?

sorry for the rant, sincerely: a concerned fisherman  :-\

more info...


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Re: Fukushima Radiation
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2013, 08:54:42 PM »

guess I should give the inlaws some more fish


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Re: Fukushima Radiation
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2013, 10:03:05 PM »

give the inlaws more fish LOL


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Re: Fukushima Radiation
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2013, 12:36:23 AM »

I like my salmon to glow.

Brian the fisherman

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Re: Fukushima Radiation
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2013, 03:41:05 AM »

California sea lions have been found floating with huge open sores, hair loss and cancerous tumors already.
Tight lines to all


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Re: Fukushima Radiation
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2013, 08:02:28 AM »

Thanks for the post and it certainly does make one wonder about the fish we are catching. That being said, I think there is need for more info as to how this discharge of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean translates into actual contamination of the whole ocean because as it was pointed out in the video that it is after all a huge body of water. I am not an expert and therefore will not try and argue to point, but I think we should all keep a close eye on our catches and should there be any unusual deformity in the salmon inside or out, that it should be made public. Ultimately we are all responsible for the decisions we make in terms of whether we eat them or simply practice C&R.


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Re: Fukushima Radiation
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2013, 09:44:36 AM »

so the japanese gov't has raised the level of disaster from level one to level three and declared it a state of emergency, the company who owns the plant was allowed to deal with it themselves and have not done so... the earthquake which caused this was 2 and a half years ago and radiation has been pouring into the ocean since. 300 tonnes leaked recently and theres no signs of it slowing down.. the entire pacific ocean runs the risk of being contaminated and many species of fish are being found with strange lesions and growths. could this have anything to do with the lower returns of pacific salmon? has anyone caught salmon with any strange lumps? also how long before the fish start becoming a health risk to eat? this affects every one of us salmon fisherman who love it and hope to take our children fishing for generations to come...

this video shows somewhat what is happening (narrorator is a bit of a dweeb but u get the idea)

if anyone has any dfo connections do you know if this is even being talked about / considered?

sorry for the rant, sincerely: a concerned fisherman  :-\

more info...

Be very careful when watching these types of videos. Most of them are simply fear mongering for the sake of getting people worked up and getting hits on youtube. I checked the source Michael Snyder he was citing for his video. He is an ex-attourney who basically publishes propaganda (i.e. profits by getting people scared and wanting to know the "truth", which of course he is aware of for a disaster of this nature given his extensive background in nuclear physics - sarcasm). A quick search revealed a lot of incongruities on what he was reporting and what is being reported from reputable sources and basically, he is exaggerating to get people scared.

So rant of fear mongerers and generally terrible people aside - Fukushima is a major nuclear disaster and of course should me monitored. It is very likely that there has been a significant amount of radioactive material released into the ocean, which unfortunately will have inpacts on the fisheries. One thing to note about radiation induced problems, they are likely in the form of cancers or reproductive issues. Reproduction is going to be the issue that will most effect the fisheries.

My thoughts are, the low number of sockeye this year have nothing to do with Fukushima. Low water and warm water is the most logical issue. Sockeye runs are what? 3 year/ 4 year cycles? This run would have been born and rearing in the rivers well after the disaster. The issue may arise when fully developed fish are swimming in potentially contaminated water, then return to spawn. So, its possible that this and last years crop of spawners may be negatively impacted and not reproduce as well.....unfortunately we wont know this for a few years.

My suggestion, if you catch any salmon that has abnormal growth.....keep it whole and give it to the DFO for testing - (if you can legally keep that fish). The ministry needs to know about any abnormalities in the fish, even if you can't keep it....snap a photo with date/time/species. This type of information is scientifically valid and usable for future research by the DFO and associates.

Tracing the contents of radioactive nucleides within salmon progressively over the next few years seems like an awesome PhD project for the fisheries people at UBC. It may already be ongoing.

Don't get too worked up or worried about this all just yet, simply be aware of what to look for and how to deal with that info if you get it.


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Re: Fukushima Radiation
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2013, 10:27:34 AM »

I'm not quoting him as fact, but the Japanese government raising the alert definitely should raise some eyebrows... They do NOT want to raise it and were doing everything in their power not to as many countries are already boycotting Japanese made products. Thanks for all the feedback, if anything I'm just glad to get people talking about it or considering something they otherwise may have not


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Re: Fukushima Radiation
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2013, 12:58:58 PM »

there are ways for you to test it yourself. anyone who is truly concerned about this issue should buy some sort of test meter. its not enough just to say there is radiation in the salmon. Its also not enough to leave it to dfo to test. do you actually think dfo or the government would say hey dont eat the salmon there is radiation in it. it would be a huge problem for the fishing industry. I do not know enough about radiation and its effect on animals. However I was watching river monsters and he was fishing in Chernoby in the cooling ponds where radiation is high. Yet these fish showed no signs of of being deformed in anyway. I dont think you can go by that alone. Im concerned about this issue, but not enough where im afraid to eat a salmon. maybe vegans are on to something  ???


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Re: Fukushima Radiation
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2013, 02:39:19 PM »

isn't it great that all the mainstream media outlets ran with Miley Cyrus twerking (don't get me started), while this much more relevant issue is going on, and you can barely find mention of it?

Here is another report from a very well respected nuclear physicist that is pretty worked up over it. On a side note, if you have spare time, just start YouTubing Michino Kaku. the guy is a genius with wonderful insight on a range of things.


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Re: Fukushima Radiation
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2013, 02:43:08 PM »

^^ ya exactly forget the fact that the us is about to bomb syria and theres a massive nuclear leak.... hannah montana humped a foam finger! smh  :-\