Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: WEEFISH on October 30, 2008, 08:35:16 AM

Title: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: WEEFISH on October 30, 2008, 08:35:16 AM
Hi  sorry this isn't fishing related but has anyone had any issues with Telus Mobility?  I have a Rogers account and am helping a senior family member with their telus mobility account and have had nothing but problems?? Is this normal from telus?

 Also has anyone switched over to shaw for their home line service? Any comments as I am now looking at switching my home line to shaw?

 Just looking for input from your experiences ...Thanxs
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: Sam Salmon on October 30, 2008, 09:28:52 AM
Shaw isn't perfect it's just 10,000 times better than Telus-which still isn't saying a lot for Shaw. ::)

Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: Easywater on October 30, 2008, 11:55:05 AM
I switched my home phone to Shaw a few months ago and it has worked very well.

I even have a buddy that comes over and uses my phone to call Thailand at $0.05/minute.

Half hour call is $1.50

There are no contracts with Shaw as well.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: clownfish on October 30, 2008, 12:18:42 PM
My wife and I have had Telus cell phones (no texting/email/internet on them) for a few years. The service hasn't been bad, but I wouldn't refer to it as great, mediocre would likely be the best word. Their coverage of the Lower Mainland/Fraser Valley is not the best. I have had access problems in areas where Rogers customers have great reception, for example up around Harrison Bay. I think our contract expires soon, when it does we will definitely change to a different supplier. As far as Shaw for internet access, I'm reasonably pleased, whenever there has been a problem they have been quick to take care of it AND they adjusted my bill to reflect any downtime. I've never used Telus for internet, I only know one person that uses their high speed internet that swears by it. Everyone else that I know that did have Telus high speed swears at it!
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: typhoon on October 30, 2008, 01:22:34 PM
I've had Shaw land line for 9 months and it has been perfect.
No dropped calls, no degraded voice, no loss of service, and more importantly no Telus service (or lack thereof).

I really quite enjoy it when Telus calls me to beg me to come back.
Then I can start my rant all over again about how badly they screwed up and caused me to go to Shaw in the first place.
They hang up rather quickly  :P
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: BwiBwi on October 30, 2008, 03:30:33 PM
Really depends where you are.  In suburbs, shaw is better than Telus.  In Vancouver, Telus' better.  This is esp. true for internet services.  ADSL is dedicated line, which means whatever bandwidth you ordered will stay the same.  Shaw internet is bandwidth sharing, so in populated area, you might slow all the way down to a crawl and in suburb because you might be the only one using internet, most of the time you'll get faster service than you ordered.

In terms of landline, really depends how far away you are from terminal box.  This will determine your line quality.

Mobile coverage between Roger/Telus, again depends where you are.  But most importantly the phone you get.  Nokia in general has better reception than other brands, and because of this it generates more radio radiation.

SO really depends where you are.  But onething for sure, non of the companies appreciates loyal customer.  They only give special rates and promotions to new customer.   >:(
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: bigsnag on October 30, 2008, 05:24:56 PM
I've had Shaw bundled internet and HDtv service for four years now and quite happy with their service. I use the high speed internet service and have not had any down time and no lagging downloads. Tv service has been great,any time there has been an issue with pay per view Shaw has credited me the charges with no song and dance on my part. I bought an HD pvr terminal and  twice had to schedule a service call. The tech came within the first 2 hours of the schedule time slot and replaced the terminal with a newer model both times. Pleased with Shaw as a provider.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: WEEFISH on October 30, 2008, 09:56:45 PM
  ::) Thanxs for the imput...I will be switching to shaw for home phone service.

As for Telus Mobility I am stuck as I am taking over the contract for my 88 yr old father whom is not able to deal with their lack of customer service . No compassion at all  (he just wanted face to face customer service)...they do not offer this!  I'll be dealing with the lovely phone staff now >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: daveyjoneser on November 02, 2008, 09:14:20 PM
Funny just this year where I fish on the vedder my telus phone has no service not good
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: milo on November 03, 2008, 11:49:38 AM
I have Telus's bundle that consists of

-Telus TV lovers package (around 100 channels of digital TV)
-High speed internet
-1000 long distance minutes (NA and overseas).

For just under 100$/month including taxes it is really hard to beat, and the service has been excellent.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: lulu on November 03, 2008, 03:07:11 PM
I never have an issue with my TELUS Mobility phone on the veddar...strange.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: freddy2596 on November 03, 2008, 05:51:56 PM
bwibwi, Where you are makes no difference with Shaw,in fact there segmentation to fiber optical transmitter/recievers(nodes) is more saturated in highley populated areas, most high rise buidings have there own, As for telus TV, try and get high definition, it is availibal but only to limited areas because of the speed required to tranfer data to there box, As for Shaw if you can get cable at your house you can get phone, internet and high def, not trying to sing the praises of the cable company but it is a very good service at this time.........but as anything in the Hi Tech industry just wait till next year and it will change.
signed..The cable guy
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: BwiBwi on November 04, 2008, 03:16:12 AM
Yes as you said more saturated.  Unfortunately the way they do it is guesstimate no. of users in each area and allocated bandwidth accordingly.  Further upload is only about 700 to 900kb for cable.  Cable's performance and stability in TV is definitely better.  As cable's max through put can be as high as 25MB.  Telus ADSL can only be 12MB if you are close to it's remote site.  Unless in the future they switch to VDSL otherwise there isn't enough bandwidth for TV.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: silverslab on November 04, 2008, 08:49:36 AM
My Job dictates that I have to deal with both Shaw and telus on both land lines and cellular as our equipment uses their lines, I have found that shaw's land line phone service is better than telus's by a long shot, the only problem I have found is that when they come to your house to hook it up they will usually only hook up one phone jack (not sure why). As for the internet I have found telus to be better, shaw seems to drop out a lot, it's only a couple of seconds but it happens to me several time a week and is frustrating sitting there waitng for it to come back, other times it is really slow. My experience with cell phones says that rogers blows telus away.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: freddy2596 on November 04, 2008, 06:08:48 PM
BWIBWI, I can,t dispute your upload and down load #,s, but Shaw does not guess at any thing when it comes to #,s and saturation, they know every address that every location feeds and are able to monitor usage, as for band width that never changes.
Silverslab, when doing a phone change over the shaw phone is connected at the demark to the same lines that were on the Telus drop, if there were 5 lines on the same number before there would be five lines when the installer leaves, if you are talking of different phones #,s they have the abillity to connect multibal #'s at the same location
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: BwiBwi on November 04, 2008, 07:04:24 PM
Sorry freddy2596, cable IS bandwidth sharing it operates in a fashion such as hub and not as a switch.  Every cable modem is only capable of a given bandwidth.  The more people the slower it gets. Cable companies will not change their termial everytime one or two more customers are added to the node.  It's just the nature of cable design.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: lulu on November 04, 2008, 09:31:41 PM
Major difference with TELUS and Shaw home phone is technology.  I can't speak for quality of Shaw as I've never tried.  But from what I heard/know...TELUS' phone is powered from their Central office...that is why in a power failure, your home phone will still work.  Shaw has a backup battery but this doesn't last long from what I heard...somebody correct me if I'm wrong. 
The other thing I have heard is about 911 service.  Unless things have improved, I have heard of emergency services being dispatched to wrong addresses for those who use IP technology phones.  TELUS is regulated by the Gov't to provide 911 service, always have, always will.  The newer providers don't use the same 911 service as TELUS and therefore don't have the experience in it.  Another issue I have heard is if you live in an apartment building, there are sometimes issues with your enterphone front door entry system when you use Shaw but I believe they have a fix for this now.

As for price, if you use long distance, I believe Shaw has some great Long distance plans.  I like my hardline connection, don't make any LD calls and I like the security from the infrequent power outages we face in the LM so I stick with TELUS.
As for internet, TELUS is starting to lay fibre optics...starting with High rises/apartments and next with new single family homes.  (Similar to what Verizon is doing down south).  This will allow speeds upwards of 100mbps one day...eventually even 1000mbps for apartments.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: testo84 on November 05, 2008, 12:42:48 AM
quality ?
uh... it depends on where you live. its all the same just get the promotion package and which one is the cheapest IMO. If you live in a very busy area , I suggest you go with telus because shaw will suck especially the internet because of shared bandwidth ( although it says 10 mbps but you know how expensive is bandwidth ), as the phone both are same because i have both and never experience any differences in terms of quality unless you are some kind of musician that are sensitive to sound.

so summary

phone = same same same same except the marketing of course ( even a shaw guy told me its all same who cares about telus or shaw phone )
internet = depends on area if you use shaw you have faster connection when you live in a quiet area ( of course because of that shared bandwith ) , but telus you will have a dedicated single DSL phone line ( yes it is good when the BGP isnt populated with bittorrent users since telus 5 GB / month limitation is just a BS created by them, while shaw enforces it unless you get an extreme package one for $58 )
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: testo84 on November 05, 2008, 12:51:55 AM
Yes as you said more saturated.  Unfortunately the way they do it is guesstimate no. of users in each area and allocated bandwidth accordingly.  Further upload is only about 700 to 900kb for cable.  Cable's performance and stability in TV is definitely better.  As cable's max through put can be as high as 25MB.  Telus ADSL can only be 12MB if you are close to it's remote site.  Unless in the future they switch to VDSL otherwise there isn't enough bandwidth for TV.

are you saying kb or kbps ? get your fact right its kbps before you start an argument that makes your argument looks really weak :)
just my 1 cent
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: BwiBwi on November 05, 2008, 01:26:14 AM
You're funny Testo, we're talking about through put everyone knows.   ::)
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: janders on November 12, 2008, 02:54:43 PM
Telus has caused me more headaches than i wish to even begin with. Their costumer service is my biggest complaint because normally if you call their tech support its someone reading off a computer prompt telling them what to ask and how to answer. and when they contract out for ACTUAL tech support where sometimes you dont even get called back. Or if they do call and your not home they dont leave a message with a call back number or anything.

Shaw isn't perfect either but Telus has alot to fix before ill ever go back to them.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on November 12, 2008, 08:10:30 PM
Telus = sitting on the phone for 60 minutes waiting for someone to finally get to you
Shaw = no more than 5-10 minutes

We have Shaw for eveyrthing. We make lots of long distance calls and have unlimited long distance on our plan. Our total phone bill/month with unlimited long distance is $50/month. With Telus our phone bill was over $100/month.

Its a no brainer to me.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: jgb on November 15, 2008, 02:20:21 PM
My experience is that Telus is a nightmare to deal with.  When I've called in before I've been put on hold for 10mins, then transfered to another department to sit on hold again, only to be transfered again.  Terrible company to deal with if there are problems, but that said it is now working fine.  So Telus is fine as long as you don't have to deal with them.  I plan on leaving them for shaw once my CONTRACT runs out.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: salmon river on November 16, 2008, 02:58:27 AM
Telus was ok but I switched to SHAW because Telus people were not so friendly and that stupid long distance fee even when made no ld calls..

I have had no problems with the phone and SHAW's regular high speed seems quicker than Telus but the most important thing is SHAW employees are very friendly on the phone and even the fellow that came in to hook my phone and internet up.

I have cable, phone and net with shaw and I have been very happy and even when I call for 'stupid' questions ha ha the people I have talked to are very friendly. So I am happy. Plus you save a couple bucks with the bundling.

For the phone I just got their bare bottom one (Digital phone basic) a phone line and call display for $20.95 a month 4¢ a minute long distance for when I call Kamloops and Fort St. John. No charges for long distance when you do not even make LD like telus and the price is lower.

I did have the 'lite' for a couple months for 29.95 but I never used any of the other features.

I also still have an old answering machine I bought many years ago at Woodwards (Remember them?)  so i am happy.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: adriaticum on November 16, 2008, 09:32:17 AM
I've been with Shaw for many years and cable Internet from Shaw is a much more reliable service than ADSL from Telus.
Being an IT professional I've seen Telus deteriorate over the years. They used to be a good company when they moved into BC, but not anymore.
Telus is on the way out. Their services are deteriorating, customer service is non-existent and their cellular technology (CDMA) is being discontinued.
They will have to find ways to switch to GSM (what Rogers is using) and that will make or break them. With the economy being what it is, if they don't have cash they will struggle.
They are losing customers to Rogers at a high rate and they can't afford to wait to switch to GSM, they also can't afford to do it.
Catch 22.
Whether the service is 0.5 Mbps or 1.5 Mbps, doesn't really matter. Most people don't notice.
What they notice is service outages and customer service attitudes at Telus.
I personally switched my cell phone from Telus to Rogers when they announced they would sell XXX content on their network (which they later reversed because people were switching away).
Just shows you the integrity of the executive management at that company.
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: WEEFISH on November 16, 2008, 02:49:22 PM
Thanxs for all the replies. Unfortunately my elderly father bought a telus cell phone and we have had nothing but customer service issues. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just me! I have now taken over the contract to take it off his hands. And the issues....
but I also plan to keep my rogers line as well so I don't regret canceling it!  Maybe have to cancel my telus home line instead ;D ;D ;D ..... Hopefully this contract runs out fast!!
Title: Re: TELUS-vs-SHAW
Post by: salmon river on November 16, 2008, 06:55:16 PM
Didn't shaw get one of the bids for cell service or something a few months back when some were put up for sale? If they ever come out with a cell and the price is right I may get a cell phone again, hopefully if they do they keep their no contract policy.