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Author Topic: Government Seeks Feedback  (Read 4994 times)


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Government Seeks Feedback
« on: October 11, 2018, 02:25:57 PM »

On Gun Control:

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Re: Government Seeks Feedback
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2018, 12:49:20 PM »

Serious flaws in Ottawa's handgun ban consultations

The Trudeau government said they would consult far and wide on banning handguns, they just didn’t specify that it would be world-wide.

Last week the Trudeau Liberals, under Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction Bill Blair, launched an online consultation.

Remarkably, given that it is 2018, the online consultation has a number of serious flaws.

Firstly, there is no limit on how many times any individual can fill out the online survey.

Secondly, it isn’t restricted to Canada.

“An honest and serious public consultation survey on the opinions of Canadians shouldn’t be open to anyone from any country,” said Tracey Wilson.

Wilson is VP of public relations for the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights, a lobby group for gun owners.

“The simplest on polls use technology that prohibits people from doing them over and over. I wonder why Public Safety wouldn’t implement such a simple standard,” Wilson said.

It’s a valid point.

It wouldn’t be hard to fix this but maybe the government doesn’t want to. Tech experts say stopping people from repeatedly filling out the survey or filling it out from outside the country would not be hard.

“Absolutely not,” said one tech expert when asked if it would be difficult to stop the average person from filling out the form over and over again.

The tech, who gets contracts in Ottawa and doesn’t want to be identified, says stopping people from outside the country is also an easy fix.

“Netflix has those kinds of controls. They stop you from watching American programming and make you watch an Anne of Green Gables reboot,” he said.

Meanwhile, Trudeau’s government says they are consulting Canadians.

Truth is, we don’t know who they are consulting.

“We’ve got reports from people all around the world filling in the survey,” Wilson told me.

“Sri Lanka, Cuba, the US, Mexico, Germany. Why is the government of Canada allowing outside opinions to influence legislative considerations?”

It’s a good question and one that the government could not answer.

Several emails and calls to the office of Minister Bill Blair saw questions go unanswered in why the government was wide open, as in world wide open, in terms of seeking input.

Perhaps the answer is found in the statement Blair put out when he announced the consultation last week.

“I am committed to examining all options and hearing all perspectives on this issue,” Blair said.

We just didn’t know it meant the views of people in the United States, Cuba or Sri Lanka.

Or maybe we will be the victim of a Russian hack, it is easy enough to do on the Public Safety website where basic security is apparently optional for a survey.

The Trudeau government said they would study the possibility of a ban on handguns and so-called “assault weapons” but the fix is already in.

The questions are loaded in the survey, the technology is weak.

One of the questions asks, “Should more be done to limit access to assault weapons?”

There is no accepted definition of assault weapon. If I pick up a chair and beat you over the head with it that is technically an assault weapon.

But the Trudeau Liberals point to an old American definition from the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.

They say in the survey, “in general, assault weapons are semi-automatic firearms with a large magazine of ammunition that were designed and configured for rapid fire.”

Or …… firearms already illegal in Canada.

You already can’t legally own a large capacity magazine for most rifles.

Why bother telling the public that when you can scare them.

We have a problem with criminals and gangs using guns in turf and drug wars in Canada but police and politicians don’t know how to deal with that.

So politicians are dealing with what they can control, law-abiding gun owners.

There are more than 900,000 handguns registered in Canada — yes handguns are still registered. The owners of those guns are not the source of the criminal problem in this country.

Yet because Justin Trudeau know he can beat them up for political gain and win votes in the next election, they will be the focus on the crackdown on guns.

The gangbangers shooting up your neighbourhood, that can be someone else’s problem.


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Re: Government Seeks Feedback
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2018, 01:29:25 PM »

Blair’s office dodged questions.

Now I did reach out to Minister Bill Blair’s office for comment on these problems with their survey on October 16. I heard nothing back that day before filing despite two calls and two emails.

Then at 4:30 on Friday afternoon, days after my column was published, I got a response.

Not from the minister’s spokesperson, who has never acknowledged my questions, but from a bureaucrat in the department. Despite these being from the bureaucratic side the lines were clearly political.

They had been put through the process.

Tim, the nice man I had spoken with at the department while trying to track down Blair’s overpaid political flack, told me this online engagement tool was just one method of consulting Canadians.

As for why you can fill it out as often as you want from anywhere in the world, he offered this answer.

    It is designed to be an open, anonymous and barrier-free tool that will provide meaningful feedback to the Government of Canada, including from Canadians living and working abroad.

Or Russian or Chinese bots.

Or American gun control advocates working with their Canadian colleagues.

There are so many problems with this survey.

The email went on to ensure me that the technology involved was robust.

    It is important to note that there are measures built into the online tool and our server infrastructure that help deter cyber-attacks and ensure that responses have been submitted by a human, instead of computer scripts, commonly used by hackers.

Well colour me skeptical but I didn’t see any of the tools I’m used to seeing to stop bots.


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Re: Government Seeks Feedback
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2019, 12:28:28 PM »

What will make you safer is targeting the smugglers who supply gangs with illegal guns from the U.S. and hunting down those who use them in crimes.

Blair made a good announcement on Tuesday in giving money to Ontario to fight gangs and guns. Let’s hope he doesn’t ruin it by attacking duck hunters and sports shooters because they are easier targets than gangsters.


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Re: Government Seeks Feedback
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2019, 05:10:27 PM »

Senator McPhedran spreads false claims about law-abiding firearms owners. It is revealing that some Liberal appointed Senators, like Senator Marilou McPhedran, feel they must falsify evidence to support Bill C-71. Perhaps they realize there is no real evidence to support Bill C-71?


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Re: Government Seeks Feedback
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2019, 01:17:41 PM »

Ottawa under pressure to tighten gun laws after swift action in New Zealand


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Re: Government Seeks Feedback
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2019, 11:17:53 AM »



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Re: Government Seeks Feedback
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2019, 04:41:18 PM »

April 12, 2019

Gun Ban Ruled Out – For Now

OSHAWA, ON – Crime Reduction Minister Bill Blair’s long-awaited engagement report – Reducing Violent Crime: A Dialogue on Handguns and Assault-Style Firearms – has been released and the outcome of that discourse is somewhat encouraging for Canada’s two-million-plus lawful firearm owners who feared a possible gun ban.

“Those 134,917 participants in the government's online questionnaire overwhelmingly believe that a ban on handguns and so-called “assault-style” firearms targets the wrong people. Law-abiding firearm owners are not the problem, violent criminals possessing illicit guns are,” said Tony Bernardo, Executive Director of the Canadian Shooting Sports Association. “Our organization is not surprised by this conclusion and we said as much during the Minister’s in-person roundtable held in Toronto last fall."

CSSA representatives attended the Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal consultations.

At that roundtable, the CSSA also noted that there is no statistical evidence that the banning of civilian firearms would have an impact on the criminal misuse of guns. The only data that was available came from the Toronto Police Service, and it showed that politicians had been grossly misrepresenting the proportion of firearms that originated from our community.

“We agree that a multi-faceted approach (such as more community-based programs, enhanced law enforcement and border services, and harsher punishments and penalties for gun-related crime) is key if we are to reduce the illicit use of firearms. Imposing a gun ban ‘in isolation’ as the Minister noted, is useless,” said Mr. Bernardo.

“Our organization would welcome the opportunity to confer with Ministers Goodale and Blair and the Firearms Advisory Committee to help develop some real solutions to these serious firearm issues,” said Mr. Bernardo. The CSSA was a long-standing member of the federal government’s Canadian Firearms Advisory Committee, the purpose of which, among other things, is to provide the Public Safety Minister with advice on matters relating to Canada’s firearms policies, laws and regulations.

The Engagement Report will now be used to assist the federal government in developing any future changes it may wish to apply to firearm laws… “while not impeding the lawful use of firearms by Canadians,” as stated in the report.

"While it appears there will be no gun ban in our immediate future, the CSSA will continue its efforts to ensure the government of Canada understands and respects our Canadian firearm traditions and the rights of responsible Canadians to have lawful access to their firearms.
– 30 –

The full text of the report is here.

For further information, please contact:
Tony Bernardo, Executive Director


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Re: Government Seeks Feedback
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2019, 02:21:02 PM »

I hope Clement is wrong, and I wonder how credible the source is, but I also know this government is desperate to change the channel on their growing list of failures, scandals and scams. Their numbers in the polls are dropping to record lows, they are experiencing massive pressure from a well-funded anti gun lobby group using a small group of health care professionals to carry their message, and we are less than 6 months from an election … one that is shaping up to make Trudeau a one-term PM.

We are an easy target for a desperate, failed government.


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Re: Government Seeks Feedback
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2019, 01:37:42 PM »
