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Author Topic: Trouble Brewing in Port Alberni  (Read 5814 times)


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Trouble Brewing in Port Alberni
« on: March 31, 2009, 02:04:10 PM »

 Long and a bit of a convoluted tale here...
Long and short of it is the Hupacasath Band is proposing to install and Eleven Hundred Square Feet by 65 feet plus tall "Transformation Centre" on the current marina site. Any that have been there in the summer must realize that this action will effectively kill the viability of the marina, and completely dominate the waterfront skyline. The marina is already oversubscribed, extremely busy, and brings in a lot of desperately needed cash flow to this depressed economic area (much more so than the proposed centre ever possibly could). The proposal received Community and funding support initially - when based on land the Band already owns on Victoria Quay. Since then a series of sleight-of-hand manoeuvres and back-room deals have occurred, to the extent that the development now wishes to occupy land held by the Harbour Commission (who graciously suggested a lease rate of one dollar per annum - without seeking the required public support to do so. Can you say collusion?)

There is more to this story, so if the matter doesn't interest you, carry on...
For those that are interested, a series of information cut and pastes regarding this situation follows:

I am sending you the emails for the Port authority to be submitted to the board of the Port authority. It would be great to send a letter from an out of town perspective on how you think this center will disrupt the marina and possibly lose out on revenues from out of town fisherman and boaters. It might help if you expressed your opinion that you may go elsewhere to fish if there is too much disruption and traffic problems at Clutesi haven marina. Parking is also an issue, as we will lose some onsight parking. The natives have proposed additional parking on their other properties behind the greenwood, and a pay shuttle service for fisherman and tourists as there will be quite a distance to walk to the ramp after parking your vehicle. With this plan, the roundabout road access to the marina office, moored tenants ramp/gas dock, and cleaning station will no longer be in place, and you will have to park and walk to bring fish to the cleaning station or drop supplies off to your moored boat at the gas dock. This center will also infringe on the launch, and the launch will infringe on the new parking spaces made. You can imagine how much land alone an 11,000 sq ft building will take up on our waterfront and greenspace as it stretches the entire waterfront to the launch, not to mention the landscaping etc. There will be shuttle buses and tourist buses also adding to the mix that will be turning off river rd to access this center. Any ways, there are lots to consider. We just feel it will deplete the functionability, and maneuverability at the marina, and add more stress to an already stressed marina. The old office building is coming down and being replaced, and the Port Authority had plans last year to expand there new building to include leased out spaces for a possible eatery, tackle shop, and marine retail on the premises. These plans are now in the tank because the city suggested to the Port authority behind closed doors to scrap those ideas and allow the natives to build this center and take over a portion of the port authorities leased out space on the land. The whole town is pissed off about this. I will also add that china creek is no longer serving gas right now, so there is even more added stress to the marina as it is the only gas available on the inlet now. We feel this center may reduce revenues that are created by the sports fishing tourism locally and regionally which are in the millions. The sports fisherman and users of the marina, are fighting this proposal tooth and nail. We need help! We just want the natives to build their new center ACROSS the street on the small ballfield the city wants to get rid of and leave the marina for the purpose the marina was meant for. The fishing and boating industry and future expansion for marine services that are vitally needed. It is also being suggested that the salmon festival will cease if this deal goes through as there is not enough room with this center and a new Port Authority building on the property.

Send your e-mails to and ask her to pass them onto the board. Also send them to and to pass onto city council

Suggested Letter Format:
Port Alberni City Council
4850 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC
V9Y 1V8
c/o Russel Dyson

Sir /Madam

re:Port Alberni --Hupacasath Transformation Centre Proposal

This project was initially proposed to be located on Victoria Quay and was seemingly accepted by the Community.

Space constraints have proved the initially proposed site to be inadequate for the current Hupasath project proposal.

An alternative siting in the midst of the existing Clutsi Marina is now being pursued by the Hupacasath.

This alternative site is raising Community concerns alleging the following:

1/ The Marina site was not in the original proposal for the Transformation Centre.

2/ The possible re-siting to the Marina will impact severely upon the current operation of the Marina.(parking, maneuvering,traffic flow, increased waiting times to launch and recover etc).

3/ The possible re-siting will preclude improvement/expansion of the Current Marina facilities.

4/ The building of the Centre at the Marina will force the closure of a private business currently on site at the Marina.

5/ The siting of the Centre in the Marina will negatively impact the retailers, maintenance shops, boat sellers and equipment dealers currently supporting and benefitting from the local fishing/boating industry as local users and tourists venture elsewhere because of reduced facilities.

The current public support has been greatly diminished, as noted above, by the proposed change in siting and the location itself which is not without peril.

In consideration of the above listed concerns, I request that Project Proposal for the Clutisi Marina Site denied by Council.

respectfully yours,

Another of the same:
Mr. Bob Kanngiesser, Chairman
Board of Directors
Port Alberni Port Authority
2750 Harbour Road
Port Alberni, B.C., V9Y 1X2

Dear Mr. Kanngiesser and Board Members:

I’m strongly opposed to the Hupacasath tranformation center being located at the Clutesi Haven Marina.

At that location irreparable damage will be done to the sports-fishing industry, boat-ramp users (including commercial fish boats), and our annual Salmon Festival.

Visitation to any interpretive centre at Clutesi can not make up the damage for the loss of tourism dollars that comes from sports fishing there in the summer, for the interference with on-site parking and vehicular movement, for road access to the fish-cleaning station, and for the traffic chaos that could ensue at peak times, both on site and on River Road.

I believe there are other viable locations for the Hupacasath project and urge you to reverse your approval-in-principle for it.

Yours sincerely,


Yes, this is a very controversial issue in town. Not only 11,000 square feet, the proposed development structure is scheduled to stand in excess of 65 FEET TALL! This will have a huge footprint if allowed to proceed, and we can and do foresee a whole world of problems that will be associated.

Personally I am strongly against this initiative. There are much better sites that could be considered that would not interfere with the daily functions of an already extremely busy marina! The old smoke-house site comes to mind - and what a bloody mess that still is! Eyesore doesn't begin to describe it - Really! So, if they were to consider that site, it would not only remove the eyesore, it would also negate much of the controversy associated with the development. 2 Birds One Stone kinda thing.

Final note for now on this one: I am not all that surprised at just how low some are prepared to go in their blind support of this deal. The "Race Card" has been played a tad too often in this regard. Just because a lot of folks are opposed to the development, that DOES NOT make them anti-FN! GET A GRIP!!!

My letter has gone, and I will be attending the related Community Meetings over the next while. If you used our marina services in the past, or intend to do so in the future, I'd suggest it might be worth a few moments of your time to let them know your thoughts. Otherwise, you WILL be spending a LOT more time down the road simply trying to navigate the Horror Story the marina will become...



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Re: Trouble Brewing in Port Alberni
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2009, 11:49:31 AM »

The Plot Thickens...


Notice of Opposition from Tseshaht First Nations Community

This Notice is being posted to advise Chief Judith Sayers, the City of Port Alberni Mayor and Council, the Port Authority and the ICET funding sources that members of the Tseshaht First Nations have the full intent to occupy the proposed Hupacasath development site of the Transformation Center at the Clutesi Marina should any steps be taken to dig upon our lands by Hupacasath.

This land is within the Tseshaht First Nations Traditional Territory and the continued attempted theft of our lands by Chief Judy Sayers will not be tolerated any longer by Tseshaht First Nations members.

We have had enough Judy Sayers of your disrespecting our elders, your refusal to enter into good faith discussions with our elected Chief and Council, and your continued disregard for the blood and bones of our ancestors ends here.

We have had enough and this is where it ends.

To all those people in Port Alberni that are being ignored and displaced by the actions of Chief Sayers and those who support her agenda to take control of the waterfront for her own demonstrably selfish agenda your support will be welcome should the time come for us to physically occupy the Marina to prevent this construction from taking place.

We, as Tseshaht First Nations members, believe our Band has demonstrated our willingness to work with the citizens of Port Alberni by employing Port Alberni residents and businesses in the construction projects our Band Council has undertaken.

We hope that the trust has been built for those who also oppose this proposed project by Hupacasath to know that Tseshaht is a willing partner to work for the betterment of the entire valley and do not seek to displace people from our traditional territories.

Chief Sayers, we have had enough and it ends here.


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Re: Trouble Brewing in Port Alberni
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2009, 03:13:14 PM »

Hopefully it all ends well. We hardly have any boat launchs here anymore. I was suprised how many Victoria has.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?

Sam Salmon

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Re: Trouble Brewing in Port Alberni
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2009, 03:31:14 PM »

The Plot Thickens...


Notice of Opposition from Tseshaht First Nations Community

This Notice is being posted to advise Chief Judith Sayers, the City of Port Alberni Mayor and Council, the Port Authority and the ICET funding sources that members of the Tseshaht First Nations have the full intent to occupy the proposed Hupacasath development site of the Transformation Center at the Clutesi Marina should any steps be taken to dig upon our lands by Hupacasath.

This land is within the Tseshaht First Nations Traditional Territory and the continued attempted theft of our lands by Chief Judy Sayers will not be tolerated any longer by Tseshaht First Nations members.

We have had enough Judy Sayers of your disrespecting our elders, your refusal to enter into good faith discussions with our elected Chief and Council, and your continued disregard for the blood and bones of our ancestors ends here.

We have had enough and this is where it ends.

To all those people in Port Alberni that are being ignored and displaced by the actions of Chief Sayers and those who support her agenda to take control of the waterfront for her own demonstrably selfish agenda your support will be welcome should the time come for us to physically occupy the Marina to prevent this construction from taking place.

We, as Tseshaht First Nations members, believe our Band has demonstrated our willingness to work with the citizens of Port Alberni by employing Port Alberni residents and businesses in the construction projects our Band Council has undertaken.

We hope that the trust has been built for those who also oppose this proposed project by Hupacasath to know that Tseshaht is a willing partner to work for the betterment of the entire valley and do not seek to displace people from our traditional territories.

Chief Sayers, we have had enough and it ends here.


Peyton Place-by-the-Sea!! ::)

Thanks for the update Nogs!


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Re: Trouble Brewing in Port Alberni
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2009, 12:18:46 PM »

Update (From another site):

"We have formed a delegation, Tyee club, Salmon fest, sports fishing advisory, Kiwanis, marina tenants, users, charter outfits, and a bunch of others. This town is ready to explode over this deal. Fish assasin talks about going to china crk...THATS funny as the Port authority hasnt found a manager yet for the marina, and their is no fuel there. This is a really shady deal that was cooked up for 2 yrs when it was originally govt funded, supported and proposed for the Victoria quay site, where the band statues are . Two yrs behind closed doors at city hall, they secretly changed the location to the marina without consulting with any stakeholders or paying tenants. This center disrupts the entire functions of the marina and the fisherman and paying tenants come in 2nd here. The ONLY reason this is out in the open is because people started hearing rumors and so contacted city counsellors, who made the city get it out in the open. The Tseshaht band is madder than hatters over this deal as it is traditionally their land and they are also fisherman too that have seen the site plan just as we all have and it is a crazy place to put it, when they could put it across the street in the for sale ballfield. They are also pissed off because of the lack of consultation with them. "Clutesi" was a tseshat member of their tribe. A very distinguished one. The tseshaht do not wish to displace anyone in our community from the marina, but as a last resort, they will occupy the site, and they have the full support of the boating comunity and the community at large to stop this thing. Their are businesses that are willing to pull the pin on port Alberni if this goes through. The sports fishing tourism brings in millions of guaranteed dollars for the last 50 yrs. This center would sit mostly idle for months of the year, and disrupt everything at the marina. The Port authority was pressured into this. Because of the stringent funding guidelines where you cant displace an existing business the deli at the marina (Petes mountain meats) is out the door. They cant have a for profit business on the site. This center also prevents the port authorities previous plans they had to bring a tackle shop, restaurant, and marine retail into their new building. So it disrupts a whole lotta things at the marina for a center that wont generate the revenue the 3 day salmon fest does, into Port Alberni. Whew! Now you have a little heads up why this is so important. Theres more, but i cant type it all out :) Thanks for your support. BTW you will have to walk 3 blocks to the ramp, and the marina moorers have no direct access to the docks, and their is no direct access to the cleaning station, so you will have to lug all your fish to the weigh in and cleaning. The under ground fuel tanks are another problem all together, that they want to re-locate next to the high way on river rd."

And Going And...


chris gadsden

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Re: Trouble Brewing in Port Alberni
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2009, 01:29:09 PM »

Good work Matt. This is the way to get people to stand up and listen to your concerns when you can get a large group of people to band together like has happened in this case in PA.

If we could ever do that on a much larger scale we could maybe save our fisheries and our fish stocks before it is too late. Pollution of our rivers, fish farms, run of the river projects, over fishing fish stocks, urbanization near rivers and streams, over use of water from Interior waterways due to irrigation needs and gravel extractions from rivers to name a few all compromise the fish and their habitat.

We have seen the last number of years our governments have certainly done very little to reverse this trend and have just made it worse by encouraging many of these activities.

Encouraging thought to see what the groups in Port Alberni have done and I am sure you will succeed.


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Re: Trouble Brewing in Port Alberni
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2009, 10:30:08 AM »

Thanbks for the kind words Chris! Very much appreciated!
And yes, this has very much been a struggle thus far. Even with the Tseshaht Band coming out with loudly voiced dissaproval, the Town Council is baltently ignoring the controversy, and plunging forward with plans to accomodate the development. Crazy! We do have a strong group here, but as always, could use a little external signs of support to hopefully carry the matter through to it's rightful conclusion.

And in related matters...

Seem Chief Sayers' own people might be getting fed up with being the center of controversy:

Alberni Valley News
WEB EXTRA- Sayers defeated in Hupacasath election
By Wawmeesh G. Hamilton - Alberni Valley News

Published: April 02, 2009 9:00 PM
Updated: April 03, 2009 10:33 AM

Judith Sayers has been defeated as chief councillor of the Hupacasath First Nation.

Challenger Shaunee Casavant garnered 70 votes in her first bid for office, and is the tribe’s new chief councillor. Sayers earned 61 votes.

For the two councillor positions, Steven Tatoosh won his first bid for office by taking 97 votes. Incumbent Warren Lauder also won another term with 87 votes. Second incumbent Tom Tatoosh placed out of the running with 52 votes.

Sayers served as chief councillor since first winning in 1995, and remains the tribe’s chief treaty negotiator.

There were 130 votes cast in total. Over 30 people voted from off reserve- one of the highest counts in tribe history. There was one spoiled ballot in the count for councillor.

Watch the Alberni Valley News for updates to this breaking story

One can hope that newly elected chief Shaunee Casavant will be a tad more reasonable to deal with, and consider realistic options to the marina site for their aspirations.
Town Council is still bucking the popular trend on this matter, and has announced it is carrying on with the re-zoning discussions to allow construction to occur at the marina. Seems they isn't quite getting the message it seems. So, it's still worth a letter or two if you haven't already... The more support obviously the better chance we have of seeing this through with some smattering of common sense!
