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Author Topic: A real winner here...  (Read 55754 times)


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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2014, 08:15:43 AM »

Now that we are all on this topic...

Watch this video, specifically after about 3:40. It is of the guy filming his girlfriend cross the river in her track pants and shirt.

If it was up to her knees, whatever. Waist... yeah, maybe if the flow was about walking speed.

But up to her armpits in swift moving water? Come on!!! She wades across a swift moving section of the river and bails at about 4:22. During the time I spent watching this my jaw hit the floor and stayed there... I would never allow my worst enemy to attempt that.

That is ridiculously dangerous and could have ended terribly. There are always a few fishing-related deaths each year...

Not to mention this is in October, and now she might be near hypothermic after that bail.

Also the fish she caught and was cleaning was dark as fudge! Gross.


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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2014, 10:19:20 AM »

With the risk of getting jumped on here…

But when I first got into fishing as a newbie fishing gear, there were trips where I will see all these other "fishermen" land fish after fish using unnecessarily long leaders and huge sweeping hook sets. I was fortunate enough to have friends who are ethical fishermen and was taught proper fishing techniques/ethics. Thinking back, without them I would be one of these "fishermen" whom you all laugh about. Impervious of what's right or wrong.

When I watched the above mentioned videos, I see an enthusiastic angler who wants to share his passion but unfortunately doesn't know any better. In the first video, you can see him attempt to C&R while holding the fish by the gills. Now my first reaction was WTF? Then I asked myself, what if he doesn't know any better? I've seen lots of people abuse fish on river systems and was refreshing to see someone not beaching a fish or kicking them back (sad commentary… I know). Maybe a better approach for us is to try to educate him on proper C&R technique without resorting to public lashing? I would imagine that the message would be better received and the potential of him relying correct information to his viewership would have a more positive result.

Just thinking out loud.

PS. Agree that the lady crossing was pretty dangerous.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 10:26:02 AM by rustybee »


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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2014, 11:14:48 AM »

With the risk of getting jumped on here…

But when I first got into fishing as a newbie fishing gear, there were trips where I will see all these other "fishermen" land fish after fish using unnecessarily long leaders and huge sweeping hook sets. I was fortunate enough to have friends who are ethical fishermen and was taught proper fishing techniques/ethics. Thinking back, without them I would be one of these "fishermen" whom you all laugh about. Impervious of what's right or wrong.

When I watched the above mentioned videos, I see an enthusiastic angler who wants to share his passion but unfortunately doesn't know any better. In the first video, you can see him attempt to C&R while holding the fish by the gills. Now my first reaction was WTF? Then I asked myself, what if he doesn't know any better? I've seen lots of people abuse fish on river systems and was refreshing to see someone not beaching a fish or kicking them back (sad commentary… I know). Maybe a better approach for us is to try to educate him on proper C&R technique without resorting to public lashing? I would imagine that the message would be better received and the potential of him relying correct information to his viewership would have a more positive result.

Just thinking out loud.

PS. Agree that the lady crossing was pretty dangerous.


I took that approach at first, If you've read some of my other threads, I'm usually the first one to help out anglers who I see using less than savoury methods. The problem with this guy is, many people have told him and he refutes their efforts and begins to bad mouth them.

He sees the naysayers are "just jealous". Now of course not everyone is trying to do this nicely, but you would think he might start to get the message when he sees so many people telling him he's doing things wrong.

Watch his videos, he calls out people, he threatens that he's going to share their personal information to the world via his facebook page etc.

This guy doesn't seem to understand a mere change in his attitude and technique might make him a better angler, and not just that but a better public persona. He is very caught up in being "the guy" and gets his kicks from the positive feedback, but does not listen to the overwhelming negative feedback.

He deletes so many comments you're not seeing the whole picture. Not sure if this link works, he deleted it off YouTube and inky left it on his Facebook page.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 11:18:59 AM by Flytech »


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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2014, 11:35:59 AM »

lol... Respect is earned and goes both ways. :)

This is a comment he left in one of our videos two years ago.

"you must be Chinese or Asian dude  No o fence but your lack of understanding of simple logic tells me you are defiantly Asian of some sort"

Enough said.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 08:15:43 PM by Rodney »

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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2014, 11:50:29 AM »

Wow. I can't even.


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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2014, 12:00:51 PM »

lol... Respect is earned and go both ways. :)
This is a comment he left in one of our videos two years ago.
"you must be Chinese or Asian dude  No o fence but your lack of understanding of simple logic tells me you are defiantly Asian of some sort"
Enough said.

Point taken. Didn't know all the history as I thought his FB blog was recently set up. Didn't have a whole lot of time or inclination to look through his posts. Carry on with the lynching!  ;D


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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2014, 03:43:53 PM »

He has "a very sophisticated program that tracks where these comments are coming from".

That's OK I have a tinfoil hat that blocks those programs.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?

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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2014, 04:40:43 PM »

He has "a very sophisticated program that tracks where these comments are coming from".

That's OK I have a tinfoil hat that blocks those programs.

This ^ Made me laugh, thanks...

Btw to keep the topic on track, the guy is a joke. He doesn't ever take advice of others, and will criticize and whine until he gets his way every time. He's not a good angler, and I feel sorry for the people taking his advice off his page. If they want a water report they can go to Fred's page. Fishing advice, anywhere except that guy is a good place to start.

In one of his videos, I almost threw up watching him eat those eggs out of the fish right on the river... I guess he doesn't know that they eggs and all other organs are the most likely to contain parasites/worms. Guess he will do anything to get youtube famous....


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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2014, 05:54:26 PM »

lol... Respect is earned and go both ways. :)
This is a comment he left in one of our videos two years ago.
"you must be Chinese or Asian dude  No o fence but your lack of understanding of simple logic tells me you are defiantly Asian of some sort"
Enough said.
If you were "defiantly" Asian we would need subtitles as you would not be speaking English  ;D

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Roderick Haig-Brown

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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2014, 07:34:58 PM »

I forgot about his eating the roe right from the salmon.


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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2014, 08:05:31 PM »

He has "a very sophisticated program that tracks where these comments are coming from".

That's OK I have a tinfoil hat that blocks those programs.

Try this style and be sure to connect the proper end to the computer screen.



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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2014, 09:26:43 PM »

I watched that video, just where is Sleesy creek? I know where Slesse Creek is and I know where the boundary is below the hatchery. ;D


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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2014, 11:05:20 PM »

see 12:20 mark of

In the comments

Snagging salmon DELIBERATELY is not cool  but float fishing does not prevent snagging unintentionally in any way whatsoever .  Salmon ( when swimming up river ) VERY VERY VERY rarely will "CHASE" a lure to bite it. However they are in a defence mode all the time and when a lure gets close to them they will attack it in anger. Like a bear will attack someone getting close to there cubs this is a built in instinct .  When the fish are travelling in mass schools and darting up and back and forth MANY salmon will run into a hook and get foul hooked It is BAD to cut the line and leave a hook and line in the fish  Play it out Un hook it and realise it is best .float fishing verses snagging is a impossible comparison I have watched MORE salmon being snagged with a float then without and always un intentional Unfortunately those who think otherwise are followers of a FALSE and quit arrogant dictation from anal opinionated narrow minds Sorry and unfortunate  to say :( Remember Salmon DO NOT FEED when swimming up to spawn They will bite a lure that gets " In their face " especially when shooting cloudy  rapid waters .

lol… so painful to read.


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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #28 on: November 01, 2014, 12:30:00 PM »

Very sorry to bring this up As I'm trying very hard to keep this sight family friendly and positive However I am being CONSTANTLY bombarded with childish hater comments on here for no reason at all.( I delete them ) I have tried posting the people pics and so forth that are doing this in hopes that it would stop But... Then other people only see me as a bully because they don't see the unprovoked abuse they sent to my mail box.. So without brining this up again I am just sending a message NOW to say ANYONE POSTING RUDE DISRESPECTFUL OR HATING COMMENTS WILL BE BAN AND BLOCKED FROM SEEING THIS PAGE and using this page as well as be blocked from the youtube channel as well when nasty comments are made there. I hope this is the last time I have to mention it It is SUPPOSED to be 100% positive fun and useful page NOT a sight to vent all peoples anger issues. Thank you to all of those who enjoy this page for what its meant to be and good luck fishing. Please keep up the fun and positive smiling attitudes it will always bring you good karma in life For those who think and accuse the unfortunate common occurrence of unintentional foul hooking as DELIBERATE I would like to recommend a large dose of Ex-Lax to relieve your anal retention It might make fishing more enjoyable and fun for you .

Well I was hoping after enough comments Mr. Ken Wiesner might wake up but it's pretty clear that is not going to happen soon. 



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Re: A real winner here...
« Reply #29 on: November 01, 2014, 12:50:17 PM »

He has "a very sophisticated program that tracks where these comments are coming from".

That's OK I have a tinfoil hat that blocks those programs.
Haha he "outted" the YouTube channel of Screemingreals... Lol thats def  some real sofistacated program seeing how it shows anyone reading comments who posted it, I do have to say tho the fact this guy can even read makes him way more sofistacated then I would have ever thought in the first place. Oh and does anyone know where I can pick up a pair of the Simms breathable jogging wadders he sports? Or the new gore tex wife/coho/chum/spring beater?